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1969-70 season. They, along with Francis Bidinger<br />

who is completing his second year, are<br />

working with the technicians of the Agronomic<br />

Research Division (DPA) to develop high-yielding<br />

disease-resistant varieties adapted to North<br />

African conditions and to determine the fertilizer<br />

and cultural practices required to obtain<br />

optimum yields under the rainfed conditions<br />

of Morocco.<br />

The project also has four production agronomists<br />

stationed in the major cereal production<br />

areas who work with the Agricultural Development<br />

Division (DMW) of the Ministry of<br />

Agriculture in order to introduce the highyielding<br />

varieties together with an associated<br />

"package of improved practices" to Moroccan<br />

farmers. Three of these agronomists are provided<br />

to the project by the Near East Foundation<br />

under a contract with U.S. AID/Morocco.<br />

Coordination of project activities is done<br />

through a Wheat Committee created in the<br />

Ministry of Agriculture for this purpose. The<br />

U.S. AID project manager serves on this committee<br />

along with representatives from the<br />

Research Agricultural Development (Extension)<br />

and Planning Divisions of the Ministry of<br />

of Agriculture.<br />

In contrast to 1968-69, when disease problems,<br />

especially Septoria, resulted in disappointing<br />

yields from many fields of the Mexican<br />

varieties, the results obtained this past season<br />

are highly encouraging. The area planted to<br />

the Mexican 'varieties this past year was approximately<br />

10,000 hectares, twice the area<br />

seeded in 1968-69. In spite of the relatively<br />

low yields obtained the previous year, most<br />

farmers recognized the yield potential of these<br />

varieties, and were willing to give them a second<br />

chance.<br />

Many of these farmers are now reporting<br />

yields' of 25-40 quintals per hectare where<br />

they followed recommended practices.- Usually<br />

these yields are 50-60% above those obtained<br />

with local varieties. Natul;8l1y, where recommended<br />

practices were not followed the yields<br />

obtained were not as satisfactory. The top<br />

yields reported from commercial production<br />

fields this year have been 45 quintals under<br />

rainfed conditions with Tobari 66 near Casablanca,<br />

and 52 quintals with Siete Cerros under<br />

irrigation near Agadir.<br />

In general, yields from commercial fields<br />

have paralleled the results obtained with the<br />

demonstrations. Although results are not yet<br />

complete the following observations from farm<br />

demonstrations seem warranted:<br />

1. When various limiting factors hold yield<br />

below thirty quintals/hectare, the advantages<br />

of the Mexican varieties tend to disappear. Example:<br />

In the plots at Sidi-EI-Aidi where, as a<br />

result of severe water stress, the top yield was<br />

Inia 66 with 17.7 Ox/ha, whereas the local<br />

check variety 2,777 yielded 10.3 Ox/ha, only<br />

7 quintals less.<br />

2. When the various limiting factors are<br />

removed and yields rise over the 30 Ox/ha<br />

then Mexican varieties are really clearly advantageous.<br />

Example: The plots at EI Gara,<br />

where the top yielder was Penjamo with 37.8<br />

Ox/ha contrasted with the check variety 2,777<br />

with a yield of 22.0 Ox/ha though all varieties<br />

at this location came through with good yields.<br />

The three Mexican varieties all yielded over<br />

330x/ha.<br />

3. It became apparent this year that too<br />

little fertilizer is being applied on the demonstration<br />

plots. At Mediouna, with an additional<br />

20 kg/ha of nitrogen applied at booting (accompanied<br />

by adequate soil-water reserves),<br />

yields were pushed up to over 50 Ox/ha on<br />

two Mexican varieties (Norteno 67 and Tobari<br />

66). The local varieties were unable to benefit<br />

appreciably from this extra application.<br />

4. Fertilizer is obviously not the limiting<br />

factor, however, nor in some instances the most<br />

important. For example: at Gervais, EI Gara,<br />

four different varieties yielded more than 35.0<br />

Ox/ha, whereas at Berrechid under similar<br />

moisture and the same fertilizer levels these<br />

same varieties yielded only 26.0 Ox/ha.<br />

Failure to adequately control weeds combined<br />

with poor fertilizer application contributed<br />

to the lower yields at Berrechid.<br />

Current expectations are that commercial<br />

production of the Mexican varieties will average<br />

nearly 20 qUintals per hectare this year,<br />

contrasted to slightly over 11 quintals in 1968­<br />

69 and to a national average for all wheat this<br />

year of about 12 quintals per hectare. This<br />

increase has largely resulted from better placement<br />

of varieties. Siete Cerros was moved to<br />

the drier southern areas where Septoria is<br />

not serious, while Tobari and Penjamo were<br />

recommended and used in the wetter northern<br />

areas. As previously states, where recommended<br />

practices were followed, yields in<br />

the range of 25-35 qUintals were not uncommon.<br />

These results have already generated sufficient<br />

interest among farmers throughout the<br />

country, so that it appears likely that there<br />

will not be sufficient quantities of certified<br />

seed to meet demand for the 1970 plantings.<br />

Consequently many farmers are holding back<br />

all or part of their production for their own<br />


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