SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

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<strong>SUNDAY</strong>D222 644.13 Effect of blood volume change on circulationand heart rate variability during autologous blood donation. M.Kamakura, M. Haga, M. Nagai and H. Chiba. Tohoku Univ.Grad. Sch. of Med., Japan.D223 644.14 Intracellular Na + homeostasis in diabeticmammalian cardiomyocytes. B. Turan, A. Bilginoglu and H.B.Kandilci. Ankara Univ.D224 644.15 Chronic exposure to diesel exhaust particulatesinduces cardiac remodeling and dysfunction. J.M. Bradley andJ. Gardner. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans.D225 644.16 Beta-adrenergic stimulation causes rapidNOS1-dependent S-nitrosylation of cardiac proteins, associatedwith increased contractility M.P. Boric, A. Vielma and D.R.González. Pontifi cal Catholic Univ. of Chile and Univ. de Talca,Chile.D226 644.17 Continuous and less invasive cardiac outputmonitoring by long time interval analysis of a peripheral arterialblood pressure waveform with pulse transit time correction. G.Zhang, M. Moslehpour and R. Mukkamala. Michigan StateUniv.D227 644.18 Altered mitochondrial protein levels afterchronic ethanol consumption in the aged estrogen defi cientrat heart. J.L. Miller-Lee, D.R. Sharda, G.M. Kanski, N.J.Tomicek, J.C. Hunter and D.H. Korzick. Penn State.D228 644.19 Cardiovascular effects of levosimendan duringrewarming from severe hypothermia in vivo. B. Haaheim, E.S.Dietrichs, T. Tveita and G. Sieck. Univ. of Tromsø, Norway andMayo Clin.D229 644.20 Evaluation of cardiac function in hypertensioninduced by salt intake. V. Farah, P. Fiorino, L. Souza-Teodoro,R. Sirvente, C. Mostarda, I.C. Araujo, M.C. Fonteles andM.C. Irigoyen. Mackenzie Presbyterian Univ., Brazil and Med.Sch., Heart Inst., Univ. of São Paulo.D230 644.21 Perinatal infl ammation causes adult cardiacdiseases: a novel model for fetal origins of adult diseases. M.Velten, K.R. Hutchinson, M.W. Gorr, C. Velten, L.E. Wold, P.A.Lucchesi and L.K. Rogers. Res. Inst. at Nationwide Children’sHosp.D231 644.22 Body weight loss as an independent markerof acute heart failure after myocardial infarction in rats. I.Stefanon, T. Faria, M. Baldo, M.R. Simões, R. Pereira andD.V. Vassallo. Fed. Univ. of Espírito Santo, Brazil.D232 644.23 Akt2 knockout alleviates high-fat diet-inducedcardiac dysfunction. X. Xu, Y. Hua, Y. Zhang and J. Ren.Univ. of Wyoming and Xijing Hosp., Fourth Military Med. Univ.,People’s Republic of China.D233 644.24 iNOS inhibition causes myocardial abnormalitiesthrough an AKT-dependent pathway. N. Roe and J. Ren. Univ.of Wyoming.D234 644.25 Cardiac hypertrophy adaptations to irondefi ciency transition from adaptive to pathological and correlatewith sympathetic nervous system activation. H.G. Chew, B.Almaw, A. Boynton, K. Dockter, M. Arcadia, A. Grasmick, S.Slaugh and A. Robinson. Western Wyoming Col.D235 644.26 Pathologic cardiac hypertrophy, but notphysiologic cardiac growth, induces O-GlcNAc signaling R.E.Brainard, G.A. Ngoh, H.T. Facundo, P.M. Stoller and S.P.Jones. Univ. of Louisville.D236 644.27 Cardiovascular responses to deep inhibitory ribraising osteopathic manipulation in healthy young individuals.M. Ioudina and E. Toder. Touro Univ. Nevada Col. of Osteo.Med.D237 644.28 Cardiac function is diminished in diet-inducedobese mice. A.K. Reddy, C.J. Hartley and G.E. Taffet. BaylorCol. of Med.D238 644.29 EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor tyrphostinAG-1478 causes moderate hypomagnesemia and cardiacdysfunction. I.T. Mak, J.H. Kramer, J.J. Chmielinska, C.F.Spurney and W.B. Weglicki. George Washington Univ. andChildren’s Natl. Med. Ctr.645. NEURAL CONTROL OF CARDIOVASCULARFUNCTIONPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 12:45 PM-3:00 PMPHYSIOLOGYD239 645.1 Enhanced nitric oxide-mediated blunting ofsympathetic vasoconstriction following 4 weeks of exercisetraining. N.G. Jendzjowsky and D.S. DeLorey. Univ. ofAlberta.D240 645.2 Artifi cial barorefl ex system restores volumebuffering function in the barorefl ex failure irrespective of leftventricular systolic function. K. Hosokawa, K. Funakoshi, A.Tanaka, T. Sakamoto, K. Onitsuka, K. Sakamoto, T. Tobushi,T. Fujino, T. Ide and K. Sunagawa. Kyushu Univ. Grad. Sch. ofMed. Sci., Japan.D241 645.3 Serotonin-induced hypotension is not due toa reduction in preganglionic splanchnic sympathetic nerveactivity in the Sprague Dawley rat. R.P. Davis, H.S. Orer, S.M.Barman and S.W. Watts. Michigan State Univ. and HacettepeUniv., Turkey.D242 645.4 Blockade of parasympathetic regulation of theheart induces depressive behaviors. M.L. Scotti, S.L. Bates,J. Wardwell, N. McNeal, D.L. Chandler and A.J. Grippo.Northern Illinois Univ.D243 645.5 Hypocretin-1 (orexin A) enhances theGABAergic pathway from the lateral paragigantocellularnucleus to cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus. O.Dergacheva and D. Mendelowitz. George Washington Univ.D244 645.6 Postsynaptic integration in rat sympatheticneurons follows three cellular profi les. M.G. Springer and J.P.Horn. Univ. of Pittsburgh.D245 645.7 Chronotropic effect of stimulation of α1adrenergic receptors in mouse atria. Y-F. Li, M. Grandi and J.Freeling. Univ. of South Dakota.D246 645.8 Activation of NMDA receptors in the medialprefrontal cortex attenuates the cardiovascular responseto acute stress. F.C. Müller-Ribeiro, D.V. Zaretsky, M.V.Zaretskaia, J.A. DiMicco and M.P. Fontes. Fed. Univ. of MinasGerais, Brazil and Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med.D247 645.9 Intracerebroventricular microinjection ofliposome-entrapped GABA reduces cardiac reactivity to acutestress and anxiety-like behaviour. G.C. Vaz, A.C. Carvalho, C.H.Xavier, A.P. Bahia, R.A. S. Santos, F.A. Moreira, F.J. Frezardand M.A. P. Fontes. Fed. Univ. of Minas Gerais, Brazil.D248 645.<strong>10</strong> Pilot investigation of the cardiopulmonarybarorefl ex control of ventricular contractility. R. Mukkamala,J.A. Sala-Mercado, X. Chen, R.L. Hammond, M. Ichinoseand D.S. O’Leary. Michigan State Univ. and Wayne State Univ.Sch. of Med.SUN193

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