Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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12. CHEISTIAN NATION. <strong>Vol</strong>ume <strong>18</strong>, June 7, <strong>18</strong>93B . & B .D O Y O U ?When a Woman buys a new gown, shewants, firstof all,Style, Beauty, and Serviceof material. Then tooTHE PKICEshe pays is of paramount consideration.Whetherit'sSILKSGEENADINESDRESS WOOLENSCHALLIESSateens, Ginghams or other fine NoveltyWash Fabrics, and you really want themost desirable and fashionable materialsand want to pay the least money for them—to save on every yard—then write usfor samples and send your order to ourMAIL ORDER DEPARIMENTNo matter what kind or quality ofDRY GOODSyou want, we'll make it pay you to corespondwith us.Try it once, and see it we don't.B O G G S & B U H L ,115 117,119 121 Federal St.,ALLEOHENT, Pa.THE WORLDS FAIR.Final Arrangements for the Sale ofTickets via the B. & 0. R. R.Eor the benefit of those desiringto attend the World's Fair the Baltimore& Ohio Railroad will sellExcursion tickets to Ohicago andreturn, at all stations on its line, atlow rates. Tickets will be on saleuntil November lst, and will bevalid for return journey until November15 th, <strong>18</strong>93. They providefor a reduction of 20 per cent, belowregular lates. These ticketswill be valid only for continuousjourney. Tickets at higher rateswill be sold that will permit holdersto stop over at Baltimore, Washington,or any other point, goicgand returning.Besides the opportunity of visitingWashington, a privilege affordedby no other route, tourists viathe Baltimore & Ohio Railroad willtraverse the historic Potomac Valley,the theatre of the war betweenthe Stales. At Cumberland theywill be offered a choice of routes,via Pittsburgh, or across the Alleghenymountains, 3000 feet abov

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