Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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Jan. 4,<strong>18</strong>93.A FAMILY PAPEE.propriation aot, requiring the closing of the Expositionon the Sabbath and leave the oflficials free to openthe gates on that day.Unless tbe ChriBtian people ofthis nation arise, ahdthat soon, and demand that all the <strong>Christian</strong> usagesand customs of the government be maintained, andthat thay be put upon a legal basis, our governmentwill eoon be no better, morally and religiously considered,thau the government of heathen lands. Ohristianpeople are likely to be driven to this in self defence.As we write, a press dispatch dated Normal,111., Dec, 21. has fallen nnder our notice. It reads:" A few days ago there was <strong>org</strong>anized the League ofIndependent <strong>Christian</strong> Voters, whioh its promoterspropose to <strong>org</strong>anize throughout this and other states.The purpose of the League is to unite Ohristian peopleand the churoh element in warfare against saloons.It is claimed by the <strong>org</strong>anizers that many people whowould hesitate to join a political club wonld be gladto join the League."This is only a straw showing which way the windblows. We are looking forward to the day when<strong>Christian</strong> people will league together, not only in warfareagainst saloons, but in defence of the Sabbath,-of social purity, and in short with the purpose of makingthe government of the United States a <strong>Christian</strong>government worthy of acceptance by all <strong>Christian</strong>people.*On Wednesday, Deo. 21, the grand jury returnedtrue bills in the cases of Eobert Beatty, Patrick Gallagher,J. M. Davidson, and H. P. Dempsey, chargedwith poisoning non-union men at Homestead. Thepapers are daily reporting more deaths supposed to be-caused by poison administered to the Homestead nonunionmen, in the tea and coffee.*Jamks G. Blaine, ex-secretary of state, is lying ina very critical condition at his home in Washington.But little hope is entertained of his recovery. Anintimate friend of the family is reported as saying,"that Mr. Blaine dies a disappointed, and Iwas abouto say, a heart-broken man. But that would perhapsbe putting it too strong. I onoe heard him say thatafter all ambition was an ignis fatuus, and that all theworld was hollow outside of one's family. Then hewould quote these lines by N. P. Willis:"Wbat is ambition? 'Tis a glorious cheat.' "* **There has been a good deal of discussion and moreor less difference of opinion among '•he,Catholics as tothe mission of Mgr. Satolli to this country, and theproceedings inthe late conference of archbishops inNew York on the School question, Bver since theBiltimore council some years ago there has been showna strong spirit of hostility to the public schools. Thiscourse has harmed the Catholic church perhaps morethan it has harmed the schools. If reports are to bebelieved the attitude of the Catholic church towardonr publio school system is to be greatly modifled.Dr. McGlynn in a recent address stated that Catholicscan now patronize the public schools without forfeitingtheir rights as members of the church. He qijotesMgr. Satolli as saying that it is "strictly forbidden toany bishop or priest either actually to repel or threatento repel from the sacraments, as if they were unworthy,parents who may choose to send their children to tiepublic schools." In the following extract Dr. McGlynnshows the extent to which intolerance has been carried."Time and time again priests have driven men andwomen outof the confessiona' because they insisted onsending th'eir children to the public iohools. No onewill dare to tt-ll me that that is not true. I knowwherep! Ispeak. I heard it in the confessional myself,from people who had been driven away from otherconfessi'^nals. They knew where to come for sympathy,I have tried to be a peacemaker rather tban anexciter of strife-1 have tried to flnd good in secularinstitutions rather than evil. The people of thiscountry b^^ieve in liberty. They have no desire tooppress CatholioEi, either through their schools or anyother public function. By attempting to embrace toomuch a man or an <strong>org</strong>anization may acoomplish toolittle."If it be trne that Dr. McGlynn correctly representsMgr. Satolli, the question arises, to what extent is Satolliauthorized to speak for the pope? Theie hasjust been issued an abstract of the minutes of the confarence,for private circulation among the Catholicbishops, from which we learn tbat the Most Eev. ArchbishopSatolli informed the metropolitans thathe hadbeen commissioned by the holy father to speak tothem in his name on the question ot Catholic education.The following extract leaves no doubt as to theauthority with which Satolli is clothed,"He read and explained fourteen propositions whichhe laid before the archbishops for the purpose offinally settling the school question, and of indicatingthe means that should be adopted for the imparting ofreligious instruction to Oatholic children. After havingdeclared that this statement was made in the nameof the pope, Mgr. Satolli went on to say that he hadbeen charged moreover by Leo XII,, to inform themetropolitans that as it has been customary with theholy see to appoint apostolic delegates to reside permanentlyin countries where the heirarchy is well establishedand religion is flourishingit was the pope'shejirtfelt desire that now a permantfut apostolic delegationshonld be established in the United States withthe concurrence of tbe most reverend archbishops."At the afternoon session of the same day the documentpresented by Mgr. Satolli was taken up, andOhnroh has its own rules for admission into the ministry.All candidates expect to comply with them.They do not apply where they are not confident thatthey are in harmony with the doctrines and polity ofthe Ohurch they seek to enter. Those who have alreadybeen admitted have surely an equal opportunityof knowing when they have come to differ with theChuroh on important doctrines. If they have, theyought at once to change their ecclesiastical relations,and not wait to be driven out,"NEW PUBLICATIONS,Tobacco: Its Use and Abuse. By Kev. J. B. Wright. Syracase,N. ¥.:A. W. Hall, Publisher. Cloth cover, 232pages, price 8o ots.Ever since America was discovered and Columbus andhis followers learned the native nse of tobacco, even asevery delightful thing discovered has in its wake more o •less that it is sinful hidden under the guise of pleasure, menand wom3u too have been acquiring the habit of using thisvile weed until to-day it has become a source of evil quiteas gigantic and evenly more deadly tban the liquor traffic;even as the most deadly serpents are often those who yivethe least ;alarm. It has held the people in every clime uuderits dominion and only of late, when our prisons, hospitalsand asylums are filledto overflowing by men andwomen who have lost all possible control of their nervesand passions; while so many patients are suffering or havedied from cancer or dyspepsia, the result of using tobacco,have students begun to icquire into its ''use and abuse,"and are trying to do w th it even as they are trying to regulatethe Liquor Traffic; few daring to go so far as to advooatethe prohibition of the traffic on account of the hold thatsome modifications suggested. Mgr. Satolli, whoafterwariis entered the meeting, explained that the it has over tne strong as well as the weak; the rich andthedocument represented the mind of the pope, which poor; male and female; the church member as well as thedia not admit of discussion, that the style and expressionswere his (Mgr, Satolli's) own, and that he would We are delighted to be enabled to say that among all thenonchuroh goer.be most happy to make in them any modifications the ohurohes or denominations today, not one of them takesassembled prelates deemed better."as forward a stand against the use of tobacco as well asIt is evident from all this that there is about to be acholio drinks as the Covenanting church; and no <strong>org</strong>anizationhas ss many workers in the fieldagainst their unitedinaugurated a change of polooy on the part of theOatholic ohurch toward the public schools. But the use as the Woman's <strong>Christian</strong> Temperance Union. Everyquestion at once arises, does this involve a change of World's <strong>Nation</strong>al, State, and Oounty Union has its Superintendenturging and working against their use. To all suchpurpose? It is our firm conviction that it does not.It IS absurd to suppose that that churoh whose proud workers as well as to every inhabitant of this nation weboast is, semper eadem loves the American school would recommend for their study and use the above mentionedvolume, by Rev. J. B. Wright, as nothing so clear,system any more now than it did at the time of theBaltimore conference. Tt will be well to keep an eye full and concise ou this subject ha.g come to our notice.on every movement made by the Catholics, for tley We have read it and have leavned much from our readingare determined by some method to control our educationalsystem.war against tobacco.and intend to put our knowledge into active practice inthe* *The Author of ttiis book gives first, a fair statement of*the many uses to which tobacco may be put, tolling ot itsProp. Hbnby P. Smith, of Lane Theological Seminaty,has been fouud guilty of heresy by the Presby­ihat if God felt it of so much importance to man he woulddiscovery by Columbus and calling attention to the facttery of Cincinnati, and suspended from the oflee of certainly not have left it unknown to the greater majoritythe ministry. The vote stood 31 to 27. Prof. Smith of mankind for over 5,000 years. He uext treats of theappealed to the Synod of Ohio, whioh meets next Fall, cost ot tobacco aud shows that while two-thirds as much isand it is probable the case will come before the GeneralAssembly before it is settled. The aot of suspen­is spent for tobacco than for bread and nearly lOO per oent.spent in the United States for tobacco as for liqnor; moresion does not sever Prof, Smith's connection with the more is spent for it than for missions. He enumeratesTheologioal Seminary. The New York Independent, Rome of the firescaused by it: the total waste of land to allin commenting on this and other heresy trials, while other predictions after tobnooo hasbeen raised upon it,admitting that they are sometime^, necessary says, the time wasted and medicai bills incurred. Pipes and the"The question will arise, which results in the greater keeping of Aiylams and almshouses.injury to the faith; to allow such utterances to go unrebukedjudicially, or to advertise them more exten­as HfEectedl by Tobacco," showing its poisonous characterAmong the other topics discussed are "Physical Healthsively by public trial? It seems tons unquestionable aad some of the diseases whicti foUu* it« use. "Effects ofthat trials fur doctrinal nnsfiundness are generally Tobacco on the Mind," how it is weakened from use andmore designed to sow the seed of the error sought to its natural powers di-

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