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Chapter 9 Hasmonaeans, Pharisees & Zaddoki<br />

By the time of King David, the power of the sacrificing Levite<br />

and Aaronic priests was waning. David created an additional High Priest<br />

position alongside the High Priest of Aaron who was Abiathar. He<br />

installed a local Jebusite called Zadok in this position to administer the<br />

religion of Yahweh. 512 <strong>The</strong> Jebusites were elite Hurrians. Zadok, or<br />

Sadak, a supernaturally endowed snake priest of Brahm, traced his<br />

ancestry to the legendary Melchizedek, Abraham’s teacher of a<br />

millennium before. 513<br />

About four hundred years after David, King Josiah and the<br />

Zaddoki expelled the Aaronic High Priesthood altogether. 514 After the<br />

return from Exile, Zerubbabel and Jesus ben Yehozedek, the Son of the<br />

Zadokite High Priest who had recommenced control of the Temple,<br />

rebuilt the Second Temple.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n, in 444BCE, Nehemiah ejected the Zaddoki from Temple<br />

Mount. His reasons are unknown although the implication is that the<br />

Zaddoki were out of touch with the assembly in Jerusalem. However, the<br />

Zaddoki were still present one hundred and fourteen years later when the<br />

Assyrian Greeks forcibly removed the High Priest Onias III in about<br />

330BCE. <strong>The</strong> Zaddoki continued to support the Onian High Priesthood.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dionysian Artificers who settled in Israel sometime before<br />

one thousand BCE founded the Cassidens or Assideans that later became<br />

the Chassidim. 515 <strong>The</strong>y claimed to possess a special knowledge unknown<br />

to the mass of the people and the true knowledge of the scriptures<br />

transmitted to their order by Moses on Mount Sinai. 516<br />

While this knowledge relates to Liberality, discussed in Chapter<br />

7, it would also have included those laws first revealed to Moses in the<br />

wilderness. <strong>The</strong>se were the Mosaic rules governing tithes, shewbread,<br />

wine-libations and sacrifices. 517<br />

<strong>The</strong> Chassidim developed a particular system of written and oral<br />

law that brought them respect as a school of interpreters of the Law. On<br />

return from the Exile, the Chassidim adopted a moral code formulated by<br />

the descendants of the Aaronic Priests. 518 From the Chassidim arose the<br />

Pharisees and Rabbinical Judaism. <strong>The</strong> Sons of Zadok are mutually<br />

exclusive; the line of Zadok does not include any of the twenty-four<br />

Aaronid clans. 519<br />

<strong>The</strong> commitment of the Chassidim to the common law led them<br />


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