Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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llMlliiVi^lUilAWiWililUUiUi^MMAUiUAUAVAlllMAUAlinOLmAli^.^•^pfas"??!*"M M ill iii M il1k[ lk[l[lr,I C H T E O B S N E S S E X A L T NATION r::^s6L0M0N.CONTENTSDEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS - - -The Eyil and Confnsion BesultiDg from Voting for Amendments.CONTRIBUTIONS • -Oan the Ohurch Do Its Own Work.—Meeting of the Eyangelical^Alliance.RELIGIOUS AND DEVOTIONAL . . . . IV, VSatbath School Lesson, No. XL, June 11, <strong>18</strong>93: "The CreatorRemembered." Eccl. 12:1-7,13,14. Oomment by Eev,T. P. Robb.—Primary Lesson by Grace Hamilton Geoige.Prayer Meeting Topic for Wednesday, May 31, <strong>18</strong>93: " Peace." Jobn14:27. Oomment by Rev. T. H. Aoheson.EDITORIAL PAGES - . - . .VI, VIThe Ohurch and Its Work.—Bible Ohristianity.—The Week,—Reviewof the Week.OFTHEINCREASEOF HISGOVERN­MENTANDPEACETHERESHALLBENO END

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