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Ask the <strong>Herbal</strong>ist_questions on Women's Issues<br />

To firm breasts which sag from child-bearing or old age, make an infusion of the fresh plant in 2 pints of boiling water<br />

and after 5 minutes strain and place cloths in waters for covering the breasts. Wring out surplus moisture and leave<br />

breasts for 10 minutes repeat several times a day for several weeks will restore a youthful firmness to the breasts.<br />

You may also want to take the herb internally at the same time. External and internal use of an herb is normally<br />

re<strong>com</strong>mend when possible.<br />

The suggested dosage:<br />

As a Tea: 1-2 teaspoons to 8 oz water, steep 30 min, drink 2 cups a day<br />

As an Alcohol Extract: 30-40 drops, 3 or 4 times a day<br />


QUESTION: I am currently going through menopause and am experiencing severe<br />

depression. I have a feeling of doom and all of the changes are throwing me<br />

into depression which I can't seem to throw off. I have also had breast<br />

cancer and am afraid to take hormone replacements. Is there some herbal<br />

remedy that can help menopausal depression.<br />

ANSWER: The simple answer to you question is Black Cohosh. This herb is indicated for this specific menopausal<br />

effect and it may help any others you are experiencing, hope you be<strong>com</strong>e well<br />


QUESTION: Here is a <strong>com</strong>pany claiming these herbs all together will help firm and enlarge breast.<br />

Is this possibly true? Their address is 4ISIS.<strong>com</strong>. Do you have any suggestions?<br />

ANSWER: My answer is probably not, the ingredients listed in their formulas are the following, of the ingredients<br />

listed.<br />

Blessed Thistle, Fenugreek and Fennel are used to increase milk flow in lactating women (nursing mothers) obviously<br />

a nursing women's breast size increases because it fills with milk and milk production glands increase to hole the milk.<br />

Hops is sedating.<br />

Wild Yam Extract has phytoestrogens it is good for menstrual cramps w/ nausea, gas, diarrhea<br />

Saw Palmetto is used to balance hormones in male and female body. It is used for sexual neurosthenia, prostatitis<br />

and a reproductive tonic for FRS and MRS. It has been used for women with ovarian cysts, polycystic ovarian disease<br />

(PCOD), uterine fibroids, UTIs. Although no evidence exists, it has been used for delayed growth of testicles, breasts<br />

and ovaries if there is delayed growth in juveniles. It works via 5 alpha reductase inhibitor.<br />

Chaste Tree does not contain phytoestrogens works via the pituitary balancing the FSH (folicle stimulating hormone)<br />

and LH (lutenizing hormone). Use for elevated estrogen and normal to low progesterone OR normal estrogen and low<br />

progesterone. Elevated estrogen due to exogenous estrogens (in meat, dairy, plastics, pollutants) which lead to<br />

PMS-anxiety (use with motherwort and blue vervain), Menstrual irregularities, polymennoraghia, fibroids, ovarian cysts<br />

especially functional cysts, menstrual headaches, swelling painful breasts (with red clover and maybe a diuretic), part<br />

of a protocol for endometriosis. Vaginal dryness with oats and shatavari. For women <strong>com</strong>ing off of birth control pills<br />

(erratic cycles). Stimulates prolactin. The herb for menopause: regulation of hot flashes especially night sweats with<br />

sage and ox-eye daisy. menopausal anxiety, irritation skin crawling( formacation). Works best long term<br />

Black Cohosh is a good connector herb between Female Reproductive and Nervous System. It is good for<br />

menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, anxiety, post partum pain or depression, lower back pain associated with<br />

menses, dysmennorhea, amennorhea, specific for uterine pain, testicular pain, pain associated with prostititis, uterine<br />

fibroids, uterine prolapse, used in the last 2 weeks of pregnancy to ease delivery<br />

Damiana is good for sexual inhibition due to a distraction of time & energy, increase libido.<br />

Dong Quai strengthen and nourishes and moves blood associated with female reproductive issues, such as<br />

amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, fibroids, ovarian cysts, menorrhagia. Helps with many PMS, menses and menopausal<br />

issues.<br />

MSM is not a herb<br />

Lycium is good for the eyes, good for liver and diabetic conditions.<br />

Royal Jelly is not a herb<br />

Scullcap is sedating<br />

Evening Primrose Oil is rich in essential fatty acids<br />

Comfrey is healing to the skin, increase cell proliferation, rich in nutrients<br />

White Willow Bark is a pain reliever, astringent<br />

Ma Huang is ephedra a energy stimulant, very astringent<br />

http://www.herbnet.<strong>com</strong>/ask%20the%20herbalist/a...erbalist_questions%20on%20women's%20issues.htm (8 of 14) [5/17/2004 9:08:30 AM]

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