E - Iccat

E - Iccat

E - Iccat


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After deletion of the last sentence of operative paragraph 5 and the removal of operative paragraphs 6 and 7, the<br />

Panel adopted the Recommendation by ICCAT on Bigeye Tuna Conservation Measures (see ANNEX 5 [Ref. 03-<br />

01]) and forwarded it to the Plenary.<br />

7. Research<br />

In response to the Commission’s request, the Chairman of the SCRS recommended a postponement of the<br />

skipjack assessment originally planned for 2004.<br />

The SCRS Chairman noted that work at the March 2004 and the Bigeye Tuna Year Program (BETYP)<br />

Symposium and the 2 nd World Meeting on Bigeye Tuna will serve to facilitate future assessments of this species.<br />

He also indicated several new assessment models are under development but could not say whether they will be<br />

ready by March 2004.<br />

Finally, the SCRS Chairman indicated a bigeye assessment using traditional methods in 2004 could be prepared,<br />

if so requested by the Commission.<br />

8. Election of Chair<br />

In consideration that the previous Chairman of this Panel was not in attendance, Dr. Srour agreed to lead the<br />

Panel on an interim basis only. The Delegates of the European Community and the United States thanked Dr.<br />

Srour for the professional manner in which he chaired this meeting.<br />

The Delegate of Japan nominated Côte d’Ivoire as the new Chairman and various other Parties seconded this<br />

nomination. The Côte d’Ivoire accepted the Panel’s nomination as the new Chairman and expressed their thanks<br />

for the nomination, as well as to Dr. Srour.<br />

9. Other matters<br />

No other matters were discussed.<br />

10. Date of the next meeting of the Panel<br />

This Panel will reconvene at the 2004 meeting of the Commission in New Orleans (United States) in November<br />

2004.<br />

11. Adoption of the Report and adjournment<br />

The Chairman noted all adopted documents would be forwarded to the Plenary and that the Report of Panel 1<br />

would be adopted by mail. On this note, he adjourned the 2003 meeting of Panel 1.<br />

The Report of Panel 1 was adopted by correspondence.<br />


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