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Ask the <strong>Herbal</strong>ist_questions on Pregnancy/Fertility/Nursing<br />

Aletris, Unicorn Root, Star Grass, Latin Named: Aletris farinosa<br />

Pipsissewa, Latin Named: Chimaphila umbelata<br />

Artichoke, Latin Named: Cynara scolymus<br />

Chaste Tree, Latin Named: Vitex agnus-castus<br />

Stay away from Blue Cohosh, Celery Seed, Wild Ginger and WIld Carrot they are<br />

contraindicated with Endometriosis.<br />

As to herbs for weight loss I do not re<strong>com</strong>mend any, the only way to lose<br />

weight is to reduce caloric intake and increase exercise. Many weight loss<br />

products inappropriately use herbs which can cause speed like reactions in<br />

the body to rev up your system overtaxing your adrenals or laxative herbs<br />

which can cause bowel dependency. Just because a product says it is natural<br />

does not mean it is safe.<br />

Finally, for some women chronic endometriosis is associated with being<br />

overweight or obesity, lose the weight and your endometriosis may clear up on<br />

its own.<br />

Additionally many time endometriosis clears when pregnancy occurs, if you can<br />

get pregnant it may clear up on its own.<br />


QUESTION: I want to ask about spikenard I was told Indian women took this herb to ease labor and for a swift<br />

delivery. I am pregnant and I want to know if it is advisable to take this. Thank you for your time.<br />

ANSWER: Spikenard, Latin Named: Aralia californica or Aralia species has been used in the past to restart a labor<br />

that stopped at 4-5 centimeter dilation, it may not be effective to start labor but can help stimulate it and keep it going.<br />

As to easing labor my wife used a formula called Mother's Cordial for the last 2-4 weeks of her pregnancy to prep her<br />

body for labor. I don't know what the cause was but she only had 2 and 1/2 hours of labor before delivering our baby<br />

girl, Angelica last year. I say it was the cordial. The other herb she used throughout the pregnancy was Red Raspberry<br />

Leaf a uterine tonic which is appropriately used pre, during and post pregnancy and labor to help the uterus return to it<br />

normal size and prep the uterus for implantation of the fertilized egg during conception.<br />

Please read my other answers online involving herbs and pregnancy.<br />


QUESTION: My husband and I are starting the family planning process. We are hoping there is a way to increase the<br />

odds of twins. Neither of us have family history of multiples. Is there an herbal way?<br />

ANSWER: None that I know of, if you find one please inform me for future reference.<br />


QUESTION: I have been re<strong>com</strong>mended to try false unicorn as treatment for infertility.<br />

I have been using Clomid but am now looking for natural alternatives. I am wondering what dosage is appropriate and<br />

should I take it at a specific time of my cycle. I have bought 100 capsules that each contain 450mg of root powder.<br />

ANSWER: I am assuming you are talking about Helonia Root, False Unicorn, Latin Named: Chamaelirium leuteum, if<br />

so I would follow the directions provided on the bottle you bought. If none given I would start with 1 capsule 3 times a<br />

day, you don't need much of this herb. You may want to read my other answer to a similar question on getting<br />

pregnant and infertility<br />


QUESTION: I am about to have a transfer of embryos and want to know what herbs, teas, etc. would be helpful at this<br />

phase of the development. I also would like to know if there are any harmful herbs I should stay away from and if<br />

drinking Raja Cup, which containsclearing nut, kasmard, licorice and winter cherry is okay to drink.<br />

ANSWER: The only herb I would suggest at this point is Raspberry leaf, which is a uterine tonic and strengthens and<br />

prepares it for implantation of a fertilized egg. Delete the rest. See my other answers for getting pregnant for additional<br />

thoughts. Folic acid supplement would also be called for.<br />


QUESTION: Is there something safe to take for heart palpitations during pregnancy?<br />

I had them before I was pregnant and was on Verapamil, a calcium blocker, but am now off of that medication because<br />

of the pregnancy. Is Hawthorne safe and would it be effective for this during pregnancy? What about Gingko? Any<br />

suggestions are greatly appreciated.<br />

ANSWER: What trimester are you in? if you are not in the first you can try:<br />

Hawthorn, Latin Name: Crataegus oxycanthoides or C. monogyna, is a good choice<br />

Many formulas for palpitations <strong>com</strong>bine Hawthorn with Motherwort but Motherwort is contraindicated during pregnancy<br />

http://www.herbnet.<strong>com</strong>/ask%20the%20herbalist/a...rbalist_questions%20on%20Pregnancy_Nursing.htm (13 of 17) [5/17/2004 9:08:03 AM]

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