SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

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PHYSIOLOGYD85 639.2 Alterations in hepatic tumor cell colonizationduring obesity. H.A. O’Leary, A. Kothur, A.G. Goodwill, J.C.Frisbee and R.W. Brock. West Virginia Univ.D86 639.3 Ischemia-reperfusion decreases hydrogensulfi de production in the kidney. K. O, G. Prathapasinghe, N.Wu and Y.L. Siow. Univ. of Manitoba and Agr. and Agri-FoodCanada, Winnipeg.D87 639.4 Effects of protein kinase C broad spectruminhibitor Gö 6983 on real-time blood nitric oxide and hydrogenperoxide release in femoral artery/vein ischemia andreperfusion. K.D. Bartol, K-A. Perkins, Q. Chen and L.H.Young. Philadelphia Col. of Osteo. Med.D88 639.5 Soluble guanylate cyclase activation preventspostischemic infl ammation in wild type and heme oxygenase-1KO mice. W.Z. Wang, A.W. Jones, M. Wang, M.Y. Zuidema, W.Durante and R.J. Korthuis. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia.D89 639.6 Excess Ca 2+ enhances ROS generation frominhibited complex III with FADH 2-linked substrate but notNADH-linked substrate. M. Aldakkak, D.F. Stowe, R.K. Dash,M.L. Riess and A.K. S. Camara. Med. Col. of Wisconsin.D90 639.7 Role of reactive oxygen species in postischemicleukocyte rolling and adhesion in male and female plasminogenactivator inhibitor type-1 knockout mice. M. Wang, W. Fay andR.J. Korthuis. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia.D91 639.8 Neuroprotective mechanisms of cerium oxidenanoparticles. W. Mosenthal, M.D. Nieves, A. Beideck, J.S.Erlichman and A.Y. Estevez. St. Lawrence Univ., NY.D92 639.9 Pharmacological postconditioning byintracoronary adenosine in a porcine model of acute myocardialinfarction. M. te Lintel Hekkert, S. Tel, D. Merkus, P.W. Serruys,W.J. van der Giessen and D.J. Duncker. Erasmus Med. Ctr.,Rotterdam.D93 639.<strong>10</strong> Antioxidant diet is not effective in kidneyischemia/reperfusion injury. S.R. Inman, T. Hayes, Y. Slyvkaand F.V. Nowak. Ohio Univ.D94 639.11 Chronic resveratrol treatment alleviatesmyocardial ischemia injury in a hypertensive model. K.K.Durham, C.S. Smith and J.W. E. Rush. Univ. of Waterloo,Canada.D95 639.12 Cannabidiol protects against hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury by attenuating oxidative stress, infl ammatoryresponse, and cell death. S. Batkai, P. Mukhopadhyay, B.Horvath, M. Rajesh, G. Hasko, D.A. Wink and R. Mechoulam.NIAAA and NCI, NIH, UMDNJ, Newark and Hebrew Univ. ofJerusalem.D96 639.13 Effect of hyponatremia in isolated rat hearts. D.Lee, R. Quarrie, J.L. Zweier and J.A. Crestanello. Ohio StateUniv.D97 639.14 Peroxynitrite produced during cardiacischemia-reperfusion injury induces nitration of mitochondrialvoltage-dependent anion channel. M. Yang, A.K. S. Camara,W-M. Kwok, B.T. Wakim, A.K. Gadicherla, M. Aldakkak, A.D.Boelens, J.S. Heisner and D.F. Stowe. Med. Col. of Wisconsinand VA Med. Ctr.D98 639.15 Catecholamines and high calcium increasethe susceptibility of the isolated rabbit heart to ischemia- andreperfusion-induced ventricular tachyarrhythmias. H. Clements-Jewery and C. Tanga. West Virginia Sch. of Osteo. Med.D99 639.16 Enhancing complement control on theendothelial barrier protects kidney allografts by modulatingimmune response. S. Pushpakumar, G. Perez-Abadia, C.Soni, T. Fensterer and C. Maldonado. Univ. of Louisville.D<strong>10</strong>0 639.17 Cardiolipin degradation during cardiacischemia reperfusion injury: partial restoration by ranolazine.A.K. Gadicherla, A.K. S. Camara, M. Yang and D.F. Stowe.Med. Col. of Wisconsin.D<strong>10</strong>1 639.18 Membrane enhanced complement controlreduces endothelial cell activation and injury. T.M. Fensterer,P. Patibandla, S. Pushpakumar, G. Perez-Abadia, C. Soni, P.Bauer and C. Maldonado. Univ. of Louisville and EndoProtechInc., Louisville.D<strong>10</strong>2 639.19 ECHDC2, a novel mitochondria proteinis abundantly expressed in SS rat hearts: implications forischemia/reperfusion injury J. Du, T. Guan, Q. Yang, H. Xu, S.Welak, K.A. Prichard, Jr., A.K. S. Camara and Y. Shi. Med.Col. of Wisconsin.D<strong>10</strong>3 639.20 Resveratrol improves renal blood fl ow andmicrocirculation in the kidney during experimental septic shockin mice. J.H. Holthoff, Z. Wang, K.A. Seely and P.R. Mayeux.Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci.D<strong>10</strong>4 639.21 Role of CD4 + T cells in reperfusion-inducedvascular injury. M.Y. Zuidema, Y. Park, Y. Zhang, J. Wu and C.Zhang. Univ. of Missouri Columbia Sch. of Med.D<strong>10</strong>5 639.22 Effect of topical application of cyanide andnitroglycerin on local oxygen consumption at rest and following1 minute of ischemia in the rat spinotrapezius muscle. W.H.Nugent, A.S. Golub, B.K. Song and R.N. Pittman. VirginiaCommonwealth Univ.640. HYPERTENSIONPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 12:45 PM-3:00 PM<strong>SUNDAY</strong>D<strong>10</strong>6 640.1 Skeletal muscle metaborefl ex overactivity ismediated by the TRPv1 receptor in spontaneously hypertensiverats. M. Mizuno, M.N. Murphy, J.H. Mitchell and S.A. Smith.Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr.D<strong>10</strong>7 640.2 Reactive oxygen species mediate agonistinducedTRPC6 activation in vascular smooth muscle cells.Y. Ding, M. Ding, S.M. Graham, I. Akopova, S. Muallem, L.Birnbaumer and R. Ma. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr.,NIDCR, NIH and NIEHS, NIH, Research Triangle Park.D<strong>10</strong>8 640.3 Endothelin B receptor-mediated activation ofNADPH oxidase alters norepinephrine-related gene expressionin PC-12 cells. C.L. Henley, X. Cao and D.L. Kreulen. MichiganState Univ. and Weill Cornell Med. Col.D<strong>10</strong>9 640.4 Augmented angiotensin II signalling inresistance vessels from smooth muscle specifi c dominantnegative PPARG transgenic mice. M. A.C. Sepulveda, P.Ketsawatsomkron and C.D. Sigmund. Univ. of Iowa.D1<strong>10</strong> 640.5 Exercise pressor refl ex induced FOS expressionis co-localized with neurons containing neuronal nitric oxidesynthase in the nucleus tractus solitarius. M.N. Murphy, M.Mizuno and S.A. Smith. Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med.Ctr.D111 640.6 Intrathecal kynurenate decreases arterialpressure in conscious DOCA-salt hypertensive rats.B. Veitenheimer and J. Osborn. Univ. of Minnesota,Minneapolis.188

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