SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

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NUTRITIONA15 I 581.15 3,3’-Diindolylmethane inhibitsadipogenesis of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes by proteosomaldegradation of cyclin D1 S.G. Seo, S.H. Shin, S. Min, J.Y.Kwon, K-H. Kim, K.W. Lee and H.J. Lee. Seoul Natl. Univ.,Konkuk Univ., South Korea and Purdue Univ.A16 II 581.16 Serum 25(OH)D response to soyisofl avone supplementation in postmenopausal women.R.D. Lewis, W.W. Wong, D.B. Hausman, J.G. Fischer,F.M. Steinberg, M.J. Murray, M.A. Cramer, P. Amato, R.L.Young, S. Barnes, K.J. Ellis, R.J. Shypailo, J.K. Fraley, K.L.Konzelmann and E.O. B. Smith. Univ. of Georgia, Baylor Col.of Med., Univ. of California, Davis, No. California Fertility Med.Ctr., Roseville, Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. and Univ. of Alabamaat Birmingham.A17 I 581.17 Examining the bone forming abilityof ferutinin, an extract of giant fennel, on the function ofMC3T3-E1 osteoblast-like cells M.L. Elam, Z. Ezzat Zadeh, S.Hooshmand and B.H. Arjmandi. Florida State Univ.A18 II 581.18 Comparative study of dried fruits andtheir ability to restore bone microarchitecture in osteopenicC57BL/6 mice. B.J. Smith, K. Hembree, E. Rendina, Y.Wang, D. Marlow, S.L. Clarke, B.P. Halloran and E.A. Lucas.Oklahoma State Univ. and VA Med. Ctr., UCSD.582. DIETARY BIOACTIVE COMPONENTS II:MECHANISMS OF ACTION AND MOLECULARTARGETS IPoster(Sponsored by: Dietary Bioactive Components RIS)SUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 12:45 PM-1:45 PM (I); 1:45 PM-2:45 PM (II)A19 I 582.1 Mechanism of Keap1 cysteinesmutated in cancer. R. Calderon, A.L. Eg gler and A.D.Mesecar. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago Col. of Pharm. and PurdueUniv.A20 II 582.2 Capsaicin: a novel therapy for humansmall cell lung cancer. A.M. Dom, J.K. Lau, K.C. Brown, B.S.Shiflett, T.R. Witte, W.E. Hardman and P. Dasgupta. Joan C.Edwards Sch. of Med., Marshall Univ.A21 I 582.3 Allyl isothiocyanate infl uences in vitroinvasion, adhesion and gene expression in SK-Hep1 cells E-S.Hwang. Jeonju Univ., South Korea.A22 II 582.4 Resveratrol modulates MED28(Magicin) expression and inhibits migration in MDA-MB-231human breast cancer cells. M-F. Lee, M-H. Pan, Y-S. Chiou, H.Huang and W.-H. Hong. Chang Jung Christian Univ. and Natl.Kaohsiung Marine Univ., Taiwan.A23 I 582.5 Quercetin induces cell apoptosis viaactivation of AMP-activated protein kinase and inhibition ofprotein elongation in leukemia Jurkat cells. J. Han, Y. Jiang,L. Tang, E. Ortiz, D. Medeiros and D. Lin. Kansas State Univ.and Da Lian Univ., People’s Republic of China.A24 II 582.6 Polyphenolics from pomegranateprevent infl ammation in breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivoand target miRNA 155. N. Banerjee and S.M. Talcott. TexasA&M Univ.A25 I 582.7 Resveratrol inhibits 3T3-L1 adipogenesisthrough direct regulation of insulin receptor. J.Y. Kwon,S.G. Seo, K.W. Lee, S. Yue, J-X. Cheng and K-H. Kim. WeldonSch. of Biomed. Engin., Purdue Univ. and Seoul Natl. Univ.A26 II 582.8 Reduced weight gain and adiposity inC57BL/6 mice provided anthocyanin-rich purple corn extract isdependent on the composition of the high fat diet. M. Lefevre,N. Hergert and A. Zuberi. Utah State Univ. and PenningtonBiomed. Res. Ctr., Baton Rouge.A27 I 582.9 Nutrigenomic effects of hesperidin,the major polyphenol of orange, related to its cardiovascularprotective effects C. Morand, D. Milenkovic, A. Chanet, C.Deval and A. Mazur. INRA, St Genes Champanelle, France.A28 II 582.<strong>10</strong> Effects of pine nuts oil supplementationon serum cholesterol concentration. J. Baek, T.W. Kim, J. Kim,T.H. Kim and M. Choe. Kangwon Natl. Univ., South Korea.A29 I 582.11 Dietary phytosterol esters must behydrolyzed for optimal reduction in cholesterol absorption. T.J.Carden, A.W. Brown, M. Mielke, J. Hang, P.H. Dussault, B.H.Lee, V.L. Schlegel and T.P. Carr. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln.A30 II 582.12 A Mediterranean-stylelow-glycemic-load diet reduces the expression of HMG-CoAreductase in mononuclear cells and correlates with decreasesin insulin and LDL oxidation in women with metabolicsyndrome. J.L. Jones, Y-K. Park, J-Y. Lee, R.H. Lerman andM.L. Fernandez. Univ. of Connecticut and Metagenics Inc., GigHarbor, WA.A31 I 582.13 The effects of isofl avones on serumlipids in C57BL/6J mice. E. Mullen and D. Coyle. NorthernKentucky Univ.A32 II 582.14 Correlation of iNOS, eNOS, PPARγ,TNFα and HNF4α gene expressions in subcutaneous adiposetissue of obese women in response to 12-week calorierestricteddiet with or without exercise E.S. A. Barrera, J.I. A.Avendaño, A.D. López, M.M. Godinez, M.G. López, G.D. I.García, N. Perez-Vielma, E.L. Padilla and A.M. García. Natl.Polytech. Inst. and Salvador Zubirán Natl. Inst. of Med. Sci. andNutr., Mexico City.A33 I 582.15 Gelidium amansii, an edible redseaweed, inhibits adipocyte differentiation and ROS productionin 3T3-L1 cells O-H. Lee and B-Y. Lee. Kangwon Natl. Univ.and CHA Univ., South Korea,.A34 II 582.16 Epigallocatechin-3-gallate increasesthe expression and secretion of adiponectin protein in 3T3-L1adipocytes, but not through the insulin signaling pathway C.Montero, S.C. Frost and S.S. Percival. Univ. of Florida.A35 I 582.17 All-trans-retinoic acid attenuatescell swelling and mitochondrial dysfunction following oxygenglucosedeprivation in glial cells. K.S. Panickar and H.D.Dawson. USDA, Beltsville.583. DIETARY BIOACTIVE COMPONENTS III:CHRONIC DISEASE RISK REDUCTION IPoster(Sponsored by: Dietary Bioactive Components RIS)<strong>SUNDAY</strong>SUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 12:45 PM-1:45 PM (I); 1:45 PM-2:45 PM (II)A36 I 583.1 Infl uence of garlic and ginger ondiabetic indicators in STZ-induced diabetic rats. M.J. Al-Houli,M. Thomson, K. Al-Qattan, D. J. S. and M. Ali. Kuwait Univ.A37 II 583.2 A fl axseed diet high in SDGameliorates the diabetic phenotype in the male Zucker diabeticrat. W.J. Banz, J.E. Davis, J.L. Cheatwood, M.J. Iqbal andR.W. Clough. Southern Illinois Univ.160

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