Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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10. CHEISTIAN NATION.<strong>Vol</strong>ume <strong>18</strong>B . & j B .S , 0 0 0 Y a r d sIrishOver a hundred differentpatternsL a \ v ndouble width, 40 incheswide, ^ ^ ^ 10 CTS.Large lotDimitieschoice styles, 10 CTS. A YRD.One lot wide, extra fineDimitiesOne case all-woolChallie20 CTSC r e p o n shandsome printings, 32 in.wide,and - recent20 CTSpurchaseof Feeees Koechlin&SCHEUEEE LaUTH & Co'S.finest and best quality, andnewest 1S93 stylesF r e n c hSatines25 CTS A YRDCome, or write our MailOrder Department for samplesof above or dress goodsof all sorts—investigationand comparison will proveOur Money SavingPrices to you.B O G G S & B U H L ,115 117,119 121 Federal St.,ALLEaHENT, Pa.and applied tothe most virtuous aswell as to the vilest, points to thedeep-felt conviction that a wrongbelief leads to wrong living. ThusGibbon : The Emperor's generosityto the "Miscreant" (Soliman)was interpreted as treason to the to furnish the means.<strong>Christian</strong> Cause. "Thought," in ' The Scottish Free church hasearly English, was care ; e. g., i two publications with female editors"Take no thought for your life.": Helpmeet and the Children's(Matt. 6;:25) "Thing" primarily Becord.meant discourse, then solemn discussion,It is said that not fewer thanouucil, court of justice, 40,000 people are without a simplecause, matter or subject of discourse.Chrisuan instructor in WesternThe "busting" was origi­Dondoland;nally the house-thing'or domesticcourt."Coquets" were once male as wellas female. "Usury," which nowmeans taking illegal or excessiveinterest, denoted, at first, the takingof any interest, however small."Corpse," now a body from whichthe breath of life has departed,once denoted the body of the livingalso ; as in Surrey,' A valiant corpse where force and beautymet.""Wit," now used in a mora limitedsense, at firstsignified the mentalpowers collectively ; e. g., "Willputs in practice what the wit deviseth."Later it came to denotequickness of apprehension, beautyor elegance of composition, andPope defines it as"Nature to advantage dressed.What oft was thought, bnt ne'er so wellexpressed."Another meaning waa a man oftalent or genius. The word "parts,"a hundred years ago, ^as used todenote genius in talents. HoraceWalpoie, in one of his letters, saysof Goldsmith that he was an idiot,with once or twice a fitof "parts."The word "loyalty" has undergonea marked chauge within a few centuries.Oripimally it meant in English,as in French, fair dealing,fidelity to engagements; now itmeans, in England fidelity to thethrone, and in the U. 8. to theUnion or Constitution. "Eelevant,"which formerly meant relit yingor assisting, is now used in thesense of "relative" or relating to,with which, from a similarity ofsound, though withont the leastetymological couuection, it appearsto have been confounded. Theword "exorbitant" once meant deviatingfrom a track or orbit; it isnow used exclusively in the senseFOR SEASICKNESSUte boriford't Acid Phosphate.I)R. ]. FoiiRNESS Hrice, of S.S. Trutonic. says'" I have prescribed it in my practice among thepassengers travelling to and Irom h urope. in thissteamer, aud the result has satisfied me that iftaken in time, it will, in a great many cases, pre-Tent seasickness."of excessive.—Mathews-Miscellaneous.A mission steamer has been orderedby the London Society at acost of $80,000 to use in the SouthSeas. The young people are askedDEAFNESS CANNOT BE CUREDby local applications as they oannotreach the diseased portion of the ear.There is only one way to cure deafness,and that is by constitutional remedies.Deafness is caused by an inflamed conditionof the mucous lining of the EustachianTube. When this tube is inflamedyou have a rumbling sound orimperfect hearing, and when it is entirelyclosed. Deafness is the result, andunless tbe inflammation oan be takenout and this tube restored to its normalcondition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine oases out of ten are causedby catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamedcondition ofthe mucous surfaces.We will give One Hundred Dollars forany oase of DeafnesB(cau8ed by catarrh)that caunot be cured by Hall's CatarrhOure. The flnest Send for train circulars in New ; free. England isthe r. Springfleld J. OHENEY Line &" CO., Mid-day Toledo, Limited;" but fivehours by Druggists, and 75c. forty minutesO.J8®-Soldbetween Boston and New York.NESS ».HEAI NOISES GURFDVD E A F L . Peck's INVISIBLE TUBBIAR EAI6«lf adjusting. CUSHIONS. SueoeesfQl WhMpers where heanl.Com.all Heme.fiortable Id and byF. se HISOOX, only,853Braadwa7,liew" - . • •• —>ly. STRANGE aa It ma; Bcom thia litgenuine gold filledstem wind huntlnrCDJc.cithcr gents or ladicaeite.beAudflilljea^avcd by hand aud guaranteed (ovear for 20 years. The moTcmeatlitvery tino Blcm wind, jeweled, nlckdrican, warranted ku acouratotlin«

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