Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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Feb. 1,<strong>18</strong>93. A FAMILY PAPER. 11.Two Stepping Stonesto consumption are ailments weoften deem trivial—a cold anda cough. Consumption thus acquiredis rightly termed " Consumptionfrom neglect."Scott's Emulsionnot only stops a cold but it is remarkablysuccessful where thecough has become deep seated.SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINSOf Through Coaches, Sleepers, Free EeclinineChair Cars ancl Dining Cars dally between CHI­CAGO, DES MOINES, COT7NCIIi BliUFrS andOMASA, and between CHICAQO and DENVHB,COLOBADO SPRINaS and PUEBLO via St.Joseph, or Kansas City and Topeka.E. ST. JOHN, JOHf^ SEBASTSAN,Gen'l Manager, Gen'l Tkt. & Pass. Agt.-CHICAGO. ILI,.M A G K E O W M ' Sfcsio'lil Teslii!\FOR SPECTACLES,No. 24 East 42a Street, New York.Headache and Neuralgia of tenproeeed fromlatent defects of eyesiguc and especially Inca^esol iMuaouIar Aftheiiopla; if pre ent, thesedefects are detected by our method oi lestingProper gla'-ses give permanent reliefA pll aiciau can have a i eport on the sight ofany patient he desires."QUiniNG THE ^ANSE,""one of the HEBOIO STEEL ENGRAV­INGS OF THE OENTUEX."This Engraylng Is Intended to oommemoratean Inoident In the disruption of l^e ScottlBhObuToh In <strong>18</strong>13, when nearly flre hundredMinisters resigned their Stipends, 11 anses. SocialPositions, and what men most tenaelooalyregard, for consoienoe sake, in what tliey esteemedthe cause of Truth." Printed on platepaper1$X2S.Any one, whether a present subsoilheT ornew one, may have a copy of this superb Engraving, by simply requesting it, and adding1» cents to the regular subscnptlon price oithe paper; when remitting, for packing andpostfcge.To any others we will mall the Bngravlngcc reonipt ot OHRIBTIAiy (tee Dollar. 363 Broadway, WATIOW New CO., Tork.THE DRiriffKARD'S DREAM.ttie DutchThe drunkard dreamed of his old retreat.Of his cozy plaoe in the tap-room seat; No AlkaliesAnd the liquor gleamed on his gloatingeye.Till his lips to the sparkling glass drewnigh;He lifted it up with an eager glance,And sang as he saw the bubbles dance—With a jolly crew and a flowing bowl,"Aha! Iam myself again.There's truce to care, and adieu to pain,Welcome the cup with its creamy loam;Farewell to work and a merry home ;In bar-room pleasures I love to roll."Like a flash there came to the drunkard'sScott's Emulsion is thesiderichest qf fat-foods yet His angel child who that nighthad died ;the easiest fat-food to With looks so gentle and sweet and fond,She touched his glass with her little wand;take. It arrests wasteAnd oft as he raised it up to drinkand builds up healthyShe silently tapped on its trembling brink.flesh.Till the drunkard shook from head tocrown,Prepared by Scott & Bowne, N. Y. All druggists. And set the untasted goblet down."H«y, man," cried the host, "whatmeaneth this?Is the covey sick, or the dram amiss?Cheer up, mv lad, quick the bumper41HACQUA1NTED WITH THE QEOQRAPHy OF THE COUNTRY WILL OBTAINquaff,"MUCH INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THEAnd he glanced around with a fiendi. hlaugh.The diunkard raised his glass once moreAnd looked at its depths as ott before ;But started to see on its pellucid foamThe face of his dead little child at home.Then again the landlord at him sneered.And the swaggering crowd of drunkardsjeered ;But still as he tried that glass to drink.The wand of his dead one tapped the brink.The landlord gasped : " I swear, my man.Thou snalt take every drop of this flowingcan."The drunkard bowed to the quiveringbrim,Tho' his heart beat fast and his eyes grewdim.But the wand struck harder than before ;The glass was flung on the bar-roomfloor,And all around the fragments lay.And the poisoned current rolled away.The drunkard woke, his dream was gone.His bed was bathed in the light of morn;But he saw, as he shook with pale, coldfear,A beautiful angel hovering near.He rose, and that seraph was nigh himstill.It checked his passion, it swayad his will;It dashed from his lips the maddeningbowl.And victory gave to his ransomed soul.Since ever that midnight hour he dreamed.POPULAR Our hero has TOURS been a TO man WASHIGTOJIf.redeemed ;PersonallyAnd this is theconductedprayer he praystoursalway.toAnd this is the prayer let us help himWashingtonpray,have been arrangedvia That Eoyal angels may Blue come Line, every to be land. run atfrequent To dash the intervals cup from from the Now drunkard's Yorkand Philadelphia hand. to Washington.The next excursion will be ou February2d. For programme describingthese tours, write to Thos.Cook and Son, Agents B. & O. E.R., 261 and 1325 Broadway, NewYork, or 332 Waskiugton street,BcstoD.Process— OR —Other Chemicalsare used in thepreparation ofW. BAKER & CO.'SreakktCocoawhich, is absolutelypure and soluble.It has morethan three timeithe strength of Cocoa mixedwith Starch, Arrowroot orSugar, and is far more economical,oostincf less thart, one cent a cupIt is delicious, nourishing, and easilyDIGESTED.Sold by Grocers everywher*.W. BAKER & CO,, Dorchester, MassHAVE YOU READ IT?~If Not,^« Then Read, and jWONDER at the QRACE OF QOD.JERRY McAULEYiHIS UFE AND WORK.BT REV. B. M. OFFORD.With Introduction by theREV. S. IRENJETTS PRIKE, D. D-And Personal Sketches byA. S. HATCH.This book tells the story of one of the most remarkablecharacters which New York has produced. Jerrywas a River Thief. His father was a Counterfeiter.When young, Jerry earned wbat he couldand stole the rest. Hewas convicted of robbery inthe firBtdegree, and sentenced to Sing Sing for tiffceenyears and six months. While serving his term he waaconverted.and then pardoned by Gov.Dix. He was the"This engraving is intended to commemoriiteau incident in the Disruption of thafounder of the Water Street Misaion, and was instrumentalin bringing hundreds of the worst charactersS ottish Churoh in <strong>18</strong>43, when neai-ly fiveof both sexes to Jesus.llii dred Ministeis resigned their Stipends,His life is well told in this volume, which cannot but.Mauses, Social Positions, and what men mostbe an inspiration to some active <strong>Christian</strong>'s effort.The book is nicely bound and illustrated.Price, cloth, 75c.; paper, 25c. Sent postpaidon receipt of price.^^J. E, JEWETT, Publisher & Bookseller, $150One copy, 1 year, 77 Bible to individual Hou&e, address,OF in SUiBSCRiPTlOlirclnb of 15 and over. $125New York.TERMSThe <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Nation</strong> Is published everySABBATH Wednesday, at the SCHOOL following rates, CLUBS.for eitherold Any or new Sabliath subscribers. school will be supplied -with asOne many copy, copies 1 as year, desired, strictly (not less in ad- than twenty)atthe following yearly club rates:Jn a packageroone address, each T^ceuts, Apackage thus sent is addressed to o)ie personon^y. and nonames can be written or printedon the separate papers.To Individual addresses, each, $1.25.The papers for a club Cof 20 or more) may beordered sent partly to individual addresses attl 26 eaoh, and partly Ina package to one ad­CMISIIANMT101.During the concluding montbs of thisyear, '92, important chaages and additionswill be maae in the make-up and contentsof tbe Cheistian <strong>Nation</strong>, greatlyenhancing its value.But above all else it will continue tbe an advocate of <strong>Christian</strong> Characterand Patriotism; for " Righteousness Exaltetha <strong>Nation</strong>,"Its liigli airris and varieddepartrrierits rriaKe it theideal liorrie paper.A SUPERB PBEimSUMHaving aa unwavering faith inthe practical value of our paper,•ve want to extend ite usefulness,riiid to this end, in addition to the^tvial low subscription price of51 50, to new subscribers we offeias a special inducement a reproducliouof that master-piece of heroios^f el engravings of the century, entitledU QUITTINGthe MANSE,"tenaciously regard, for consoienoe sake, inwhat they esteemed the oanse of Truth."To the right is the Manse, the low doorway overgrown withTEnglish ivy, while roses and daffadowndillychase one another up and down either side.The minister stands on the door-step, hat in hand,the dear old grandmother leaning on his arm. Thofaces of the children, dressed ior the road, are astudy. The wife is turning the key in the door,preparatory to "quitting the Manse." Gatheredabout in front and to the left are fathers and mothersin Israel, young men and maidens, little neighborchildren, and even the shepherd dogs of neighboringhomes. Love, inexpressible sorrow, indignation,and leverence are on every countenance;and there is no " dearth of woman's tears." Overthe fieldsto the left are seen the peasants' cots, th»hills rising beyond, and winding around the roadare two'' cairts,'' loaded with the'' flitting." Whilelooking down upon us from the centre ofthe scene,ress, at 75 cents each, wien so desired. across the road, is the Kirk, whose sacred walliThe papers for a club should all go to one have for the last time echoed the warning voice ofpost offlce, althongh in cases where a portion thefaithful pastor.of the teaeliers of a school get their mall matterfrom one pnst offlce. and others in tho same tuous plate paper 16x23, and haaThe picture is printed on sump­school eet theirs from another, the papers will been engraved expressly for thebe sent accordingly. Tbis applies to package subscribers of the Cheistian <strong>Nation</strong>clubs, at the sevtnfy-flve cent rate, to the intentthat large clubs may be divided into On receipt of $1.50 and 10 cents for paopackages of Jive or more, if desired.ing and postage we will enter Totrr Bubsoriptionfor the Chbistiak <strong>Nation</strong> for 52 weeksFree Copies. One free copy, additional, willbe allowed for eveiy ten copies paid for in a and send you securely wrapped a copy of ourclub of either character, lhe free copies for superb engraving.package clubs cannot well be s«nt separately, This picture is not a chromo, butbut win be inclBded in the package.an Engraving, and is a work ofAdditions may be made at any time to a club high art, fit to adorn the walls of—such additional subscriptiona to expire atthe the best room of the finest mansionsame time with tbe club as originally ordered, in the land.and the rate to be the proportionate share of Our old subscribers oan enjoy the possestho yearly club rate,sion of one of these pictures by Bsndirg n»Y, M. C A , w. n. T. U., and other public one new subscriber as above, and in additionfriends reading ian per proTl

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