Planning - Summary of all comments - Amazon Web Services

Planning - Summary of all comments - Amazon Web Services

Planning - Summary of all comments - Amazon Web Services


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Rep No Contact Name Character Comments<br />

001 Mr I Haines Character is not the "be <strong>all</strong> and end <strong>all</strong>" <strong>of</strong> Rochford<br />

Right as far as new buildings tend to be more in keeping with their surroundings and landscaping should be used lessen the<br />

visual impact even roundabouts these days are less <strong>of</strong>fensive to the eye and most likely the cost is not prohibitive. Not sure<br />

002 Mr & Mrs Hawes <strong>of</strong> a local list.<br />

Design (<strong>of</strong> buildings) is always very important. Landscaping, around built areas is important. Not so important in open<br />

003 Mr A Cooper<br />

country areas, however, resources must be <strong>all</strong>ocated to manage open areas.<br />

004 Mr M Cubitt I am sure the Council can manage this<br />

005 Mrs P R Byres I think a local list is a good idea<br />

007 Ms P Pemberton Landscaping/design are always relevant<br />

008 Ms S Woolhouse Yes, encourage building in traditional local styles.<br />

010 Mr A Devlin Not re<strong>all</strong>y sure, I do not fully understand the question<br />

011 R F Wise Pity no-one thought <strong>of</strong> this in the 1960's when Rayleigh High Street lost is character.<br />

013 Etchells Do not understand the question.<br />

Modernisation has to come but there must be a retention <strong>of</strong> the here and now. Why have the houses in East Street not<br />

been developed. The "new square" is a fine example <strong>of</strong> sympathic design, on the other hand Weir Pond Road is not. A list<br />

is a good idea especi<strong>all</strong>y if we want the right type <strong>of</strong> owner and to attract those benefits that come with considerate and<br />

014 D Hanrahan<br />

responsible citizens.<br />

Not sure. Good design and landscaping are <strong>of</strong> prime important to the community, as you only get one chance to get it right.<br />

015 F A Robinson<br />

A list <strong>of</strong> what? "A list <strong>of</strong> politicians who should be disqualified from the list <strong>of</strong> elections".<br />

We should redesign as far as possible to get cars out <strong>of</strong> the high streets with car parks around, accessible from the outskirts,<br />

not by driving through the middle <strong>of</strong> the town. For example, open Love Lane to 2-way traffic, widen <strong>Web</strong>sters Way and<br />

016 Mr R Fuller<br />

close Crown Hill.<br />

017 Mr L A G Dunford Yes. Not to my knowledge. No. Very little.<br />

There are NO areas where landscaping is NOT important, everywhere is important as we have to see most <strong>of</strong> these areas<br />

018 Mrs Gaunt<br />

daily.<br />

019 Mrs L Allen The character <strong>of</strong> the area is being distroyed as we spread our development.<br />

020 Mr & Mrs Appleton Design and landscaping are always important as long as this is combined with common sense and realism<br />

022 Mobbs Gener<strong>all</strong>y the character is good. Keep up the good work!<br />

Resounding yes. I love the fact that <strong>all</strong> new property in Rochford reflects the historical feel and diverse style <strong>of</strong> the old<br />

property in the town. Fully support local list. To prevent developers flights <strong>of</strong> fancy! Design and landscaping always<br />

023 Ms C J Christopher important.<br />

All landscape is important. Purdeys way needs s<strong>of</strong>tening, its untidy, dusty, brazen vertical contrete and steel cladding, with<br />

an awful mini roundabout access junction but alongside a pretty farm with a riverhead and ford. It needs a better domestic<br />

atitude by its users. Roadsweeping, riverbank tidying and enhancing, better road access, trees to hide steel shutering and<br />

cladding and shmehow hide car breakers yards skip lorries, car transporters carrying severely damaged wreck and<br />

024 Mr P Williams<br />

staggering 'knocking <strong>of</strong> time' so that when the 'works bell' goes at 5pm, the roads don't jam.<br />

Rayleigh Town architecture in the High Street should have been inkeeping with old village style. STOP modern shopfronts<br />

025 Mrs P Clifton<br />

being put up before it is too late.

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