E - Iccat

E - Iccat

E - Iccat


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wanted to ensure that your government had a full understanding of this matter and that the Commission had all<br />

the necessary information to make an informed decision. In this regard, I would draw your attention to a<br />

document adopted in 2003 entitled Recommendation by ICCAT on Criteria for Attaining the Status of<br />

Cooperating Non-Contracting Party, Entity, or Fishing Entity in ICCAT [Ref. 03-20] (enclosed). This measure<br />

clarifies the process for granting Cooperating Status and specifies the information that must be provided by<br />

applicants in order to receive consideration.<br />

In support of the Commission’s review of requests for Cooperating Status under the new recommendation, I<br />

would ask that Guatemala write to ICCAT as soon as feasible confirming its continued interest in receiving<br />

Cooperating Status and addressing directly the information requirements contained in paragraphs 3 and 4 of said<br />

Recommendation. Toward that end, specific information on Guatemala’s monitoring, control, and surveillance<br />

scheme for its fleet should be provided.<br />

In closing, I would note that the Commission was encouraged that Guatemala chose to work with the<br />

Commission and seek Cooperating Status before considering development of fisheries for heavily exploited tuna<br />

and swordfish stocks in the Convention area. For your use and information, I am enclosing a Compendium of<br />

ICCAT´s Management Recommendations and Resolutions.<br />

Thank you for your attention to this important matter. Please accept assurances of my highest consideration.<br />

5.9 Letter to Guyana: Granting Cooperating Status and seeking information on monitoring, control and<br />

surveillance (MCS) scheme<br />

On behalf of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), I have the honor to<br />

inform you that the Commission granted Guyana’s request for Cooperating Status. This decision was taken at<br />

ICCAT´s Eighteenth Regular Meeting, held November 17-24, 2003, in Dublin, Ireland.<br />

The category of Cooperating Party, Entity or Fishing Entity has been in existence within the Commission since<br />

1994. Those that are granted Cooperating Status formally accept the obligation to implement fully the<br />

conservation and management measures adopted by the Commission and to abide by data and other reporting<br />

requirements. In return, those with Cooperating Status receive certain benefits, such as qualifying to receive<br />

quotas, to enter their vessels on ICCAT´s authorized vessel list, and to transship with ICCAT member vessels.<br />

In considering your request, the Commission was encouraged that Guyana chose to work with the Commission<br />

and seek Cooperating Status before considering development of fisheries for heavily exploited tuna and<br />

swordfish stocks in the Convention area. Further, the Commission recognized Guyana’s status as a developing<br />

State, its efforts to report relevant catch data to ICCAT, and its ongoing initiative to improve such statistical<br />

reporting.<br />

Each year, Cooperating Status is reviewed by the Commission. Significantly, at its 2003 meeting, ICCAT<br />

adopted a document that clarifies the process for granting Cooperating Status and specifies the information that<br />

must be provided by applicants in order to receive consideration. The document, entitled Recommendation by<br />

ICCAT on Criteria for Attaining the Status of Cooperating Non-Contracting Party, Entity, or Fishing Entity in<br />

ICCAT [Ref. 03-20], is enclosed. In keeping with this recommendation and in support of the Commission’s 2004<br />

review of Guyana’s Cooperating Status, the Commission would appreciate receiving all relevant catch and effort<br />

data, including for sharks, as well as additional details on: (1) the composition of your fleet, (2) plans for<br />

expansion of your fisheries, and (3) your monitoring, control, and surveillance regime.<br />

In closing, I would note that Cooperating Status for Guyana should be viewed as transitional in nature. In that<br />

regard, the Commission encourages Guyana to become a full member of ICCAT as soon as feasible. For your<br />

use and information, I am enclosing a Compendium of ICCAT´s Management Recommendations and<br />

Resolutions.<br />

Thank you for your attention to these important issues. Please accept assurances of my highest consideration.<br />

5.10 Letter to Indonesia: Regarding revocation of identifications under the UU Catches Resolution for bigeye<br />

tuna and swordfish<br />

I have the honor to inform you that the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas<br />

(ICCAT) decided at its Eighteenth Regular Meeting, held November 17-24, 2003, in Dublin, Ireland, to revoke<br />

Indonesia’s identification status relative to swordfish and bigeye tuna.<br />


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