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Ask the <strong>Herbal</strong>ist_questions on Yeast Infections<br />

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QUESTION: I am 47 and recently when to the doctor for a yeast infection. I have a yeast infection all the time. When<br />

he examined me he found a small tumor in my uterus. He wanted to do a DNC and a lathoscopy.......something like<br />

that.... to investigate to see what was going on. He says that my uterus is swollen which is why my bladder is leaky<br />

and that he couldn't take the tumor out. He wants to do a hysterectomy. I do not have any other symptoms. I do not<br />

bleed a lot. My periods are regular. I do not cramp. I do not have PMS, just a little nervousness a few days before. I<br />

feel that a hysterectomy may be a bad idea. I know that there could be other health issues arise because I let him get<br />

rid of my uterus. I am not sure about the tumor, I saw it when he did a sonogram. and at that time he thought through<br />

the sonogram he could see that the lining of my uterus was healthy looking. Since my D&C I have had two periods.<br />

They are just a little more heavy the first two days than they were before the D&C. Do you think it is possible that the<br />

yeast infection is causing the swelling of my uterus? I believe that my diet might be keeping my yeast<br />

infection thriving. I have taken medication for it but it <strong>com</strong>es back in a few weeks or sooner. I have started eating<br />

different but I still have the yeast infection. Is there anything I can do besides take medications<br />

and have a hysterectomy? If I could be absolutely, 100% sure that I would have no problems and would have much<br />

more energy and feel just great after a hysterectomy and it would cause no other health problems, then I would give<br />

him the go-ahead. The D&C hasn't really helped me at all. Do you have any suggestions or <strong>com</strong>ments?<br />

ANSWER: I'm with you. The medical <strong>com</strong>munity in this country seems a little too eager to yank out a woman's uterus<br />

for any "female problem". The tumor is a bit of a concern. Any particular reason why he felt it couldn't be removed?<br />

The uterus is the main blood supply to your ovaries. Having it removed can put you into early menopause as well as<br />

messing with those delicate hormones. There are lots of things you can do besides resorting to something as sever as<br />

a hysterectomy. Unless of course, your medical professional is thinking cancer. In that case, I would re<strong>com</strong>mend<br />

getting a second and third opinion before proceeding with a hysterectomy. It should be your very last resort. I have an<br />

Anti-Yeast tea that I make that you can take as well as use as a douche to get rid of the yeast problem. If you're<br />

interested, e-mail me with the word ORDER in the subject line for more info. Drink 8 oz of unsweetened cranberry<br />

juice every day. Take a high quality acidophilus every day. Eliminate alcohol and sweets from your diet as these<br />

exacerbate the yeast problem in the body.<br />


QUESTION: I seem to get recurring yeast infections lately. I was told Pau d'Arco taken daily would help prevent this. It<br />

will also cure it when taken in higher doses (5-6 capsules/day for 3 days). I would like to know more about this herbal<br />

supplement. I am also wanting to have another baby. Is there any side effects from this supplement that would cause<br />

<strong>com</strong>plications, miscarriage or even deformities to the baby. I'm afraid I'll even get them during pregnancy and I don't<br />

want to keep taking OTC products or even Diflucan. I'd appreciate any info you have on this!<br />

ANSWER:This is a download off The Natural Pharmacist Website.<br />

Lapacho, Latin Named: Tabebuia impestiginosa<br />

Alternate Names : Pau d'Arco, Taheebo<br />

Principal Proposed Uses<br />

Yeast Infection, Respiratory Infection, Bladder Infection<br />

Other Proposed Uses<br />

Diarrhea, Cancer?<br />

The inner bark of the lapacho tree plays a central role in the herbal medicine of several South American indigenous<br />

peoples. They use it to treat cancer as well as a great variety of infectious diseases. There is intriguing, but far from<br />

conclusive, scientific evidence for some of these traditional uses. One of lapacho s major ingredients, lapachol,<br />

definitely possesses antitumor properties, and for a time was under active investigation as a possible chemotherapy<br />

drug. Unfortunately, when given in high enough dosages to kill cancer cells, lapachol causes numerous serious side<br />

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