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ICCAT REPORT 2002-2003 (II)<br />

ICCAT´s efforts always result in an improvement in the quality and the efficiency of its work and its<br />

deliberations, which undeniably reaffirm the Commission’s prestige, and Algeria is pleased that note that this has<br />

encouraged more countries to adhere recently.<br />

The competence of the ICCAT Executive Secretary has largely contributed to this success in playing a<br />

considerable role in the optimization of the efficiency of the work and the monitoring of the measures adopted.<br />

Algeria wishes success to the future Executive Secretary and assures him of its undeniable support.<br />

In concluding, Algeria congratulates the ICCAT Secretariat for its excellent work and expresses its full<br />

disposition to cooperate in a constructive way with all the delegations, to whom it wishes a pleasant stay in the<br />

city of Dublin.<br />

Brazil<br />

The Brazilian Delegation would like to thank the Irish Government for hosting the 18 th Regular Meeting of the<br />

Commission. We are very pleased at to be in the historical city of Dublin and to benefit from the hospitality of<br />

its people. We would also like to welcome Cyprus, Malta, Turkey and Vanuatu who have joined ICCAT as<br />

Contracting Parties in the last year. As usual, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Secretariat for the<br />

hard work in successfully setting up one more meeting of the Commission.<br />

One of the most important commitments of the new Brazilian Government is the struggle against famine. Within<br />

this context, the sustainable use of marine living resources is of increasing significance. With the aim of<br />

improving the country’s capacity to manage adequately this important sector, the new Brazilian Administration<br />

established a Special Secretariat for Aquaculture and Fisheries, which is of ministerial level and reports directly<br />

to the Presidency of the Republic.<br />

Brazil concurs with the ICCAT Chairman on the priority issues to be dealt with here in Dublin: the selection of a<br />

new Executive Secretary, the management of tropical species, compliance issues, as well as procedures and<br />

criteria relating to trade sanctions. With regard to that last point, the Brazilian Delegation is convinced that the<br />

results of the work done intersessionally should be fully taken into account in the deliberations of the 18 th<br />

Regular Meeting of ICCAT in order to avoid duplication of efforts and the waste of precious time.<br />

Annual meetings constitute valuable occasions for delegations to reiterate their commitments to the principles<br />

ICCAT takes as a basis in the pursuit of its goals. Annual meetings constitute as well opportunities for<br />

delegations to provide for the necessary explanation and justification in the case of non-compliance of the<br />

Commission’s rules. In relation to the budgetary problem of ICCAT and to the financial obligations of<br />

Contracting Parties, Brazil believes that a realistic approach should prevail in the debates on these issues. On the<br />

one hand, the Commission cannot carry out its activities without the necessary funds. On the other hand, the<br />

economic situation of many developing country members of ICCAT impedes them from complying fully with<br />

their financial obligations to the Commission. The balance between these two crucial circumstances must be<br />

taken into account in the debates on eventual measures that might apply the withdrawal of rights of indebted<br />

ICCAT members.<br />

Finally, the Brazilian Delegation would like to pay tribute to Dr. Adolfo Lima for his year of efficient work in<br />

command of the Secretariat and wholeheartedly wishes him the best of luck.<br />

Canada<br />

We are delighted to be in Dublin and would like to thank the Irish Government for hosting the 18 th Regular<br />

meeting of the Commission.<br />

Although Canada approached last year’s meeting of the Commission with guarded expectations, overall we<br />

viewed the results, while not totally acceptable, as a step in the right direction, not only for the stocks that we<br />

have the obligation to manage, but also for our organization.<br />

The experience of the two previous Commission meetings had left us with diminished hope that ICCAT could<br />

effectively deal with the complex set of issues that lay before it. For at past meetings, it is Canada’s view and<br />

that of many watching us that ICCAT had moved several steps backwards, something that caused us great<br />

concern given the speed of real progress to date in facing up to our responsibilities as a regional fisheries<br />

management organization. The absence of consensus, the excuse of scientific uncertainty and the view by many<br />


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