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Herb Uses -O, P, Q Herbs<br />

order to prevent so called "poisoning" existing in crab etc., might be re-evaluated as an effective way of<br />

preventing food allergy.<br />

Perilla leaf extract has been available as a "health product" rather than as a medicine. There are no<br />

published reports of controlled clinical trials. Even so, there are many reports of open (uncontrolled) studies<br />

from physicians and from patients-<strong>com</strong>pleted questionnaires, to support the beneficial use of Perilla leaf extract<br />

in the treatment of allergy. Rigorous double-blind placebo-controlled trials are doubtlessly needed before Perilla<br />

leaf extract can be accepted as an antiallergy medicine in the West.<br />

Open studies in the treatment of more than one hundred allergy cases of children with atopic dermatitis<br />

were made. After three months of therapy using a Perilla extract cream formulation, 80% of the patients showed<br />

varying degrees of improvement in the degree of itching, skin lesion, and eruption. No side effects were<br />

observed in all the cases. All these patients ceased other medicine while using the Perilla products.<br />

Although the precise mechanisms of Perilla treatment for allergy are not yet well elucidated, recent<br />

researches on the various phytochemicals and their pharmacological properties have also revealed some<br />

mechanisms of Perilla action in allergy. Several active <strong>com</strong>ponents contained in Perilla have been found to be<br />

linked with antiallergy and anti-inflammatory actions. These include elemicine, a-pinene, caryophyllene,<br />

myristicin, b-sitosterol, apigenin,phenylpropanoids and also some flavonoids which act as anti-inflammatory<br />

agents<br />

Perilla seed, leaf and stem contain a total amount of essential oil about 0.5%. In addition to perillaldehyde, which<br />

was removed from the Perilla leaf extract products for its potential allergen property, several other constituents<br />

contained in Perilla essential oil showed pharmacological activity. It was reported that in animal experiments, one of<br />

the constituent in the essential oil, b-caryophyllene, showed relaxing action to the windpipe of guinea pig. Also it<br />

showed significantly suppressing action to citric acid or acrylaldehyde induced cough. It may partially explain the<br />

action of Perilla on anticough and antiasthma. Another constituent, l-menthol showed antiitching action thus making<br />

Perilla helpful in the treatment of some allergic skin diseases<br />

Chinese Medicine:<br />

Part Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The leaf is picked in July and August and dried in the<br />

shade. Properties & Taste: Pungent-spicy and warm<br />

Meridians: Lung and spleen<br />

Functions: 1. To release the exterior symptoms and disperse cold; 2. To promote the flow of qi in the spleen and<br />

stomach; 3. To alleviate fish and crab poisoning<br />

Indications & Combinations:<br />

1. Wind-cold type of <strong>com</strong>mon cold manifested as fever, chills, headache, nasal obstruction and cough. Perilla<br />

leaf (Zisuye) is used with Fresh ginger (Shengjiang), Tangerine peel (Chenpi), Cyperus tuber (Xiangfu) and<br />

Apricot seed (Xingren) in the formula Xing Su San.<br />

2. Qi stagnation in the spleen and stomach manifested as nausea, vomiting and fullness sensation in the chest or<br />

abdomen. Perilla leaf (Zisuye) is used with Agastache (Huoxiang) for cold manifestations. If there are more<br />

heat signs, Perilla leaf (Zisuye) can be prescribed with Coptis root (Huanglian). For cases with qi stagnation and<br />

accumulation of phlegm, Perilla leaf (Zisuye) is used with Pinellia tuber (Banxia) and Magnolia bark (Houpo).<br />

For vomiting during pregnancy, Perilla leaf (Zisuye) is used with Tangerine peel (Chenpi) and Amomum fruit<br />

(Sharen).<br />

Periwinkle (Vinca Major and V minor) This plant is an excellent all round astringent which can be used<br />

internally or externally. Its most <strong>com</strong>mon internal use is for treating excess menstrual flow. It is useful as a<br />

douche for treating vaginal infection. It is used for digestive problems such as inflammation of the colon or<br />

diarrhea. The astringent action is also used in cases of nose bleed, bleeding gums, mouth ulcers and as a gargle<br />

for sore throats. Chewing the plant relieves toothache. The tea is sedative and is beneficial for hysteria, fits, and<br />

nervous states. Use two teaspoons per cup, steep for 20 minutes, and take a quarter-cup doses four times a day.<br />

Make a poultice of the herb to relieve cramps in the limbs. The leaves are used in slaves for hemorrhoids and<br />

inflammations. Use the tea as a gargle for sore throat and tonsillitis. The fresh flowers are made into a syrup<br />

laxative, which is excellent for small children as well as adults. To make a syrup, boil three pounds of Sucanat<br />

in one pint of water until you get a syrup consistency, and then steep the herbs in the hot liquid for 20 minutes,<br />

or simmer the herbs in honey or maple syrup for about 10 minutes, strain, and store in the refrigerator. It<br />

<strong>com</strong>bines well with Agrimony for astringent action to treat the digestive system and skin conditions.<br />

Peruvian Balsam (Myroxlon pereirae) Balsam of Peru has been in the US Pharmacopeia since 1820 used for<br />

bronchitis, laryngitis, dysmenorrhea, diarrhea, dysentery and leucorrhea and has also been used as a food<br />

flavoring and fragrance material for its aromatic vanilla like-odor. Today it is used extensively in topical<br />

preparations for the treatment of wounds, ulcers, and scabies, and can be found in hair tonics, anti-dandruff<br />

preparations, feminine hygiene sprays and as a natural fragrance in soaps, detergents, creams, lotions and<br />

perfumes.<br />

Peruvian balsam is strongly antiseptic and stimulates repair of damaged tissue. It is usually taken<br />

internally as an expectorant and decongestant to treat emphysema, bronchitis, and bronchial asthma. It may<br />

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