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Ask the <strong>Herbal</strong>ist_questions on Pregnancy/Fertility/Nursing<br />

The other herbs normally used to increase breast milk have less cautions. Fennel, Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle can<br />

be easily <strong>com</strong>bined into a nice tea such as produced by Traditional Medicinals in their Mother's Milk Tea.<br />



I have read the information on your site about herbs used to help prepare for and progress through labor,<br />

however, I still have some specific questions that I am hoping you will address.<br />

First, I am interested to know when to start using the Evening Primrose Oil (how long, typically, does this<br />

take to work) and then when to start using the Blue Cohosh (does this typically start to work immediately<br />

or take a week or more to get you to full labor?), and how much to take. Also, would you be able to<br />

direct me to a site where I can find the Mother's Cordial Syrup, as I have had no luck.<br />

I appreciate your time and look forward to your response<br />

ANSWER: .The Blue Cohosh and Evening Primrose Oil should be used 2-4 weeks prior to your delivery<br />

date. If using the Mother's cordial you will not need the Blue Cohosh. As to where you can obtain the<br />

Cordial will carry it in our store and mail order every day, please give us a call and ask for my wife<br />

Susanna.<br />


QUESTION: I just found out I am pregnant with my third child, and I am a little nervous because I had preterm labor<br />

(caused by an irritable uterus) and eight months total of bedrest with my first two children. A few years ago I met a<br />

woman who had had two premature babies, but with her third child she drank an herbal tea for the entire pregnancy<br />

and had no problems with preterm labor. I've looked around and can't find anything that is supposed to relax the<br />

uterus, which this woman said the tea she drank did. I would love to find anything that would help me avoid the<br />

medication and bedrest I had to endure with my previous pregnancies.<br />

I just found out I am pregnant with my third child, and I am a little nervous because I had preterm labor (caused by an<br />

irritable uterus) and eight months total of bedrest with my first two children. A few years ago I met a woman who had<br />

had two premature babies, but with her third child she drank an herbal tea for the entire pregnancy and had no<br />

problems with preterm labor. I've looked around and can't find anything that is supposed to relax the uterus, which this<br />

woman said the tea she drank did. I would love to find anything that would help me avoid the medication and bedrest I<br />

had to endure with my previous pregnancies.<br />

ANSWER: The premiere herb for the uterus is Raspberry Leaf, my wife used it throughout her entire pregnancy to<br />

strengthen and tonify the uterus, her first child she delivered in a couple of hours fairly painfree.<br />

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, they coin a phrase called "restless fetus", which means the baby wants to <strong>com</strong>e out<br />

early..<br />

The following herbs are used for it<br />

Mugwort, in pill form<br />

Eu<strong>com</strong>mia bark as a tea<br />

Scutellaria root, the tea is yucky a alcohol extract would be easier to consume<br />

Dang Qui you must use alcohol extract which relaxes the uterus, as a tea it contracts the uterus<br />

It would be best to find a herbalist and/or a midwife in your area to consult with.<br />


QUESTION: I am hoping you can answer my question. I will be trying to conceive starting in mid May. I am taking a<br />

bunch of herbs that help my hormones, skin and hair :).. I've been taking them for about a year or so, and was<br />

wondering if it was ok to take up until the time i be<strong>com</strong>e pregnant... Can you enlighten me on this.. My nurse<br />

practitioner said that I should stop all of them now. But I would like the opinion of an <strong>Herbal</strong>ist. I will understand if the<br />

Black Cohosh has to go.. etc..Thank you very much..<br />

By the way, I am a pharmacist, and have read many things on herbs,but get conflicting views,etc.. Thanks so much in<br />

advance. I have read most of your answers online already.. but most of them do not deal with pre-conception.<br />

I am taking the following herbs in tinctures, the first 3 tinctures say they have between 47-5-% grain alcohol.<br />

Skin Clear- Yellow Dock,Echinacea,Sarsaparilla,Burdock,Oregon Grape,Red Clover.<br />

Mennaplause- Black Cohosh,Dong Quai,Chaste Tree,Siberian Ginseng,Wild Yam,Oats<br />

Horsetail + Fo-Ti- Horsetail, Fo-Ti, Nettles,Red Clover,Burdock<br />

Squaw Vine tincture with roughly 13% alcohol.<br />

also, Chastetree herbs in capsule form with Dong Quai..<br />

ANSWER: This is the general warning you will see for many herbs, safety for pregnant or nursing women, young<br />

children, or individuals with severe liver or kidney disease have not been established again it is a general warning. I<br />

am in agreement with your nurse practitioner I would go off whatever you can, curiously many issues clear themselves<br />

up during pregnancy and I err on the side of caution. This is your choice in the end you must weight the benefit to cost<br />

ratio. Educating yourself as you are doing is the best solution. One herb which is normally given throughout<br />

pregnancy is Red Raspberry leaf to strengthen the uterus, I would also go on folic acid 800 - 1200 mcg a day. For a<br />

natural childbirth find a Midwife in your area that is familiar with herbs.<br />

http://www.herbnet.<strong>com</strong>/ask%20the%20herbalist/as...erbalist_questions%20on%20Pregnancy_Nursing.htm (8 of 17) [5/17/2004 9:08:03 AM]

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