SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

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PHYSIOLOGYD194 643.11 Leptin improves vascular function by increasingNO formation by an eNOS-independent pathway. K. Schröder,S.B. Benkhoff and R.P. Brandes. Goethe Univ., Frankfurt amMain.D195 643.12 The role of ANG II — NAD(P)H oxidase andcardiac NO bioavailability in response to a low salt diet. Y.Skayian-Ervolina, H. Huang and T.H. Hintze. New York Med.Col.D196 643.13 Intermittent hypoxia in rats reduces hydrogensulfi de activation of large-conductance Ca 2+ -activatedpotassium channels in mesenteric arteries. O. Jackson-Weaver, M.A. Riddle, L. Gonzalez Bosc, D.A. Paredes, B.R.Walker and N.L. Kanagy. Univ. of New Mexico.D197 643.14 Nitroxyl anion reverses endothelin-1-mediatedvascular dysfunction through a reduction in peroxynitritegeneration. B.M. Wynne, H. Labazi, H. Choi, R.C. Tostesand R.C. Webb. Med. Col. of Georgia and Univ. of São Paulo,Ribeirão Preto.D198 643.15 Fructose consumption impairs oxygenutilization in skeletal muscle: involvement of NO and superoxide.E. Kertowidjojo, S. Song and T. Hintze. New York Med. Col.D199 643.16 Mild hyperhomocysteinemia impairs energyproduction effi ciency but not exercise capacity in pregnant rats:role of superoxide, NO and the NADPH oxidase S. Song, E.Kertowidjojo and T. Hintze. New York Med. Col.D200 643.17 Soluble guanylate cyclase catalyzes nitritereduction to nitric oxide in rat aortic smooth muscle cells. K.Madrasi, N. Tsoukias and M. Joshi. Florida Intl. Univ.D201 643.18 Agmatine produced by arginine decarboxylaseactivity causes NO dependent rat mesenteric artery relaxation.T. Gadkari, N. Tsoukias and M. Joshi. Florida Intl. Univ.D202 643.19 Effect of free hemoglobin on NO bioavailabilityin microcirculation: a computational model. P. Deonikar and M.Kavdia. Wayne State Univ.D203 643.20 Thromboxane (TxA 2) attenuates prostacyclin(PGI 2) production in male rat aorta via TxA 2receptor (TP)and protein kinase C. S.C. Birdwell, M.M. Sellers and J.N.Stallone. Texas A&M Univ.D204 643.21 Increased salt concentration in the culturemedia induces redox imbalance in macrophage cells. M.T.Islam, D. Agarwal, J. Francis and D.S. A. Majid. Tulane Univ.Hlth. Sci. Ctr. and LSU Sch. of Vet. Med.D205 643.22 Carbon monoxide attenuates Ang II-inducedvascular hypertrophy via inhibition of NOX1. A.I. Rodriguezand P.M. Bauer. Univ. of Pittsburgh.D206 643.23 Hypoxia-induced upregulation of arginase IIand argininosuccinate synthetase I in human lung microvascularendothelial cells. K. Krotova, S. Zharikov, E. Block and J.Patel. Univ. of Florida and Malcom Randall VA Med. Ctr.D207 643.24 Ischemia-reperfusion injury targets endothelialspecifi c NADPH, resulting in endothelial dysfunction in theisolated heart L.A. Reyes, C. Dumitrescu, T-Y. Wang, L.Druhan and J.L. Zweier. Ohio State Univ.D208 643.25 Hydrogen sulfi de mitigates homocysteinemediatedmitophagy. U. Sen, N. Qipshidze, S. Givvimani,P.K. Mishra, C. Munjal, N. Tyagi and S.C. Tyagi. Univ. ofLouisville.D209 643.26 Inhibition of cystathionine beta-synthasedecreases acetylcholine-mediated relaxation in murine aortaand mesenteric arteries. H. Labazi, B.M. Wynne and R.C.Webb. Med. Col. of Georgia.644. CARDIAC FUNCTION AND DYNAMICSPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 12:45 PM-3:00 PM<strong>SUNDAY</strong>D2<strong>10</strong> 644.1 Chronic spinal cord injury causes vascularstiffness with depressing cardiac hemodynamics. S-C. Huangand J-S. Wang. Chan Gung Mem. Hosp. and Chan Gung Univ.,Taiwan.D211 644.2 Adenosine prevention of the dense microtubulenetwork during decompensated cardiac hypertrophy involvesp21-activated kinase 1 inhibition. J.G. Wallenborn, G. Cheng,D. Kuppuswamy and G. Cooper. Med. Univ. of SouthCarolina.D212 644.3 Effect of the order of postural change oncirculatory dynamics in healthy adults. M. Haga, M. Nagai, H.Chiba, K. Sasaki and R. Maruyama. Tohoku Univ. Grad. Sch.of Med. and Tohoku Univ. Hosp., Japan.D213 644.4 Quantifi cation of hemodynamics in murinemyocardium following manganese infusion. C. Constantinides,S. Angeli and R. Mean. Univ. of Cyprus.D214 644.5 CD36 and interacting stresses in cardiomyopathy.L.K. M. Steinbusch, J. Luiken, R. Vlasblom, A. Chabowski,N. Hoebers, W. Coumans, I. Vroegrijk, P. Voshol, M. Ouwens,J. Glatz and M. Diamant. Cardiovasc. Res. Inst. Maastricht,Netherlands, Free Univ. Med. Ctr., Amsterdam, Med. Univ. ofBialystock, Poland, Leiden Univ. Med. Ctr., Netherlands, Univ.of Cambridge and German Diabetes Ctr., Düsseldorf.D215 644.6 The effect of COX inhibition on augmentationindex and peripheral wave refl ection. C. Hines, J-R.A.Shepherd, W.T. Nicholson, D.P. Casey, J.E. Schmidt, M.J.Joyner and J.N. Barnes. Mayo Clin.D216 644.7 Dual recordings of left ventricular and arterialpressure in conscious rats via telemetry. D. McCormick, S-J.Guild, M. Lim, B. Pauly, R. Kirton, D. Budgett, C.J. Barrett,M. Kondo, E. Stehlin and S.C. Malpas. Telemetry Res.Ltd., Auckland, Univ. of Auckland and Millar Instruments Inc.,Houston.D217 644.8 End systolic pressure change following acuteisometric exercise. P. Sun, A.D. Lane, S. Ranadive, H. Yan,R.M. Kappus, M.D. Cook, G.V. Mendonça and B. Fernhall.Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, East China NormalUniv., Shanghai and Tech. Univ. of Lisbon.D218 644.9 Effects of dysbacteriosis on gastrointestinalhormones of rats. L. Yang, X. Hao, X. Hu, Y. Kang and G.Zhang. Jiamusi Univ. and Xinan Jiaotong Univ., People’sRepublic of China.D219 644.<strong>10</strong> A novel approach to noninvasive measurementof cardiac output. M. Klein, M. Machina, A. Battisti, O. Pucci,L. Minkovich, J. Duffin and J. Fisher. Univ. of Toronto andThornhill Res. Inc., Toronto.D220 644.11 Gender affects blood pressure, but not wastedleft ventricular effort following maximal exercise A.D. Lane, H.Yan, S.M. Ranadive, R.M. Kappus, G. Hall, I.S. Harvey, K.Wilund, J. Woods and B. Fernhall. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.D221 644.12 Parallel stiffening and remodeling of the agingheart and aorta. L.L. Cooper, K.E. Odening, O. Ziv, L. Chaves,L. Schofield, A. Gemignani, G.F. Mitchell and G. Koren.Brown Univ., Rhode Island Hosp., Warren Alpert Med. Sch. ofBrown Univ. and Cardiovasc. Engin. Inc., Norwood, MA.192

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