Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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10, OHRISTIAN NATION. V olume <strong>18</strong>.Minnie Torrens 1.7S Eula Belle M'Gee 1.00Renniu Cathcart 1.50 Lena, t mma and FarisInez Woodside .55 Wiis)n 50Inez ('rawford 3.00 Etta Jamison 3 00Emma '1 weed ,65 Sadie Speer 95Knox 'Kelvy -SB Joanna Speer 1 ©0Mabel W>lie 2.00 J B- Speer .50Mattie ^emp!e .05 Lettie • Gee 8.00Efla Torrens 1 75 Foster M'Gee .50Clara ' rawlord 1..50 l.>onatiou by the misGe<strong>org</strong>ie Wirts .55 sion band $9.00Winnie Wirts .55 I he above amountingOllie Cathcart L50 to $.53 .57 came to me forLulu Wnodside .55 use in the Indian mission.Boyd Tweed .651.00Minnie Patterson 1 00 Mir.LER'8 RUN.L50Annie M'Kelvy 40 Herbert fcott, forl.OiiGe<strong>org</strong>e Wylie 1 50 the new mission in2 75Willie M'Kelvy .35 China J2.151.50BLeceived tne entire Bessie Scott 31.5000amount of above.t2fl.9620for Anna Slater ,504 00the use of the Indian mission,37Bessie latei .50Maggie.35The aboveGe<strong>org</strong>e 6.00$3.00 for theOAKDALE..45CvprusDeU Walher 8.01)mission,Ethel, Maggie, EdwinSlater.10I' mmaWaGe<strong>org</strong>eker 3.50and Annie Miller S1.201.00BlancheTaggart .50WalkerFrank and Willie Torrens.80.55JettaWill Taggart 2 50Walker215KatieHowardTaggartBrice 100Stewart and Owen F.Jennie-ed TaggartScott 150Thompson ,40 .15 Ge<strong>org</strong>iaHowardTaggaitBcott l.COClara & K«hel Kemps 1.00 .35 LizzieHarryScottGe<strong>org</strong>e 2 75Willie J. Kirkpatrick .10 .60 Id"aWalterScottScott 150Lora A. M C.urkin 2.00 1.00 SadieCora ScottLOOScottMay Belle Kemps above .50Ge<strong>org</strong>eMaggieR.Thompson 3Wallace1.50 60Willie H. Kemps Ge<strong>org</strong>eJennie iM'BurneySlater2.00 3 1.00Robt. 8, M'Elhinney LizzieRalph Ge<strong>org</strong>eThompson1.605 00Etta Pearl M'LeanHoward Ge<strong>org</strong>e 1.5o3.00Thompson and BertKeed M'Burney ,25PloerWilbur M'Burney 50Ma.,ii3 PiperBlanche Ge<strong>org</strong>e 2.00Annie E. M LeanJennie and WillieKatie Bell KennedyGe<strong>org</strong>e 3.00Jennie CarsonA friend of missions 2.25Edith & Sadie Boyd 2.00There has come intoton, Mass., or James Potter, DistrictPassenger Agent, 833 Chest­portable and self adjusting. Successful where all Reme.Mary WilsonWalter C. M'CiurkinLOO.35my hands, of the above, dies fall. Sold by P. HISCOX, only, 853 Broadw«y,KewLizzie WilsonLizzie Coulter .351.00 for use in the Indian mission,$63 35. " QUITTIIG THE MMSE,"nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa,York. Write for Illustrated Book of Proofs FREI.Ge<strong>org</strong>e WilsonSadie H'Elhinney .8i.60-•inEa StewartCharles M'Elhinney 1.25•6^ MKtlCER. "ONE OF THB HEEOIO STEEL ENGBAV- E8TABLISBED <strong>18</strong>57.Jennie StewartEleanor A da Auld 1.00.30 Loyd& Harro d Thompillla .-tewartJennie Hiper30ING8 OF THE CENTURY."Dson $ .35l E M O R m L S .Harry WyiieLorena Hunter.75 Maggie and AnnieThis Engraving Is Intended to commemorate»n inoiient In tbe disrnption of tlie Soot-WE AKRANGE DESIG'MH FOE ME-BNeUie WilsonRalph ftlorrison.75 ' rowe .51Dora BobbJohn Calderwood100 -MyrtleNannieRamseyCaskey $1.35 90tiali Churoli in <strong>18</strong>43, "wheD aearly fivehundredM A G K E O W H ' SORIAL WOBK. SECUR[^G THEAnna ' hompsont eceived the300 LillianMaggie.^UenYoung3100Ministers resigned their Stipends, Mane«s, 80- POINT.S WHICH ABE THEAnna Wilson$<strong>18</strong> 73 for use inthe Indi1.00 •MaudelaraM'Anlisand Hertha 1,00 eial Positions, and what men most tenaoionslyMOST IMPORTANT; h M i TcsliiiElsie 'A'ilsonan mission.1.00Willie: odgers" ylie1.00 regard, for conscience sake, in what they esteemedthe cause of Truth " Printed on plateARTISTIC GHARAGTERj FOR SPECTACLES.DDRABILITY, INDIVIOUAIITY,Alice Wi sonPi.lNCETON..50Frank'aggieWilsonAllen 10ft 2 00Oilie ThompsonRalph W Duncan I100 Raymond/»lienMyrtle M Ge<strong>org</strong>e.25 .50 paper 16x23.'WeBxeonte in tbe Best Manner, irorkl No, 24 East 42d Sfcret t. New York, .Dora WylieRobt. C.Duncan 5*3.35.50 AlvaHelenALlenPorter12.5500Any one, whether a preaent subserlber orIn Metal, Wood, Maxble, Stone, Headacbe and Neuralgia ofteii prooeedlroirMinnie w-yiieJohn W. i-tott 3.0r•75 GraceMamieThompsonCaskey 1.00 , 15new one, ."nay hhve a oopy of this soperb Enor Stained Glass.latent deleeis of eyesigiit, and especially URoxie WylieLizzie L. Stott 2.15.75 JohnM aggie!•Boggsarle Smith 1. ,35graving, ADVERTISING by sunply IN FNGLAND,requestinr it, and addiae ^p° Send lot Hand Booke.ca'ies ot Muscular AHhenopia; if pre-ent,tliel9Waiter Wi sonKiley -M .^1 Conahy 1.15.50 WillieMaud BoothRamsey .40 2 00 !B cents to the EUROPEAN regular subscription CON'nNENT,ETC. price cJ. & R, I.AMB,defects are detected by our luetliod ot lestins.Jennie i hompsonDavid M, Carithers 1.00200 JennieZida ii'GeehanKodgers 1,00 5.00 the paper; wben remitting, tor paoktng andNo. 69 Carmine St., New Tork. Proper glasses glte perraaneot relief , J,Gordon ThompsonEarl Lockhart Davis 1.002 00 SarahClara M'AnHsShannon 100 ADVERTISING.iopoat&g*"-. AGENCY, LIMITED.A ph sician can lia^ e a report on ttie fi'Ge<strong>org</strong>e G Stewarti-.lla wary Stott1,25.50Wirtief-^rey Caskey$38.79 to • be odgers used in1.00 1.80To IMIT others Capital. we •will $260,000 mall the Engravingtheany patient he desires.Flora B. WallaceThomas .o. Stott 1.0LOOWallaceMyron Allen.M'rinlisIndian Mission. .50 .44 ft re»npt HENlff of One Dollar. SfLL, MjuiAOEB,Unlike M Outcli ProcessWylie M'C. WallaceAnna M. M Conahy v.i'U.35 ClaudeOlive M'Ge<strong>org</strong>exllen Allen M'Eail of .35 Alleghenythis amounting $ 2.00.25 (Editor and ^CHBISTIAN Fonnder of Sbll's HATIOIS World's CO., Pause.)No AlkaliesWiUiam HobbDavids. M'l'onahy LOOI.OOCharlieAU ofM'Geehan .50 FuUpardonlarslegardlngBrltlsh 2fW Rroa^i-wav. or New European York— OR —Zula BainCalvin J. < arithers.301.00toPaul$11M36PorterWillie Reynolds came to of me laans3 55 Advertising. Sample P»p»r?, Bates, etc, attoOther ChemicalsHarper Baindeceived the above•29 beFlorenceusedMitchellfield in the Indian 5.30 the London Offlc", <strong>18</strong>7 16* Fleet Street, or atTHE CSSSm'SBRKTED1 Ooare used in theEva M Gee$16 15 for use m the1.00Inmission,Bessie M'Ge<strong>org</strong>e 1.00 NEW TO KK OFFI* E, 31 ParM Kow, Orotmd FLpreparation ofPIMOSEdna Wilsondian mission..43GraceNbW*• trowbridgeGALLILEi ,35PIMOSW. BAKER &CO.'SMargaret JamisonNLW CONCORD,.50Received the abovepreferred I ADIES! THIS IS anMary Speer 100by tbe ^mmm O I L. Dressing. It preserres theLena fpeer 100leadingSusie Speer.50Arttati.Maggie M Gee 3 00> Stella ^I'Gee 1.00Jamie W- Faris 200CAlbert M IWallaceS T M ,50 M MEmma BobbNannie GibsonAda BainNettie BainA TENDER WORD,A tiny spring sent bubbling forthIts waters pure and white.They flowed into a cavern deep,And soon were lost to sight.Yet in a valley far below,A inighty river lay.Whose source was in the mountainspring,So many miles away.A tender word from heart of love,A King's child spake one day;Beneath the mighty rocks of sinIt seemed to sink away.Yet noble was the life of one.So faithful and so true.And from the little word of love,This life of eervioe grew.There is more OatarrU in this sectionof —L. the E. country Jones, than in Young all other Men's diseases Era.put together, and until the last few yeai swas supposed to be incurable. For agreat many years doctors pronounced ita local disease, and prescribed laeai remedise,and by constantly failing to curewith local treatment, pronounced it incurable.Science has proven catarrh tobe a constitutional disease, and thereforerequires constitutional treatment.Hall's Oatarrh Oure, manufactured byr, J, Oheney &O0,, Toledo, Ohio, is theonly constitutional oure on the market.It is taken internally in doses from tendrops to a teaspoonful. It; acts directlyon the blood and mucous surface of thesystem. They offer one hundred dollarsfor any caae it fails to cure. Send forcirculars Doctors and ? testimonials. Shaw ! Take Address, Beecham'sPills. F. J. Oheney & Co., Toledo, O.B^'Sold by Druggists, 75c,NESS ft,KEAD NOISES eUKDtVFeck's INVISIBLE TUBBIAR EABCUSHIONS. Whlspersheard. Com.aroa 149 to 155 east tatb stbmst. sraw tobjcONLY WEEKLYIN THE1.00Officially Endorsed. GooJ

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