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ICCAT REPORT 2002-2003 (II)<br />

Appendix 3 to ANNEX 11<br />

Report by Chinese Taipei on the Eliminati on of<br />

IUU Large-scale Tuna Longliners<br />

1. Introduction<br />

In view of the uncontrollable rapid increase of large scale FOC/IUU longline fishing vessels in the late 90s, and<br />

in their determination of eliminating the unregulated fishing activities of these longline fishing vessels so as to<br />

achieve the goal of sustainability of tuna resources for the utilization of future generations, in February 1999,<br />

Japan and Chinese Taipei signed an Action Plan, where Japan was to scrap those second hand longliners it<br />

exported and Chinese Taipei was to encourage those longliners recently built in its shipyards to acquire<br />

registration, so that they would be properly managed and controlled.<br />

2. Joint Effort of Chinese Taipei’s and Japan on Elimination of IUU LSTLVs<br />

After years of efforts, Chinese Taipei has taken appropriate steps to amend its regulations to permit importation<br />

of 45 FOC vessels it has exported, while Japan has provided budget for purchasing the 42 second-hand FOC<br />

vessels it exported for scrapping. In addition, a new joint action plan between Chinese Taipei and Japan is agreed<br />

in April 2003. A special arrangement has been made by Japan and Chinese Taipei in cooperation with Vanuatu<br />

and Seychelles to legitimize 69 IUU/FOC longliners, with the condition that these vessels will be subject to strict<br />

monitoring and control. The process has been a progressive one, and the result can be described as satisfactory.<br />

Almost all the IUU large-scale tuna longline vessels have either been scrapped, re-registered or legitimized.<br />

3. Measures taken domestically by Chinese Taipei on combating IUU LSTLVs<br />

– Prohibiting export of fishing vessels to countries that are subject to trade sanction due to operation of IUU<br />

fisheries by means of FOC vessels;<br />

– Forbidding fishing vessels on the IUU list or registered under those countries subject to trade sanction, to<br />

enter into the ports of Chinese Taipei;<br />

– Continuing exchange of information with Japan and other countries of interest for strict monitoring of the<br />

transportation of tuna catches so as to prevent fish laundering against IUU fishing.<br />

4. Cooperation with International Fisheries Resources Conservation Measures<br />

Chinese Taipei has taken positive steps applying countermeasures to effectively combat IUU fishing activities.<br />

With the efforts as described above, there will be an expectant reduction of bigeye catch of more than 11,000 t.<br />

The figure of the tuna conserved will be much higher if other tuna and tuna-like species are included. It should<br />

be pointed out that scrapping of 13 second-handed vessels that fished in Atlantic Ocean has created an expectant<br />

reduction of 3,250 t bigeye tuna catch and re-registering the 13 vessels has enabled to bring these vessels under<br />

proper control and management.<br />

5. Conclusions<br />

Chinese Taipei has put enormous efforts to effectively combat and eliminate IUU LSTLVs fishing.<br />

Administrative guidance has been given to encourage IUU/FOC vessels to seek re-registration so that they can<br />

be well managed and controlled under national and international regulations for sustaining global fisheries<br />

resources. Chinese Taipei will continue to work closely with all ICCAT member as well as members of other<br />

RFMO to prohibit their fishing, based upon the “ white (positive) “ list in conjunction with the implementation<br />

of statistical documents, aiming to totally stop and eliminate all the IUU fishing activities.<br />


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