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ICCAT REPORT 2002-2003 (II)<br />


ATLANTIC BLUEFIN TUNA MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES (Dublin, Ireland, 15 November 2003)<br />

1. Opening of the Meeting<br />

The meeting was opened by the Commission Chairman, Mr. Masanori Miyahara.<br />

2. Election of the Chairman<br />

The Panel 2 Chairman, Mr. François Gauthiez (EC-France) was elected chair of the Working Group.<br />

3. Appointment of the Rapporteur<br />

Ms. Erika Carlsen (United States) was appointed Rapporteur for the Working Group. The List of Participants is<br />

attached as Appendix 1 to ANNEX 4.4.<br />

4. Adoption of the Agenda<br />

The group discussed the draft agenda with regard to the functioning and future work plan for the Working<br />

Group. In discussions, the group developed and adopted an agenda for the next meeting of Working Group<br />

(Appendix 2 to ANNEX 4.4). It was decided that the substantive work under items 5 and 6 of the revised<br />

agenda would be deferred to the next meeting of the Working Group, which the EC offered to host in France.<br />

5. Review of information relevant to stock structure and mixing<br />

and<br />

6. Develop alternative options for managing Atlantic bluefin tuna and consideration of the feasibility of<br />

alternative scenarios<br />

Agenda items 5 and 6 were deferred to the next meeting of the Working Group.<br />

7. Other matters<br />

The Chairman reviewed the organization of the next meeting of the Working Group, especially with regard to<br />

agenda items 5 and 6 and the process of identifying scientists to present information on bluefin tuna stock<br />

structure and mixing. The Working Group decided that Parties would be responsible for identifying scientists to<br />

present information and participate in the future discussions of the Working Group. It was also agreed that the<br />

identification of scientists would be made in close consultation with the SCRS Chair. The next meeting was<br />

tentatively scheduled for May of 2004 in France and it was agreed that the meeting should be not be less than 4<br />

days in length. Following the revised agenda and the terms of reference of the Working Group, it was agreed that<br />

the first part of the meeting would involve scientific presentations on information relevant to stock structure and<br />

mixing, including biological, historical fisheries data, and other information. The other part of the meeting would<br />

involve consideration of alternative management options and the feasibility of alternative scenarios. It was also<br />

agreed that the scientific part and the management part of meeting should not be separated and be relevant to<br />

each other. The Working Group will report on its work from the 2004 meeting at the 2004 meeting of<br />

Commission, including any possible recommendations resulting from the joint working group of ICCAT and<br />

SCRS and other scientific experts.<br />

The Working Group instructed the SCRS Chairman to propose an overview presentation of the current state of<br />

knowledge on the issue.<br />

It was also noted by Canada that the ongoing work of the Working Group did not preclude Panel 2 from<br />

continuing to develop recommendations for the appropriate management of Atlantic bluefin tuna.<br />


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