SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

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PHYSIOLOGYD558 668.7 Simulated microgravity does not altermyogenesis gene expression in C2C12 cells. K.L. Shimkus,S.B. Zanello, K. Emami and H. Wu. Texas A&M Univ., Univs.Space Res. Assn., Houston, Johnson Space Ctr., NASA andWyle Labs., Houston.D559 668.8 Novel analog for muscle deconditioning. L.Ploutz-Snyder, J. Ryder, R. Buxton, E. Redd, M. Scott-Pandorf, K. Hackney, J. Fiedler, R. Ploutz-Snyder and J.Bloomberg. Univs. Space Res. Assn., Univ. of Houston, WyleIntegrated Sci. and Engin. Gp., Syracuse Univ. and NASA,Houston.D560 668.9 Leucine attenuates muscle loss and facilitatesrecovery following bed rest in middle-aged adults. K.L. English,J.A. Mettler, M.M. Mamerow, M. Sheffield-Moore and D.Paddon-Jones. Univ. of Texas Med. Branch.669. INTERMITTENT HYPOXIA/OXIDATIVE STRESSPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 12:45 PM-3:00 PMD561 669.1 Acute intermittent hypoxia in rat in vivo elicitslong-term facilitation of recurrent laryngeal nerve activity andmodulates multiple hypoxic chemorefl ex response. T. Xing,T.G. Bautista, A.Y. Fong, M.S. Y. Lung and P.M. Pilowsky.Australian Sch. of Adv. Med., Macquarie Univ.D562 669.2 Technique for in vitro intermittent hypoxiaexposure. J. Polak, K. Studer-Rabeler, M.A. Hussain, N.M.Punjabi and L.A. Shimoda. Johns Hopkins Med. Instns. andCoy Labs., Grass Lake, MI.D563 669.3 Adaptation to intermittent hypoxia preventsrarefaction of the brain vascular net in rats with experimentalAlzheimer’s disease. A.V. Goryacheva, I.V. Barskov, I.V.Viktorov, H.F. Downey and E.B. Manukhina. Inst. of Gen.Pathol. and Pathophysiol. and Sci. Ctr. of Neurol., Moscow andUniv. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr.D564 669.4 Intermittent hypoxia impairs pancreatic betacellresponse to glucose. N. Wang, J. Jonson, B. Kinsman,N.R. Prabhakar and J. Nanduri. Univ. of Chicago.D565 669.5 Exposure to intermittent hypoxia for 7 daysdoes not alter the intracellular pH response of NTS neuronsto hypercapnic acidosis. Z. Luo and S. Mifflin. Univ. of NorthTexas Hlth. Sci. Ctr.D566 669.6 Exposure to chronic intermittent hypoxia isnot associated with the sympathetic barorefl ex dysfunction. K.Yamamoto, W. Eubank and S. Mifflin. Univ. of North TexasHlth. Sci. Ctr.D567 669.7 Intermittent hypoxia reduces endothelialfunction. B. Williams, J.M. Dorn, A.A. El Solh, R.W. Browneand A.D. Ray. Univ. at Buffalo.D568 669.8 Intermittent hypoxia conditioning attenuatesvascular contractile response to angiotensin-II in spontaneouslyhypertensive rats. D. Jasti, S. Mifflin, E.B. Manukhina andH.F. Downey. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and Inst. ofGen. Pathol. and Pathophysiol., Moscow.D569 669.9 Angiotensin II evokes sensory long-termfacilitation of the carotid body. Y-J. Peng, G.K. Kumar and N.R.Prabhakar. Univ. of Chicago.D570 669.<strong>10</strong> Intermittent hypoxia attenuates carotid baroreceptoractivity via endothelin-1. Y-J. Peng, J. Nanduri, G.K.Kumar and N.R. Prabhakar. Univ. of Chicago.<strong>SUNDAY</strong>D571 669.11 Role of NFATc3 in vasoconstrictor sensitivity ina mouse model of sleep apnea. J.K. Friedman, C.H. Nitta, K.M.Henderson, S.J. Codianni, N.L. Kanagy and L.V. GonzalezBosc. Univ. of New Mexico Hlth. Sci. Ctr.D572 669.12 Chronic intermittent hypoxia exposure reducesNOS isoforms in internal pudendal artery: linking sleep apneaand erectile dysfunction. K.J. Allahdadi, F.R. Carreno, S.Mifflin and A.M. Schreihofer. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci.Ctr.D573 669.13 Intermittent hypoxia conditioning preventsNO overproduction and accumulation of 3-nitrotyrosine inthe myocardium of rats during ischemia and reperfusion.E.B. Manukhina, A.V. Goryacheva, D.A. Chepurnova, L.M.Belkina, O.L. Terekhina, R.T. Mallet and H.F. Downey. Inst.of Gen. Pathol. and Pathophysiol., Moscow and Univ. of NorthTexas Hlth. Sci. Ctr.D574 669.14 Deltorphin-D decreases H 20 2-inducedmyocardial cell necrosis in rat myoblast cell line. P.R. Oeltgen,P.D. Bishop and S.A. Brown. VA Med. Ctr., Lexington, KY andZymoGenetics Inc., Seattle.D575 669.15 The role of superoxide in muscle vasodilationin chronically hypoxic rats. C.J. Ray and J.M. Marshall. Univ.of Birmingham Sch. of Clin. & Exptl. Med.D576 669.16 Contrasting effects of sustained and intermittenthypoxia on HERG K + channel traffi cking. J. Nanduri, G.Ahmmed, N. Wang and N.R. Prabhakar. Univ. of Chicago.D577 669.17 Intermittent hypoxia enhances neuropeptideY synthesis in adrenal medulla via reactive oxygen speciesdependentalterations in precursor peptide processing. G.Raghuraman, N.R. Prabhakar and G.K. Kumar. Univ. ofChicago.D578 669.18 Mechanisms underlying augmented exocytosiselicited by intermittent hypoxia. D. Souvannakitti, G. Yuan, J.Nanduri, G.K. Kumar and N.R. Prabhakar. Univ. of Chicago.D579 669.19 Neonatal intermittent hypoxia impairs neuronalnicotinic receptor expression and function in adrenal chromaffi ncells. D. Souvannakitti, B. Kuri, G. Yuan, A. Pawar, G.K.Kumar, C. Smith, A.P. Fox and N.R. Prabhakar. Univ. ofChicago and Case Western Reserve Univ.D580 669.20 H2S generated by cystathionine γ-lyasemediates hypoxia-evoked catecholamine secretion fromneonatal adrenal medullary chromaffi n cells. D. Souvannakitti,J. Nanduri, A.P. Fox, M.M. Gadalla, G.K. Kumar, S. Snyderand N.R. Prabhakar. Univ. of Chicago and Johns HopkinsUniv. Sch. of Med.D581 669.21 Hydrogen sulfi de mediates carotid bodyresponse to hypoxia. Y-J. Peng, J. Nanduri, G. Raghuraman,M.M. Gadalla, G.K. Kumar, S. Snyder and N.R. Prabhakar.Univ. of Chicago amd Johns Hopkins Univ.D582 669.22 Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 mediates increasedexpression of NADPH oxidase-2 in response to intermittenthypoxia. G. Yuan, S.A. Khan, W. Luo, G.L. Semenza and N.R.Prabhakar. Univ. of Chicago and Johns Hopkins Univ.D583 669.23 Calcium signaling mediates intermittenthypoxia-induced HIF-2α degradation. J. Nanduri, N. Wangand N.R. Prabhakar. Univ. of Chicago.D584 669.24 Ca 2+ -dependent S-glutathionylation mediatesintermittent hypoxia–induced mitochondrial complex I inhibition.S.A. Khan, G. Yuan, G.K. Kumar and N.R. Prabhakar. Univ. ofChicago.D585 669.25 Cross talk between NADPH oxidase andmitochondrial complex I during intermittent hypoxia. S.A. Khan,J. Nanduri, B. Kinsman, J. Joseph, B. Kalyanaraman andN.R. Prabhakar. Univ. of Chicago and Med. Col. of Wisconsin.206

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