E - Iccat

E - Iccat

E - Iccat


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In response to a question from the Delegate of Mexico, the SCRS Chairman replied that catches of juveniles<br />

(ages 0+1) are very high for both yellowfin and bigeye tunas. This may be a result of changes in the fishery<br />

where effort has shifted to deeper waters. Whereas moratoria are in place to reduce catches of juvenile bigeye<br />

tuna, those measures were not designed for yellowfin tuna.<br />

The Delegate of Canada indicated that although it has modest fisheries for bigeye and yellowfin, it has up to<br />

20% at-sea observer coverage and 100% dockside monitoring. Canada expressed concern about the juvenile<br />

catches and the uncertainties raised through the use of assumptions in the assessment process.<br />

The Delegate of the European Community advised the Panel that the EC submits complete sampling data. The<br />

Delegate indicated that the EC wishes to pursue discussion on minimum sizes as existing measures, for instance<br />

the 15% allowance for bigeye and yellowfin under 3.2 kg may be unrealistic and undermine other measures such<br />

as moratoria.<br />

The Delegate of Brazil expressed optimism about reductions in IUU effort and concern about the 3.2 kg<br />

minimum for bigeye and yellowfin. The United States suggested consideration of alternative measures, such as<br />

time/area closures, to address the overall issue.<br />

The Observer of Chinese Taipei questioned whether catches for all its vessels with certificates were taken into<br />

consideration in the SCRS Report. It stated that this catch may be around 2,000 t for 2002 and that it has<br />

submitted a report to the appropriate committee.<br />

The Observer of Chinese Taipei reported that of the 159 former IUU vessels eliminated under the joint efforts of<br />

Chinese Taipei and Japan, 13 have been operating in the Atlantic Ocean. He referred to Resolution [Ref 01-23]<br />

which permitted importing countries to accept documents validated by Chinese Taipei on the bigeye caught by<br />

those vessels pending completion of re-registration, which complied with ICCAT conservation and management<br />

measures, and that they requested an additional quota of 2,000t.<br />

The Delegate of Ghana noted that species separation of juvenile bigeye and yellowfin is almost impossible<br />

without examination of livers. He questioned the accuracy of assessment data and asked for more detail on<br />

previously mentioned data problems. He added that whereas other nations have highly mobile fleets, their<br />

vessels have few options other than their adjacent waters. The Delegate of the European Community replied that<br />

Ghana has failed to respect ICCAT measures, has increased effort and has ignored moratoria.<br />

6. Measures for the conservation of stocks and implementation of ICCAT Criteria for the Allocation<br />

of Fishing Possibilities<br />

The Delegate of Japan introduced a draft recommendation on bigeye tuna conservation measures. He outlined<br />

that since there was no consensus on long-term measures, it was agreed to rollover the existing bigeye<br />

conservation measures and hold further discussions on a multi-year plan after the results of the BEYTP<br />

Symposium in Madrid in March 2004.<br />

The Delegate of the European Community noted that while it was the EC’s objective to develop a multi-year<br />

plan on fishing levels and vessel capacity as well as to assess the effectiveness of existing conservation<br />

measures, the EC concurred with the short-term approach in consideration of the commitment to review the<br />

matter further after the March meeting in Madrid.<br />

The Delegate of the European Community requested the deletion of the last sentence in the draft<br />

recommendation in respect to an SCRS analysis of the effectiveness of current minimum size measures. The EC<br />

felt it more appropriate to give the SCRS the discretion to conduct such an analysis. After some debate, the Panel<br />

agreed to make this change.<br />

The Delegate of the People’s Republic of China stated that whereas there were alleged links between their<br />

vessels and IUU activities, China has investigated the issue, taken corrective action where necessary, and now<br />

issue certificates for vessels attesting to their non-association with IUU fishing. The Delegate also pointed to<br />

discrepancies between China’s catch rates and those of other Parties and requested equal treatment of Chinese<br />

vessels. Finally, China agreed to adopt the draft recommendation provided that the People’s Republic China’s<br />

quota needs will be considered in the development of any new multi-year agreement.<br />


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