SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

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BIOCHEMISTRY565. MAP KINASESPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 1:05 PM-2:35 PMB369 565.1 Role of p44/42 activation in DBT-induced lossof cytotoxic function of human natural killer cells. A.B. Abrahaand M. Whalen. Tennessee State Univ.B370 565.2 Atypical MAPK ERK3 is required for thedevelopment of interstitial fi brosis during pressure overloadinducedhypertrophy. D. Dingar, Y. Shi, M-A. Gillis, M. Gaestel,S. Meloche, J-C. Tardif and B.G. Allen. Montral Heart Inst.,Univ. of Montreal and Med. Sch Hannover.B371 565.3 Cloning and expression of parasitic mitogenactivatedprotein kinase. J.H. Dyer, K. Gaskill and J. Siekierka.Montclair State Univ., NJ.B372 565.4 Expression, phosphorylation, and localizationof the novel B-RAF target FAM129b/MINERVA in humanmelanoma and breast epithelial cells J.C. Riedinger, M. Pytlik,J. Brule, T. Anderson and J.B. Shabb. Univ. of North Dakotaand Concordia Col., MN.B373 565.5 Role of Bam32 in TCR-induced Erk activation.A.K. Rouquette-Jazdanian, I. Akpan, V. Barr, C.L. Sommersand L.E. Samelson. NCI, NIH.B374 565.6 Cytokine gene expression and ERK activationis modulated by PP2A in THP1 cells exposed to asbestos. A.J.Ryan and A.B. Carter. Univ. of Iowa.B375 565.7 Oxidative inhibition of MAPKAP kinase 2 ispredominately mediated through the activation loop cysteine.E.A. Rye, B. Forsberg, A. Johansen, R. Patel, C. Schumacherand C.A. Chrestensen. Kennesaw State Univ.B376 565.8 ATP-dependent crosstalk between c-JunN-terminal kinase and ERK/Akt determines survival of cardiacmyocytes subjected to hypoxia-reoxygenation. W. Wang, H. Liand K. Webster. Univ. of Miami.566. SERINE/THREONINE KINASEPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 1:05 PM-2:35 PMB377 566.1 Mechanisms regulating the nuclear localizationof p90 ribosomal S6 kinase1. X. Gao and T. Patel. Loyola Univ.Chicago, Maywood.B378 566.2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Env7p is a vacuolarintegral membrane protein and an orthologue of human ser/thrkinase STK16. E. Gharakhanian, S. Manandhar, S. Cocca,F. Ricarte and M. Serranilla. California State Univ., LongBeach.B379 566.3 Development of synthetic biologics to probe therole of D-AKAP2 in breast cancer. E.J. Kennedy, G.N. Sarma,C.T. Eggers and S.S. Taylor. Col. of Pharm., Univ. of Georgia,UCSD and HHMI, La Jolla.B380 566.4 Investigation of a potential tyrosinephosphorylation site in the activation loop of a yeast caseinkinase 1 protein kinase. L.C. Larkin, L.C. Robinson and C.Brame. Centenary Col. of Louisiana and LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr.,Shreveport.B381 566.5 Phosphorylation site mapping and mutationalstudies of the ACR4 intracellular domain. M.R. Meyer and A.G.Rao. Iowa State Univ.B382 566.6 Ser243 in the activation loop of the Yck2 CK1protein kinase may be an inhibitory phosphorylation site. J.Phillips, L. Larkin, L. Robinson and C. Brame. CentenaryCol. of Louisiana and LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Shreveport.567. TYROSINE KINASESPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 1:05 PM-2:35 PMB383 567.1 Characterization of kinase inhibitors using akinase binding assay on active/inactive TrkA/TrkB and a TrkBassay in neurons. L. De Vries, F. Finana, I. Rauly-Lestienne,F. Lestienne, M-C. Ailhaud and D. Cussac. Pierre Fabre Res.Ctr., Castres, France.B384 567.2 Combining chemical rescue and proteomics togain a better understanding of the cellular role of the c-Src protooncogene.M.I. Martinez Ferrando, H. Molina, R. Chaerkady,J. Zhong, H.K. C. Jacob, A. Pandey and P.A. Cole. JohnsHopkins Sch. of Med. and Ctr. for Genomic Regul., Barcelona.B385 567.3 Regulation of growth factor receptor degradationby ADP-ribosylation factor-domain protein 1. V. Meza-Carmen,G. Pacheco-Rodriguez, J. Kato, G.S. Kang, C. Donati, A.Vichi, C. Zhang, M. Payne, S. El-Chemaly, J. Moss and M.Vaughan. NHLBI, NIH.B386 567.4 Diversity in the control of individual Src-familykinases by their SH3 domains. J.A. Moroco, J.J. Alvarado, J.I.Yeh and T.E. Smithgall. Univ. of Pittsburgh.B387 567.5 Implication of c-Src tyrosine kinase inangiotensin II and endothelin-1-induced MAPK activation andearly growth-response factor-1 expression in vascular smoothmuscle cells. G. Vardatsikos and A.K. Srivastava. Univ. ofMontreal and Univ. of Montreal Hosp. Ctr.568. THE CHEMICAL BIOLOGIST’S TOOLBOXPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 1:05 PM-2:35 PM<strong>SUNDAY</strong>B388 568.1 Chemical site-selective modifi cation of proteins:tools for synthetic biology. G.J. L. Bernardes. Univ. of Oxford.B389 568.2 How streptavidin’s utility in bionanotechnologywas increased: pushing the limits of a non-covalent interaction.C.E. Chivers, E. Lowe and M. Howarth. Univ. of Oxford.B390 568.3 Mitochondria-targeted probes and functionalmolecules. R.C. Hartley. Sch. of Chem., Univ. of Glasgow.B391 568.4 Orthogonal dual wavelength photoactivation ofcAMP and cGMP-dependent protein kinase signaling pathways.M.A. Priestman, L. Sun and D.S. Lawrence. Univ. of NorthCarolina at Chapel Hill Eshelman Sch. of Pharm.B392 568.5 H NMR spectra of substituted phenyl succinamicacids: a case study of deceptive simplicity. J.M. Risley, A.M.Young, J.P. Kastanis, J.A. Stanziale and R. Zohby. Univ. ofNorth Carolina at Charlotte.156

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