SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

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ANATOMYC38 489.3 The ontogeny of calvarial suture fusion inHominoidea and Macaca mulatta. J.J. Cray, Jr., G.M. Cooper,M.P. Mooney and M.I. Siegel. Univ. of Pittsburgh.C39 489.4 Population and sex-specifi c variation in modernhuman browridge and chin morphologies. H.M. Garvin. JohnsHopkins Univ. Sch. of Med.C40 489.5 Modeling the functional morphologic relationshipbetween orbital hypertrophy and choanal dimensions: a 3Dgeometric morphometric study of the owl monkey. D. Yang,A.S. Pagano and J.T. Laitman. Mount Sinai Sch. of Med.C41 489.6 Perinatal orbitonasal morphology of primates.T.D. Smith, A.E. Bruening, M.A. Holmes, S.J. Rehorek andV.B. DeLeon. Slippery Rock Univ. and Johns Hopkins Univ.Sch. of Med.C42 489.7 Functional integration of the bony orbits andpiriform aperture during facial growth in humans. E. Wang, A.S.Pagano and J.T. Laitman. Mount Sinai Sch. of Med.C43 489.8 Quantifying degree of mineralization in ribcortical bone of immature human archaeological remains. C.D.Eleazer. Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville.490. BONES, CARTILAGE AND TEETH: ANATOMYAND MORPHOLOGYPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 12:30 PM-2:00 PMC44 490.1 The origin of the cyamella – the poplitealsesamoid. T. Ghosh. King Faisal Univ., Saudi Arabia.C45 490.2 Clinically oriented morphometric study of themedial and lateral menisci of the knee joint in South Indianadult cadavers. B. V. Murlimanju and N. Nair. Manipal Univ.,India.C46 490.3 Histomorphometric analysis of surgicallyinduced versus naturally occurring murine OA. M.A. McNulty,R.F. Loeser, C.M. Ferguson, M.F. Callahan and C.S. Carlson.Rush Univ. Med. Ctr., Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul and WakeForest Univ. Sch. of Med.C47 490.4 Morphometrical analysis of different humerussegments of South Indian population. M. S. Somesh and S. K.Kasturba Med. Col., India.C48 490.5 Ipsilateral versus contralateral anisomeliabetween the upper and lower limbs. S. Baral, T. Adar, A.S.Pagano and S. Marquez. SUNY Downstate Med. Ctr. andMount Sinai Sch. of Med.C49 490.6 Anatomy of foramina on the zygomatic bone:its clinical signifi cance. A. Krishnamurthy, R. Sadashiv andM.S. Somesh. Kasturba Med. Col., Manipal Univ., India.C50 490.7 Morphological and morphometric study of thevermian fossa in South Indian human adult skulls. G.K. Chettiarand B.V. Muralimanju. Kasturba Med. Col., India.C51 490.8 Growth change and functional morphology ofthe osseous choanal boundaries of humans: a 3D geometricmorphometric study. A.S. Pagano, E. Wang and J.T. Laitman.Mount Sinai Sch. of Med.491. BONES, CARTILAGE AND TEETH:CRANIOFACIALPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 12:30 PM-2:00 PMC52 491.1 An anatomical study of the alveolar process inthe human maxilla and its relation to the maxillary sinus usingµ-CT: to facilitate successful dental implants. E. Israel, K.A.Galil and T.D. Wilson. Univ. of Western Ontario.C53 491.2 Palatal rugoscopy in Egyptian and Libyanpopulations. S.M. Tayel, A.K. Al-hrabi, A.M. Atteya and S.S.Tayel. Fac. of Med., Alexandria Univ., Egypt and Fac. of Med.Sci., Al-Jabal Al-Gharbi Univ., Libya.C54 491.3 Investigation of the impacts oftemporomandibular joint pathology and antemortem tooth losson three-dimensional craniofacial shape. L. Barket and H.F.Smith. Arizona Col. of Osteo. Med., Midwestern Univ. andArizona State Univ.C55 491.4 Expression of hypoxia inducible factor mRNAin human gingival tissue. I. Sato, Y. Miwa and K. Shimada.Nippon Dent. Univ. and Kagoshima Univ., Japan.C56 491.5 Characterization of the inner enamel epitheliumand odontoblasts during the secretory and maturation stagesin newts’ teeth development. Y. Miwa, I. Sato and K. Shimada.Nippon Dent. Univ. and Kagoshima Univ., Japan.492. BONES, CARTILAGE AND TEETH: MOLECULARMECHANISMSPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 12:30 PM-2:00 PM<strong>SUNDAY</strong>C57 492.1 Effects of BMP signaling on osteogenicdifferentiation and tooth eruption. S.A. Hafez, S. Yao and G.E.Wise. LSU Sch. of Vet. Med.C58 492.2 BMP-2 induces VEGF expression in culturedhuman osteoblast: a possible role for reactive oxygen speciesand HIF-1α. S. Akeel, A. El-Awady, M. El-Salanty, M. Sharawyand M. Al-Shabrawey. Med. Col. of Georgia.C59 492.3 The effects of a serotonin 5-HT2b receptoragonist on bone, cartilage, and cardiac growth in heterozygousOI mice J.H. Plochocki, D. Blaty and R. Ho. Midwestern Univ.,AZ.C60 492.4 Connective tissue growth factor ablation impairsosteogenesis and bone modeling. A.G. Lambi, R.A. Pixley,F.F. Safadi and S.N. Popoff. Temple Univ. Sch. of Med.C61 492.5 The role of cannabinoid receptors in boneremodeling in a CB1/2 double knockout mouse. R.A. Pixley,F.E. Del Carpio-Cano, J.Y. Belcher, H. Hendesi, C.S. Popoff,L. Le, R. Razmpour, A. Zimmer, M.E. Abood, F.F. Safadi andS.N. Popoff. Temple Univ.C62 492.6 All nine transmembrane adenylyl cyclaseisoforms are temporally expressed in rat articular chondrocytes.I. Memon, K. Khan, S. Siddiqui, S. Perveen and M. Ishaq.Aga Khan Univ., Pakistan, Kuwait Univ. and Sir Syed Col. ofMed. Sci., Pakistan.136

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