SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Across Societies – Experimental Biology

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PHYSIOLOGY649. FORWARD GENETIC ANALYSIS OF NEURONSSYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AND FUNCTION(POSTERS)PosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 12:45 PM-3:00 PMD301 649.1 miR-223 regulates immature neuronsexcitability and dendritic development. M. Harraz, S. Eacker, T.Dawson and V. Dawson. Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med.D302 649.2 Lack of heterotrimeric G protein beta 5 impairsbrain development and neurologic function in mice. J. Zhang,M. Pandey, L.M. Panicker, E.M. Seigneur, L. Koo, O.M.Schwartz, C-K.J. Chen and W.F. Simonds. NIDDK and NIAID,NIH and Virginia Commonwealth Univ.D303 649.3 The effects of maternal infl ammation on thesex-typical development of social and motor behaviors and thearchitecture of prefrontal and striatal neurons in peri-pupertalrats. C. Mitchell, E.F. Field, A.A. Kentner, S.A. McLeod, B.Kolb and Q.J. Pittman. Mount Royal Univ., Univ. of Calgary,Univ. of Alberta and Univ. of Lethbridge, Canada.650. CNS BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER, ISCHEMIA,NEUROINFLAMMATION, NEUROPROTECTIONPosterSUN. 7:30 AM—WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBITHALL ABCPresentation time: 12:45 PM-3:00 PMD304 650.1 Injury severity profi le of penetrating ballisticlikebrain injury in rats on neurofunctional outcome, blood-brainbarrier permeability, and brain edema formation D.A. Shear, R.Pedersen, A. Davis, G. Wei, Z. Chen, C. Yao, J. Dave, X-C.M.Lu and F.C. Tortella. Walter Reed Army Inst. of Res.D305 650.2 Hyperglycemia stimulates blood-brain barrierendothelial cell Na-K-Cl cotransporter and Na/H exchangeactivities and induces cerebral edema in the rat. N.Y-y. Yuen,B.K. Wallace, A. Trifu, N. Glaser, S.E. Anderson and M.E.O’Donnell. Univ. of California, Davis and Sacramento.D306 650.3 Activating blood-brain barrier PKCβ1 reversesin vitro and in vivo induction of P-glycoprotein by dioxin. D.S.Miller, B.T. Hawkins and X. Wang. NIEHS, NIH, ResearchTriangle Park.D307 650.4 Inorganic phosphate (Pi) transport by rat Z3<strong>10</strong>choroid plexus epithelial cells suggests involvement of type IIINa + - Pi cotransporters (PiT1/2, slc20A1/2). A.M. Bataille, S.L.Parker and J.L. Renfro. Univ. of Connecticut.D308 650.5 Nesfatin-1 does not infl uence intracellularconcentrations in subfornical organ neurons. C. DeVille and A.Ferguson. Queens Univ., Canada.D309 650.6 Effect of a CXCR2 antagonist on CXCL1,CXCL2 and CXCR2 brain expression and infarct volume afterstroke in C57BL6 mice C. Sobey, V. Brait, J. Rivera, S. Lee, B.Broughton and G. Drummond. Monash Univ., Australia.D3<strong>10</strong> 650.7 Hydrogen sulfi de ameliorates mitochondrialMMP-9 mediated mitochondria remodeling in cerebralischemia. N. Tyagi, N. Qipshidze, C. Munjal, N. Metreveli, A.Dankowski, P.K. Mishra, U. Sen, D. Lominadze, S. Givvimaniand S.C. Tyagi. Univ. of Louisville.<strong>SUNDAY</strong>D311 650.8 Dipropionylcysteine ethyl ester treatmentimproved recovery after transient focal cerebral ischemia in rat.K. Xu, Y. Kuang, P. Huang, J.C. LaManna and M.A. Puchwicz.Case Western Reserve Univ.D312 650.9 Dynamics of mitochondrial fi ssion and fusionin neuronal cell culture following oxygen-glucose deprivation.E.A. Wappler, S.A. James, P.V. G. Katakam and D.W. Busija.Wake Forest Univ. Hlth. Sci.D313 650.<strong>10</strong> Angiotensin(1-7) increases survival of strokepronespontaneously hypertensive rats. R.W. Regenhardt, P.Ritucci-Chinni, F. Desland, A.P. Mecca and C. Sumners.Univ. of Florida.D314 650.11 Cold enhances neuroprotection in hippocampalslices from hibernating Syrian hamsters. C.J. Lewis, A.D.Manis, G.H. Liepart, J.S. Hamilton, J.M. Horowitz and B.Horwitz. Univ. of California, Davis.D315 650.12 MiR-223 is neuroprotective by targeting theglutamate receptor. M. Harraz, S. Eacker, T. Dawson and V.Dawson. Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med.D316 650.13 High doses of pyruvate and lactate protectcultured cortical neural cells against ionizing radiation-inducedcellular damage. G. Xing and R. Bunger. Uniformed Svcs.Univ. of Hlth. Sci.D317 650.14 The angiotensin II AT 1receptor blockadeinhibits the lipopolysaccharide-induced infl ammatory responsein the nucleus tractus solitarii. E. Sanchez-Lemus, J. Benickyand J.M. Saavedra. NIMH, NIH.D318 650.15 Increased neuroinfl ammatory and arachidonicacid cascade markers with synaptic marker loss inlipopolysaccharide infused rats. M. Kellom, M. Basselin, M.Chen, S.I. Rapoport and J.S. Rao. NIA, NIH.D319 650.16 Angiotensin II AT1 receptor blockadeameliorates the response of brain to the systemic immunechallenge. J. Benicky, E. Sanchez-Lemus, M. Honda, J.Wang, M. Orecna and J.M. Saavedra. NIMH, NIH.D320 650.17 The melanocortin receptor system: an antiinflammatory therapeutic target for stroke. F.N. Gavins,P.M. Holloway and S. Getting. Imperial Col. London andWestminster Univ., U.K.D321 650.18 Stretch-induced ATP release from optic nerveastrocytes. A.J. Argall, J.M. Beckel, J.C. Lim, M. Shahidullah,E.J. Macarak, A.M. Laties, N.A. Delamere and C.H. Mitchell.Univ. of Pennsylvania and Univ. of Arizona.D322 650.19 Methodology for automated stereotacticdelivery of viral vectors to brain-specifi c regions in mice. J.A.Bonds, Y. Hu, H. Hosalkar, H.H. Patel, P.M. Patel and B.P.Head. UCSD.D323 650.20 Cannabinoids prevent TLR2-inducedinfl ammation in human glioma cells. R. Echigo, N. Sugimoto,A. Yachie and T. Ohono-Shosaku. Kanazawa Univ., Japan.D324 650.21 Secondary mechanical hyperalgesia isreduced by interferential current stimulation in arthritic rats. V.J.Santana-Filho, A.M. Araújo, A. C.S. Santos, L.J. Quintans,Jr., L.R. Bonjardim and J.M. DeSantana. Fed. Univ. of Sergipe,Brazil.196

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