SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

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<strong>SUNDAY</strong>C163 616.14 An antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotidedownregulating uPAR expression inhibits retinalneoangiogenesis both in vitro and in vivo. F. Di Gesualdo,M. Lulli, S. Bono, A. Lupia, E. Witort, M. Dal Monte and S.Capaccioli. Univ. of Florence, Phoenix Stem Cell Fndn. forHuman Life, Florence and Univ. of Pisa.C164 616.15 Cleaved high molecular weight kininogeninduces endothelial progenitor cell senescence in a ROSp38MAPK-p16INK4a signaling pathway and inhibits their vascularrepair capacity. J. Dai and Y. Wu. Soochow Univ., People’sRepublic of China and Temple Univ.C165 616.16 Protective effect of EUK-207 on irradiatiedhuman intestinal microvascular endothelial cells. M.F. Otterson,L. Nie, B.J. Link, J.L. Schmidt and P. Rafiee. Med. Col. ofWisconsin.C166 616.17 Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1 and MMP-3 induced macrophage MMP-9: evidence for the role ofmicrosomal prostaglandin synthase-1. K. M.F. Khan, P. Kothari,B. Du, A.J. Dannenberg and D.J. Falcone. Weill Cornell Med.Col.C167 616.18 Hyaluronan fragmentation and MMP-12expression during pulmonary ischemia. L.M. Eldridge, A.Moldobaeva, C.G. Tankersley and E. Wagner. Sch. of Med.and Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Johns Hopkins Univ.C168 616.19 Proinfl ammatory phenotype in the 2-kidney,1-clip model of renovascular hypertension J. Grande, J. Cheng,G. Warner, C. Gray, B. Knudsen, K. Lien and J. Juskewitch.Mayo Clin.C169 616.20 Development of an in vitro model of the acutecoagulopathy of trauma. M.A. Meledeo, J.E. Campbell and P.D.Bowman. U.S. Army Inst. of Surg. Res., Fort Sam Houston.PATHOLOGY/PHARMACOLOGYC170 616.21 Immunologic differentiation of generic lowmolecular weight heparins. J.M. Walenga, M. Prechel, V.Escalante, W. Jeske and M. Bakhos. Loyola Univ. Chicago,Maywood.C171 616.22 Biological activities of two ultra-low molecularweight heparins, semuloparin and bemiparin, reveal that acommon potency standard is inappropriate W. Jeske, D.Hoppensteadt, A. Gray, J.M. Walenga, J. Cunanan, L. Myers,J. Fareed, A. Bayol, H. Rigal and C. Viskov. Loyola Univ. Med.Ctr. and Sanofi -Aventis, Vitry-sur-Seine.C172 616.23 α(1,3)-Fucosyltransferase-IV defi ciency contributesto a prothrombotic phenotype in mice H. Wang, J.Rose and J.W. Homeister. Univ. of North Carolina at ChapelHill.C173 616.24 Withdrawn.C174 616.25 Studies on the pathogenesis of systemiccapillary leak syndrome. R.A. Patel, Z. Xie and D. Kirk. NIAID,NIH.C175 616.26 Role of HMBG1/TLR4/IL-33 axis in cardiacmyocyte-fi broblast interaction in the development of diabeticcardiomyopathy. X. Xu, H. Xu, J. Zhang, R. Kao, C.M. Martinand T. Rui. Lawson Hlth. Res. Inst., Univ. of Western Ontarioand London Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Canada.C176 616.27 On the effects of vitamin K supplementation onhuman dermal fi broblasts. D. Quaglino, F. Boraldi, G. Annovi,D. Guerra, R. Tiozzo and L.J. Schurgers. Univ. of Modenaand Reggio Emilia, Italy and Univ. of Maastricht, Netherlands.C177 616.28 NAD-evoked responses in porcine isolatedmesenteric arteries. E. Alefishat, S. Alexander and V. Ralevic.Univ. of Nottingham.Pharmacology and <strong>Experimental</strong> Therapeutics617. BEHAVIORAL PHARMACOLOGY — GENERAL IPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 12:30 PM-2:45 PMC187 617.1 Time course, safety, and effi cacy of reversibleacetylcholinesterase inhibitors in cynomolgus macaques L.Hamilton, A. Bonvillain and T. Myers. U.S. Army Med. Res.Inst. of Chem. Def., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD.C188 617.2 Neurobehavioral effects of lead and manganesein developmentally exposed rats: a comparative study betweenindividual and combined exposures. S. Betharia, M. Bohlkeand T. Maher. Massachusetts Col. of Pharm. and Hlth. Sci.C189 617.3 Morphine-induced motor stimulation andataxia: age-related differences in mice. W. Koek, C.P. Franceand M.A. Javors. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio.C190 617.4 Glial modulatory drugs, AV411 (ibudilast) andAV<strong>10</strong>13, blunt methamphetamine-induced locomotor activationand sensitization in mice S.E. Snider, S.A. Vunck, E.J. C. G.van den Oord, D.E. Adkins, J.L. McClay and P.M. Beardsley.Virginia Commonwealth Univ. Sch. of Pharm.C191 617.5 Cannabidiol prevents the development ofallodynia in paclitaxel-treated female C57BL6 mice. M.D.Ramirez, H. Neelakantan, E.A. Walker and S.J. Ward. Sch. ofSci. and Technol. and Sch. of Pharm., Temple Univ.C192 617.6 Cannabinoid-mediated diuresis in mice. G.R.Chopda, R. Sharma, G. Thakur, K. Vemuri, A. Makriyannisand C.A. Paronis. Northeastern Univ.C193 617.7 Effects of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol inassays of pain-stimulated and pain-depressed behavior in rats.A.J. Kwilasz and S. Negus. Virginia Commonwealth Univ.C194 617.8 Antinociceptive activity of carvacrol in formalin-,capsaicin- and glutamate-induced orofacial nociception inrodents L.J. Quintans, Jr., A.G. Guimarães, M.G. B. Oliveira,R.S. Barreto, S.C. H. Cavalcanti, A.A. S. Araújo, M.R. V.Santos, J.S. S. Quintans and L.R. Bonjardim. Fed. Univ. ofSergipe, Brazil.C195 617.9 Effects of the serotonin uptake inhibitorclomipramine in assays of pain-depressed and pain-stimulatedbehavior in rats. M.B. Rosenberg and S.S. Negus. VirginiaCommonwealth Univ.C196 617.<strong>10</strong> Remifentanil exposure produces hyperalgesiabut not morphine tolerance in rats. E.M. Jutkiewicz, Y. Sun,J.S. Schimmel and J.R. Traynor. Univ. of Michigan.C197 617.11 Role of beta-arrestin2 in the developmentof opiate-induced antinociceptive tolerance and physicaldependence. K. Raehal and L.M. Bohn. The Scripps Res.Inst.C198 617.12 Sex difference in the nociceptin/orphanin FQsystem in rat spinal cord following chronic morphine treatment.Y. Zhang and K.M. Standifer. Col. of Pharm., Univ. of OklahomaHlth. Sci. Ctr.178

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