Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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8. CHEISTIAN NATION <strong>Vol</strong>ume <strong>18</strong>.T h e GhFistiao JatiooWEDNESDAY. APRIL 19, <strong>18</strong>9S.P. O. Box 2633, Naw Yoki.Star Notes ^%^*„.* Communion in New Alexandria May 3rd Sabbath,Rev. T. P. Robb to assist.•^•^ Rev. J. L. McCartney is in Denver taking treatmentfrom Dr. J. K. Miller, an excellent physician,one of Oar elders there.^^,* Rev. W. M- Glasgow of Kansas City will assistBro. Black, at communion on 3d Sibbath of April, andBro. Littlejohn, Lind Grove, on 4th Sabbath.*,t* Rey. R. 0. Allen and wife of Brodie, Ontario,are passing through a severe affliction of scarlet fever;their ohildren all have it. Lst us beceech the GreatPhysician to turn away the disease from them.'^jf* Rev. 3. Milligan Wylie writes informing us ofthe death of T. J. W. Speer, student of theology. Hedied Sabbath, April 20, at South Denver, Col. Hisend was peace; he was anxious to depart and be withOhrist. The body was taken to New Castle, Pa., forburial. Mrs. Speer and her brother Edwin Speer accompaniedthe body.*^* The Denver Communion took place on the 9th,Rev. James Patton assisting. Their church buildingis ready for roofing. Rev. J. Milligan Wylie, thepastor, is to be congratulated on his success in draftingand pushing to adoption the Divorce Reform Billto which we have referred, and which the Governor'ssignature has made a law.***Died, Apr. 1st <strong>18</strong>93, Miss Mattie Hensleigh, abright, intelligent, willing worker in the church of jtinue the practice.The We next Tecog:nlze meeting witli of mncli presbytery pleasure will that be held the atJanathan's " <strong>Christian</strong> Creek Xation," the New secoud Tork, Tuesday has formally of Septembeoeptednext. and is faithfally upholding J. S. Thompson, the trne historic Clerk.ao-Christ. A member of Sharon congregation. Mr. and ;Mrs. Hensleigh a few years ago buried thejr youngest ! position of the Covenanter Church; and Synod, realizingthe urgent need at this time of a live 'weeldyson, a splendid yonng man, cut down in early man- !hood. The death of Mattie takes the only other child church paper, heartUy commends the ** <strong>Christian</strong>who was still with them, from their home. A married <strong>Nation</strong> *' to the patronage and support of the memhersof the church.—Act of JJ. P. Synod in Fiitsburgh,son and daughter share in the sorrow.*,f* A dozen or more members Of the ladies' mis­Pa., jM)i« 10,<strong>18</strong>91.sionary society of the Covenanter churoh met at thehandsome new home of Mrs. S. K. McKelvey on Wednesdayof last week and spent the day quilting a missionaryquilt and in social enjoyment. All partook ofan elegant dinner and a supper of the most temptingviands, templates hospitably giving up provided the lecture by field Jtfrs. and McKelvey. takingBev. charge J. ©f R. a Wylie congregation and "ye before editor" long. had It the will honor be hard tobe to fillhis present place for supper.—Coultersville as lecturer in the reform Bepublican. work. Notmany have his endowments as a lecturer, and his largeexperience in the work can only be had by the lapseof time. The professional lecturer is looked upon asa Kind of bummer by many people; and we don'twonder brother Gault has a desire to locate. Wehope that, if he should retire, his mantle will fallupon equally faithful shoulders.—<strong>Christian</strong> Instructor.''^* The Session of the Second Reformed PresbyterianChurch of Boston has receivedthirteen new memberswithin the last four weeks. This makes an increaseof twenty-two since last Synod. Their sacramentalfeast is to be held the 3d Sabbath of April,Rev. D. C. Faris assisting. The ladies of the congregationpresented the pastor with a purse containing$71.00. In their presentation they referred to him asthe "home missionary." His reply quoted Hawthorne'ssaying: "Recognition makes a man verymodest,'' and added that he would that his work wasmanifold more efficient.HOPKINTON, IOWA.The Ladies' Missionary Society held their regularannual meeting two weeks ago. It was one of themobt interesting meetings we have ever held. Theaudience was not large, owing partly to bad roads andpartly to lack of interest in the meeting by some ofthe people. Nevertheless a good collection was takenat the close of the meeting, $<strong>18</strong>.00. The amountraised by the sooiety the past year was about $130.00,besides sending two boxes, one to the Southern Missionand one to the Indian Mission valued at ten andfourteen dollars respectively.Our communion is to be the last Sabbath in April,Rev. S. M. Stevenson of Kansas to assist.Some one sent you an account of Mr. Guthrie's surpriseparty but f<strong>org</strong>ot to mention that besides thebeautiful chair presented by the children, the otherfriends who were piesent presented him with a pairof gold glasses.OHIO PRESBYTERY.The Ohio Presbytery met at Utica Tuesday evening,April 4th, and was opened with a sermon byRev. R. J. Gault, from Micah 4:11, 12. The businessof presbytery was mostly of a routine nature. Themost imteresting feature of the meeting was the conferencecf Wednesday afternoon and evening. Theprogram which was fnlly carried out was as follows:Afternoon session: Devotional exercises conductedby Rev. J. M. Faris. " The Ohurch and Divorce,"by Rev. R. McCaskey, pastor of the M. E. church,"Divorce in Ohio," by Rev. B. J. Gault. "Needfor a <strong>Nation</strong>al Marriage and Divorce Law," by Rev.R. B. Cannon. "The duty of the <strong>Christian</strong> oitizentowards immoral <strong>org</strong>anizations," by Rev. P. H.Wylie.Evening session: Devotional exercises conducted byRev. P. H. Wylie. " The basis of all Sabbath legislation,"by Rev. J. M. Paris. General discussion on that the young people's "A. M. Milligan Missionduring the present year, and it may also te stated"Sunday Papers," opened by Rev. Chas, Wetzel, pastorofthe PresbyterianChurch. "The <strong>Nation</strong>'s Perils,"by Rev. H. A. Thompson, Corresponding Secretary ofthe Ohio Sabbath Association. These addresses allshowed careful preparation, and the large attendanceat both the afternoon and the evening meetingshowsd the deep interest that was felt in the questionsdiscussed. We feel that the experiment of a Reformmeeting in connection with the presbytery meetinghas proved a success and bo have determined to con­THE EIGHTH ST. PITTSBURGH R. P. CHI­NESE MISSION.Concluded frontpage 7.Superintendent Chesnut presented the peaceablelaw abiding and industrious record of the Chinese asPittsburgh knew it.The Chinese Sabbath School classes were <strong>org</strong>anizedby Ladies,—a mother and daughter, Mrs. Robert Mc­Kee and her daughter Alvira, who afterward becamea missionary in our southern mission, both membersof this congregation, about twenty years ago, a fewof the firstmeetings were held in the Reformed Presbyteriauseminary building, and soon the work enlargedand was transferred to this chureh. So faras known this was the parent Chinese <strong>org</strong>anization forsuoh work in Western Pennsylvania and perhaps ofthe State. We cannot, perhaps, adequately estimatethe early example that starting the school here whenthe work was so much more unpopular than now, mayhave had upon other <strong>org</strong>anizations which have sinceengaged in the work; for not long afterward we flndour brethren m Allegheny, faithfully engaged in thework, subsequently a sister denomination but a shortdistance from where we are located, and at a morereceiit period, we flnd still another neighboring denominationengaged in the same work assistedthereon largely by Chinamen educated for years inthis school.Two of our Chinamen who attended our school removedto an eastern city, one of whom at present islaboring in mission work, we understand in NewYork Still later during the past year two of ourmost efflcient teachers wbo gave us valuble help here.Miss Msud Ge<strong>org</strong>e and Miss Mamie Ge<strong>org</strong>e, have returnedto their homes in Beaver Co. and engaged inthe same work there. And still later, Rev. D. Mc­Allister, Jr., who also gave us assistance in the workhere, and was always willing to do all that he couldfor this and the other mission schools of the congregation,while wilh us, has during the year under thecall of the Central Board of Missions taken npthe larger and more responsible work amongthe Ohinese at the Oakdale mission, Oalifornis.These items are mentioned to encourage teachers andothers interested to push with increased eflforts andunceasing labors to bring the light and saving knowledgeof the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those at outdoors who know it not, and to, if possible, encouragesimilar work in other centres throughout the land.The total enrollment of Chinamen during the yearwas reported as sixty-nine in number. The work ofthe year consisted in giving primary instruction followedby learningto read aud write the Word of God,memorizing psalms, questions and answers in BibleHistory. In the publio opening and closing exerciaeialone, of the Mission, there were read seven hundredand sixty verses in the Gospel according to Matthewand John, seven hundred and seventy nine verses ofPsalms. There were fifty-eightprayers off'ered andsix prayers in Chinese, besides the Lord's prayerflfty-two times in concert. In tbis connection it maybe stated that Lok Ding became a member of thechurch during the past year, and two others have signifledtheir intention to unite with the congregationBand " of the congregation of whioh Miss Jennie Mc­Naugher is President, and Miss Maggie McAteer isSecretary, have agreed to bear the expense of educatingone member of the Ohinese class with a viewto Chinese Mission Work at home or abroad." Mr. Chesnut in conclusion paid a glowing tributeto the teachers and officers, who esteemed no worktoo heavy in their endeavor to bring ligbt to the darkenedmind."UEGED THBM TO REGISTEE,Rev. E. R. Donehoo was intensely practical, andbefore the evening was over had enlisted a number ofthe Chinamen his way of thinking, which was to theeffect that the better part of valor was to go and beregistered and photographed at once. Registrationwould close the 5th of May, ha said, and it behoovedall to make the best of a b»d matter. He related theefforts that had been made at Wasbington on behalfof the Chinese; how our government had ignoredthus far all appeals to justice and to treaty rights inthe matter, and his belief that the law would be fullyput into operation as far as the Executive power ofthe Government is concerned. He dwelt on the apathyof the <strong>Christian</strong> people of the country, and urged thenecessity of the ohurch peopleof the republic at largespeaking out in thunder tones against the injusticeand iniqnity of the present law. To givb proceedingsan impetus midway in the warlike addresses,dainty little Mary Margaret Gregg Chesnut steppedto the platform and sang "Jesus Loves Me " in Ohi-.nese, the Chinamen joining in the chorus.This song elicited so much notice on the part of theOhinese that we give it below in order that it may beof use for future occasions by any who may wish tomake use of it for similar entertainments. No attemptbeing made at correct spelling, etc., but to expressthe sound as near as may be phonetically byEnglish letters.1. Yer so oi gow, Gow so GeeYun you sing see, should gow gteSue high hong, gee tsr qun leeBay Kong gow York tar foo geeChorusSee yes, so oi gowSee yes, so oi gowSee yes, so oi gowYun sing see, Gow so gow.2. Ye so oi gow, sue sang mingGee go joy, woo sight get Axas^Tim tong gee, job ye fong hoiJu tah Sue Yonng, Jake Jun loy.Chorus3. Yer so oi gow, wing but mongMay tong lee hoi, tar sue youngYou key wing we, loy chin gowHack am gee see, tar Jun so.Chorus4. Yer so oi gow, oi do mayOi go joy yun Jnn he KeyHong York sang chin, gen oi tarDeep gow ling wun, do tar gar.Chorus about Hagan, of In the conclusion the Chinamen the tables well the where to known their Chinamen a Pittsburg choice friends supper and Mission Caterer, friends well was wishers. Wokkbb. served a gathered tribute by

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