SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

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BIOCHEMISTRY<strong>SUNDAY</strong>535. SYSTEMS BIOLOGYPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCChemical <strong>Biology</strong> and Drug DiscoveryStructure, Mechanism and Regulation in EnzymeCatalysisPresentation time: 1:05 PM-2:35 PMB197 535.1 Bacterial stress response to hydrogen peroxide.K. Cade. Rutgers Univ., Camden.B198 535.2 Transcriptomic and histopathologiccharacterization of mouse model(s) simulating features ofpost-traumatic stress disorder. S. Muhie, R. Hammamieh, S-A.Miller, J. Meyerhoff, E. Carroll and M. Jett. Walter Reed ArmyInst. of Res. and Naval Med. Res. Ctr.B199 535.3 Comparative developmental and evolutionarystudies of new Caenorhabditis species in Virginia. B.A. Wang,E.A. Haynes and T.M. Grana. Univ. of Mary Washington.B200 535.4 Phosphoproteome profi ling of HEK 293 cellsunder osmotic stress using SILAC. R. Wang, J.D. Ferraris, G.Wang, M. Gucek and M.B. Burg. NHLBI, NIH.536. EXPERIMENTAL AND COMPUTATIONALAPPROACHES TO SYSTEMSPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 1:05 PM-2:35 PMB201 536.1 Minimizing model output uncertainty using aglobal, parallel model-based design of experiments approachJ.N. Bazil, G.T. Buzzard and A.E. Rundell. Med. Col. ofWisconsin and Purdue Univ. Weldon Sch. of Biomed. Engin.B202 536.2 Combining computational and experimentalapproaches to investigate the catalytic mechanism ofglyoxysomal malate dehydrogenase. H. Guterres, S. Hedrickand E. Bell. Univ. of Richmond.B203 536.3 Systematic computational and experimentalidentifi cation of trans-factors that modulate posttranscriptionalgene expression of the hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha. R.Mrowka, A. Bondke Persson, A. Steege, A. Patzak, P.B.Persson and M. Fähling. Friedrich Schiller Univ. Jena andCharité, Med. Univ. Berlin.B204 536.4 NIGMS PSI:<strong>Biology</strong> Initiative – enabling highthroughputstructural biology and structural genomics. W.Smith, A. Ainsztein, R. Basavappa, J. Chin, C. Edmonds, P.Flicker, P. Preusch, J. Wehrle, C. Lewis and J. Berg. NIGMS,NIH.537. GENOMICS AND TOXICOGENOMICSPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 1:05 PM-2:35 PMB205 537.1 The effect of atrazine on the thyroid axis inzebrafi sh. J.L. Sine, G.T. Ayers and D.M. Baker. Univ. of MaryWashington.538. MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGYPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 1:05 PM-2:35 PMB206 538.1 A matrix model of fasting metabolism innorthern elephant seal pups. E.O. Keith. Nova SoutheasternUniv., FL.539. MICROARRAYSPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 1:05 PM-2:35 PMB207 539.1 Lysophosphatidic acid regulates a complexarray of genes in human gingival fi broblasts. D.R. Cerutis, M.D.Weston, A. Ogunleye, T.P. McVaney, K.V. Headen and L.C.Parrish. Creighton Univ.B208 539.2 E3 and DUB substrate identifi cation, andchain linkage profi ling using microarrays C.M. Loch and J.E.Strickler. LifeSensors Inc., Malvern, PA.540. METHODSPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 1:05 PM-2:35 PMB209 540.1 A one-solution, one-tube plasmid DNA miniprepL. Brunelli, M.R. Kuehn and G. Lezin. Univ. of Utah and NCI-Frederick.B2<strong>10</strong> 540.2 Hofmeister series salts enhance purifi cation ofplasmid DNA by non-ionic detergents. L. Brunelli, M.R. Kuehnand G. Lezin. Univ. of Utah and NCI-Frederick.B211 540.3 Identifi cation of Akt-interacting proteinsusing on-beads cross-linking, co-immunoprecipitation andmass spectrometry B.X. Huang and H-Y. Kim. NIAAA, NIH,Rockville.B212 540.4 Universal phosphatase-coupled glycosyltransferaseassay. W. Jiang, C. Ethen, B. Prather, M. Machacekand Z. Wu. R&D Systems Inc., Minneapolis.B213 540.5 Detection of specifi c glycosaminoglycansand glycan epitopes by in vitro sulfation using recombinantsulfotransferases. W. Jiang, B. Prather, C. Ethen, A. Kalyuzhnyand Z. Wu. R&D Systems Inc., Minneapolis.148

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