E - Iccat

E - Iccat

E - Iccat


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ICCAT REPORT 2002-2003 (II)<br />

The Chairman noted that the last three items are already included in Option A of the 2004-2005 budget and thus<br />

had been discussed. As regards the other items, he pointed out that they would be discussed in the various<br />

Panels.<br />

After the Secretariat presented a revised document which includes the changes proposed by Canada on the<br />

estimation of a possible increase in the General Services salaries and the review of Ghana statistics on canning,<br />

the Chairman proceeded to the officia l adoption of the budget (see attached Tables 1-3).<br />

After the adoption of the budget, the Observer from Chinese Taipei declared that Chinese Taipei was going to<br />

contribute funds toward the ICCAT budget. He indicated that the initial contribution from Chinese Taipei would<br />

be €20,000.<br />

The Delegate of the European Community suggested that it would be convenient to proceed to a change of<br />

Auditors due to the number of years that this firm has been carrying out the audit.<br />

The Executive Secretary stated that there was a contract with the auditing firm, but that he did not recall the<br />

exact date of expiry of this contract. He also indicated that he would check the exact date at the Secretariat and<br />

inform the Parties.<br />

The Executive Secretary made a statement in which he commended the work of all the staff of the Secretariat<br />

and requested the Commission to consider, for the future, staff that should be in the Professional category.<br />

Further, he expressed disappointment for not achieving the entry into force of the Madrid Protocol, considering<br />

the favorable consequence in the budget and the repercussions for the Contracting Parties.<br />

9. Other matters<br />

The Chairman noted that the Secretariat had prepared a third revision of the Basic Texts, which was sent to all<br />

the Parties prior to the meeting. The tri-lingual volume includes a proposal to amend Rule 4 (paragraph 1) of the<br />

Financial Regulations in anticipation of the entry into force of the Madrid Protocol. The Commission agreed that<br />

upon receiving notification of the ratification, Rule 4 of the Financial Regulations would be amended as<br />

proposed in the third revision of the Basic Texts (Appendix 6 to ANNEX 12), and the Executive Secretary<br />

should then proceed with its immediate application in the subsequent budgetary year.<br />

10. Date of the next meeting of STACFAD<br />

The Chairman noted that the next meeting of STACFAD will meet at the time of the next annual meeting of the<br />

Commission.<br />

11. Election of Chairman<br />

The Commission Chairman proposed that Mr. J. Jones continue during the next two years, and this proposal was<br />

unanimously approved.<br />

12. Adoption of the report and closure<br />

The Chairman declared that the STACFAD Report would be adopted by correspondence.<br />

The meeting of STACFAD was closed by the Chairman, Mr. J. Jones.<br />

The STACFAD Report was adopted by correspondence.<br />


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