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Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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Sabbath School Lesson,LESSON VI., SABBATH. MAY 7, <strong>18</strong>93.CHEISTIAN NATION. <strong>Vol</strong>ume <strong>18</strong>.and without him was not anything made, thatThe Value of Wisdom. Prov. 3:11-24.1. Wisdom obtained, assures happiness. was made." John 1 : 3. These and manyGOLDEN TEXT :This is true of mere head knowledge. It is other scripiures show that God made all thingsTrust in ihe Lord with all ihy haart: and lean notcapablo of affording much happiness. The by Jesus Christ. And again the argument isman who has become master of oue of the arts complete in this thought—Wisdom is mostunto thine own understanding. Prov. 3:5.or sciences, has a constant source of pleasure valuable when we remember that the works of11 My son, despise not the ohaste^img of the Lord ; neither in his acquirement. Edison with his many creation were effected by means thereof.be weary of his oorreotion :discoveries in tiie fieldof electricity, affords a III. The Subject is Applied, v. 21. 1.12 For whom the Lord loveth he correoteth ; even as a good example. Bnt the person who has found Wisdom shall be securely kept. There isfather n son in ivhom he delighteth.tbe Wisdom of whom the text speaks—happy nothing important that does not associate us13 Happy is the man that findethwisdom, and the man indeed is he. That Wisdom will make him with our Lord Jesus. It is better to lose allt hat getteth understanding :wise unto salvation. And those who have a worldly substauce than to lose Christ. " What14 For the merchandise of it is better than the merchan­savindise of silver, aud the gain thereof than finegold. highly as iSolomon did. " The merchandise of and lose his own soul ; or what shall a manknowledge of Jesus Christ, value it as shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world,15 She is more preoioas than!;rnbies : and all the things it is better than the merchandise of silver, and give in exchange for his soul? But the personthou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. the gain thereof than fiue gold. She is more16 Length of days is in her right hand ; and in her left precious than j ubies, and all the thingshand riches aud honour.thou canst desire are not to be compared to17 Her ways are ways ot pleasantness, aud all her paths her." Ys. 14, 15. The estimate is not tooare peaoe.high. " The chiefest among ten thousand and<strong>18</strong> She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her, and altogether lovely."happy is every one that retaineth her.An aged saint was lying on a bed of pain.19 The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth ; by understandinghath he established the heavens.that question, ' What are the benefits which inHe said, " I have been thinking today about20 Hy his knowledge the depths are broken up, and the this life do accompany or flow from justification,adoption and sanctification?' Ans. 'As­clouds drop down the dew.21 My sou, let not them depart from thine eyes ; keep surance of God's love,' etc. ' A.nd now,' saidRev. T. P. Bobb.sound wisdom and discretion :he, ' I am afraid I haven't got it.'" Wheu22 We So shall have they here be life another unto my lesson' soul, and on grace Wisdom. to thy asked, "what would you take in exchange forIt neck. id in answer to the question. What is the those assurances you have that God loves you ?'value 23 Then of shalt Wisdom thou ? walk As in in thy the way former safely, lesson, and thy foot so he quickly replied, " I would not take the wholehere, sball not we stumble. find the entire meaning of the text, world." If a faint assurance of the love ofonly 24 When when thou we lieat view down, it as thou the shalt personification not be afraid : of yea, God is worth so much, what then is the propera thou principle, shalt lie down, which and has tby its sleep full shall meaning be sweet. only in valuation of Him through whom that lovethe person of Christ. It is true that Solomon comes ?speaks about the intellectual acquirement of 2. She bestows long life, af&uenceand honor,knowledge, and also, he speaks of the applicationV. 16. To this David bears testimony, in Ps.of these truths, in directing the affairs oflife. But the passage befgre us, portions ofthe Sth and 9ch chapters, are shorn of their34, 12, IB, 14. It may not be true that thetruly wise always live to be old, rich or honorable,but as a rule tbey will. It is not truelocks, if we do not recognize in them the descriptionthat all who follow Christ live to be old, butof the person of Jesus Christ. The the tendency of the Gospel of Christ is to di­passage divides itself into three general reot the lives of men so that they will live tothoughts :old age, Have plenty of this world's goods forI. The Introduction.II. The Argument.III. The Application or Improvement.I. The Introduction. The words are .iddressedcomfort, and be respected. " I have beento a son. " My Son." God addressesall his people as " sons ". And yet none aresons in the sense of the passage, who have notreceived Christ, the heavenly Wisdom. If hehas been received, then hear what words thescripture speaks to us ! " Beloved, now arewe the sons of God." 1 John 3 : 2, Despise•not the chastening of the Lord, etc. The passagedoes not specify tbe character of the chastenings.They cover the entire fieldof heavenlydiscipline under which God places us, in orderthat we may learn the true Wisdom. It mustbe borne in mind that Jesus Christ was madeperfect through suffering. We can never reachtrue wisdom except through the discipline ofGod's training school. A pupil mast be drilledin mental, physical, moral exercises, if he willbe wise. The drill is severe It must bringinto play all the powers. The one who competesfor the prize must work ; he must notweary ; he must not faint in his mind. It isto this end that we may be wise unto salvation,that God corrects or reproveth his people.But God drills, reproves, corrects his childrenin love, to the end that they may be led to seekthe true Wisdom, and when, under his correctionthey do this, he will receive them. Andnow we come to the second thought.II. The Argument. The introduction givesUB the discipline ; the argument may be brieflysummed up. The discipline is severe ; it subjectsthe person to mauy hard trials and severesufferings. But the end to be gained is wellwortQ the cost. This, the argument presentsat large.young, and now am old ; yet have I not seenthe righteous forsaken, nor his seed beggingbread." Ps. 37 : 25.3 She leads in pleasant, peaceful paths, v.17. By this we are not to infer that way inwhich Wisdom leads will always appear pleasantat the time. One who attempts to followa mountain trail will find hard vfork indeed.Slowly the steep ascent is scaled. The climberwill measure a few paces, then stop, push forwarda little further, then rest. At last hereaches the summit, the highest peak of thelofty mountains, and as the eye looks downover the lower world, he says, " her ways areways of pleasantness, and all her paths arepeace."4. She conveys principles of life, v. <strong>18</strong>." She is a tree of life." That expression issuggestive of Jesus Christ. But she gives lifeonly to those who lay hold of her, and happinessto such as retain her. And this too issuggestive of our Lord, when he says, " Comeunto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden,and I will give you rest."5. Wisdom fulfilled the work of creation, vs.19, 20. Here again the reference points toChrist. " By him were all things created, thatare in heaven, and that are in earth, visibleand invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions,or principalities or powers ; all thingswere created by him and for him," Col. 1 :16."By whom also" (speaking of his Son) "hemade the worlds," Heb. 1:2. " Thou artworthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honorand power ; for thou hast created all things,and for thy pleasure they are and were created."Eev. 4 : 11. " All things were made by him,who neglects to accept Jesus Ohrist, lets bothwisdom and knowledge depart from his eyes.2. The reception ot Wisdom is eternal life." So shall they be life unto thy soul," v. 22.Wisdom teaches the important part. It islittle difference about the body, it is only alump of clay. The soul is the element of importance; it cannot die.3. Direction in the way, v. 23. Our Lordleads his peopie like a flockof sheep. Thosewho follow the Good Shepherd, will always findgreen pastures and deep waters. It is goodfor US if we will always follow the Lambwhithersoever he goeth.4. Protection through the night, v. 24." I will both lay me down in peaoeAnd quiet sleep will take,Because thou only me to dwellIn safety Lord dost make."This is protection through • each night.When the work of the day is done, our strengthis also done. We must lie down, we mustsleep. And God keeps watch over us, for hiseye never slumbers, uever sleeps. The nightof adversity falls upon the believer—it comesupon every one. He who has made friends oftrue Wisdom hears a voice behind him saying,This IS the way, walk ye in it ; and when thenight is so dark that he cannot see, the voicedirects him when to go forward, and when toremain quiet. There is the night of death." Yea though I walk through death's dark valeYet will I fear none ill.For thou art with me and thy rod.And stafif me oomfort still."PRIMARY LESSON NO. VI.By Gace Hamilton Ge<strong>org</strong>e.1. Wisdom's School.How many of you go to school? I do notmean Sabbath Sehool, or day school; I meanWisdom's school. God is the teaeher, all Hischildren attend His school. Tes, our fathersand mothers, none are too old, none are toowise, for when we have learned our lesaonshere, we are promoted to a higher school.Sometimes the lessons are hard and we gettired; think our teacher is too severe. So Hehas put a little note of encouragement in ourlesson. " Whom the Lord loveth He reproveth;even as a father, the son in whom he delighteth."People are apt to be so busy about theirdaily cares that they f<strong>org</strong>et how important itis that they attend to getting Wisdom, preparingfor the world to come.It reminds us of the story of Passion andPatience in Pilgrim's Progress. If you do notknow it get some one to tell it to you.

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