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E - Iccat


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Organization informed the Secretariat that the Earth Island Institute questioned the Secretariat’s response. The<br />

Secretariat asked the Commission for advice. The Commission requested that the SCRS Chairman prepare a<br />

response, in consultation with the Sub-Committee on By-catches. The Commission also cautioned that ICCAT’s<br />

fisheries should not be wrongly represented and a comprehensive response to the Earth Island Institute was<br />

necessary.<br />

16.6 Farewell to the Executive Secretary<br />

Noting that Dr. Adolfo Ribeiro Lima would be ending his appointment as ICCAT Executive Secretary in March<br />

2004, Mr. Jim Jones of Canada thanked Dr. Lima for his many contributions to ICCAT as Executive Secretary<br />

since 1996.<br />

Mr. Jones highlighted Dr. Lima’s long association with ICCAT in different roles, from Delegate of Portugal, to<br />

Chairman of STACFAD, to Commission Chairman, and finally as Executive Secretary. Mr. Jones mentioned Dr.<br />

Lima's leadership and compassion as essential elements in the negotiations leading to the approval of the Madrid<br />

Protocol, and recognized Dr. Lima's disappointment that one signature was still needed for the Protocol to enter<br />

into force. Mr. Jones stated that Dr. Lima had done his work well, particularly in a difficult re-structuring of the<br />

Secretariat so that it could better satisfy the ever-growing demands from the Commission. Mr. Jones concluded<br />

that Dr. Lima had always been a good friend to ICCAT and to conservation and wished him a happy retirement<br />

from ICCAT.<br />

Dr. Lima received tributes from the other Delegates around the table. Mr. Miyahara, Commission Chairman, also<br />

extended his sincere gratitude to Dr. Lima for his many contributions to ICCAT. Mr. Meski, the newly-elected<br />

Executive Secretary, also stated that it would be challenging for him to follow Dr. Lima's example, and joined<br />

the others in wishing him the best in his retirement. Dr. Lima then received a long standing ovation from all<br />

participants that were present in the room.<br />

Dr. Lima thanked the Commissioners for their tribute, and noted that he would miss ICCAT after having served<br />

in various capacities for more than 20 years. He also thanked Dr. Victor Restrepo, Mr. Papa Kebe and Mr. Juan<br />

Antonio Moreno of the Secretariat staff, for having served as his closest aids in crucial times. Dr. Lima thanked<br />

Mr. Carlos Dominguez-Diaz and the Spanish authorities for their dedicated support to ensure the smooth<br />

operation of the Secretariat in Spain. Dr. Lima also extended a warm welcome to his successor, Mr. Meski, and<br />

reassured him that he would transfer an organized office with the utmost transparency.<br />

Dr. Lima finally expressed his frustration that, due to budgetary considerations, he had not found an opportunity<br />

to propose to the Commission a change in the structure of the Secretariat such that several staff members could<br />

be re-classified from General Services to Professional Staff, as they would normally be in other intergovernmental<br />

organizations. Dr. Lima hoped that the Commission would consider this problem in the future.<br />

17. Date of the next meeting of the Commission<br />

The United States reconfirmed its offer to host the 2004 Meeting of the Commission in New Orleans. The dates<br />

for the next Commission Meeting were established as 15-21 November 2004. The Delegate of the United States<br />

urged participants who require a visa to enter the United States to initiate the process well in advance and if any<br />

difficulties are encountered to please advise him well so that he can assist in facilitating the process.<br />

18. Election of Commission Officers<br />

The Commission Chairman indicated that the Commission has to appoint new officers for the 2004-2005<br />

biennial period.<br />

The Delegate of Canada nominated Mr. Masanori Miyahara of Japan for a second term as Chairman of the<br />

Commission and the Delegate of the United States seconded this proposal.<br />

The Delegate of Japan nominated Mr. Abdellah Srour of Morocco for a second term as First Vice-Chairman of<br />

the Commission and the Delegate of the European Community seconded this proposal.<br />


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