Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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10. CHEISTIAN NATION. <strong>Vol</strong>ume laWoman was mp.de after man, but manhas been after woman ever since."I came and saw a saw," said the facetioustramp ; '-but I didn't saw."$100 Reward $100.The rea lers of this paper will bepleased to learn that there is at least onedreaded disease that science has beenable tu cure in nil its stages, and that isCatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Oure is the onlyp )8itive cure now knowu to the medicalfraternity. Catarrh being a constitutionaldisease, requires a constitutionaltreatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure ia takenint.jrually, actiug directly upon theblood and mucous surfaces of the system,thereby destroying the foundationot the disease, aud giving the patientstrength, by buiMing up the constitutionand assisting uature in doing itswork. The proprietors have so muchfaith in its curative powers, that tbeyoffer One Hundred Dollars for any casethat it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimoni.Js.Address, F. J. OHENEY &CO. Toledo, Ohio.B®"Sold by Druggists, 75c.Family Physician—Well, Mr. Ayling,what is it now ? Any fresh trouble onhaud ? Caller—No, I don't think youcould call it a fresh trouble, dootor. Itssalt rheum.Consumption Cnred.An old physician, retired from practice,had placed iu his hands by an EastIndia missionary the f.irmulaof a simplevegetable remedy for the speedy andpermanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis,Catirrh, Asthma and all Throatand Lui)g Affections, also a positive andradical cure for Nervous Debility andall Nervous Complaints, Having testedits wonderful curative powers in thousandsot cases, and desiring to relievehuman suffering, I will send free ofcharge to all who wish it, this recipe inGerman, Frer.ch or English, with fulldirections for preparing and using.Sent by raail, by addressing, with staa^p,naming this paper, W. A. Notes, 820" Hawley has gone South." "Whatfor?" "Rheumatism." "Great Scott!Couldn't he get enough of tliat up here?"A servant-girl puzzled a Chesnut streetdruggist's clerk yesterday for a momentby asking for a dozen three-grain QueenAnne pills.The Garrett Picket & Wire Fence MachinoWeaves to the posts. Beatin the world. Thousandsin use. Guaranteed. Freightpaid. Agents are report.ing big sales. Machines.,Wire, etc., at wnolesaledirect to Farmers whereI have no agent. Cata­I AN JOEAL FAMILY logue free. MEDIGINE Address the= For Indlgeetlon, BlUougncBS; manufacturer,I Headache, H. GARRETT, OonAttpation, MANSFIELD. liad OHIO.I Comnlcxton, Offensive ISrcaih,I- and all disorders of the Stomach,_ Liver and Bowels.= RIPANS TABULESJ. I act T.Taylor, gently yet promptly. Perfect M. Wilson,= digestion 240W. follows 2]8t St. their use. US Sth Avenue.I Aliiy TAYLOR be obtained by &WSLSOii,E application to nearest DEALERS driigrKlst. INC o a l ^^» m r o o d ,•OS and y IO W. aSth St.,NEV yORK.Orders by mail promptly attended to. Estimates.^.»m-r. rubber, 15 cents n iiTM;a'"IW:°' •'•*»UNKEASONABtE AND PUBBtTAt all I>rus:s:ists. FreeAKBITEART TECHNICALITIESTEAS ^?r°e« B O O K Which have so long worked injustice to applicantsoontairime:over 2500practi-'alrecip- a—320pa'^'-a and agents, and while it does not comtemplate inbon- on't fail to ger, tbe "WATCH any sense the acceptance of an applicant not satelyCliOCIC. The greatest, novelty ol the age. nsurabJe, it recognizes the fact that a large numberof risksusually declined can be safely insuredFor f lUJ particu a's addressGreat Amer. Tea Co., at a fair premium.THE64-66 Chuich St, New York City.During MANAGEMENT the year <strong>18</strong>92 after OF adopting THE the AdjustedTO AXY BOY OR GTKI, 1 Rate Plan the C0MP.4NY business of IS the CONSERVA.TIVE.company increasedPowers Block, RooINESShosier,AHEADN.HOISESY.CURE9M CYCLE uud»f IB jeftraofagewlioiiiUworfc fori more ITS EXPENSES than ARE MODERATENOW !SGe<strong>org</strong>e—I wontierI'eck'swhy EthelINVISIBLEcallsTUBDIARmeEARu«i,ftBra,;houL KO MONEY WEEDED.|ITS Five POLICIES Hundred ARE MOST Per Cent LIBERAL.her chrjsanthtmumCUSHIONS.? Binks—SheWhlspersheard.mayComfortableSendtLiBBriT. toA. CUIITIS4i CO..Over'that ITS PAYMENTS ofthe preceding ARE PROMPT.year.THE TIMEhave discoveredand self tidjusting.the factSuccessfulthat youwherehaven'tall Reme.46WIibT yUlNCY bT.,Cmi:)AO0, ILL. i N. W. BLOSS, President.For those who are planadiescent. smmv^wimmvsvimivivivfvfvtmtmimfmti*)fail. Sold hy F. HISOOX, only, 8B3 Broadway,NewMeiUion Oftriatian yali-'-iiJ.F.MORSE. ) Vice-Ding for Summer tours and excursions•^Vrilp for riln,*t.iat^l Pook of Proofs FREB.G. F. POTTER, f Presidents. during¥W. G. LORD, Secretary. <strong>18</strong>93Send for Cironlarg. Agents 'Wanted. to look about them, read, and reflect nponIIBFRAI CONTRACTS, MWkm OPPORTCKITIES. how, wheu and where they wiil go when the1on a I»I A WO or ORGAN*. We sell from our factory at wholesalepnces direct to tne public, saving them all agents' and dealers'¥time of vacation arrives.%¥THEFAIRexorbitant profits. We are selling: one thuusund PianosGreat World'sftand Oreans per month. That tells the story better than ¥will be an event to many in mgre wsys than1words. SendiuF ourue^ivcatalogue*illustrated In¥one. Not only will it be an epoch in manycolors, FJtJEE to any address. It gives the wholesale pricesa life, in the immense exposition shown, thet— the newest and finest styles of PIAWOS and OUGAMS ¥display of what hnman brains nnd ingennitf1 explains our improved methods of selling- thera¥can accomplish, but it wiil also be athing toFor Gasii or on Easy Payments.be remembered from the fact that it will heWrite for Special Offers. Every Sale a Bargain. ¥Organs References: from $35. Pianos from $175. We¥i]fj do First the largest <strong>Nation</strong>al direct trade in tlie world. You caiEnTisit Bank our and factory all FREE if you live -avithin ¥!£00 tlie miles great of us. "•"^^^^•^•"•i"^"^".^^^"t^" NOTE.—We are absolutely¥Commercial ^NO SATISFACTION, NO Agencies. PAY.X V « I . . / responsibleAU instruraents shipped on free triaL\\N) I ' /// for all ourWarranted for ten years.Write for CATALOGUE at Old once Established to Factories .,jgRt/iSH&g. gnd *m UFflCES.RELIABLE. W^SHIHGTON. NEW JERSEY.mmim^mm^m^mimmimmi^mf^imif^mimmimUnlike the QutGhProcessNo Alkalies— OR —Other Chemicalsare used In thepreparation ofW. BAKER & CO.'SreaMastCocoa•which is absolutelypure and aoluble.I It has •morethan three time*\ the strength of Cocoa mixediwith Starch, Arrowroot or_ ' Sugar, and is far more economical,costing less than o'ne oent a cupIt is delicious, nourishing, and easiltDIGBSTED.Sold by Grocers eTeryirherfiW. BAKEB & CO , Dorchester. Mass.NATiONAL MUTUALINSURANCE COMPANY,World B'ld'g. Park Row, N. Y.This Company offers Life Insurance on the nfiostliberal and progressive terms, and^entirely devoid ofthe unnecessary and arbitrary rules and tecnnical-Kipans Tabules cure constipation.Ripans Tabules : gentle cathartic.Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver.Ripans Tabules cure indigestion.Ripans Tabules cure bad breath.Ripans Tabules assist digestion.Ripans Tabules cure biliousness.Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia.Ripans Tabules cure flatulence.Ripans Tabules cure headache.Ripans Tabules cure dizziness.Ripans Tabules cure nausea.•9At:j'EXBi ^TOsuajd: satuq'cx suBdrg;Ripans Tabules : at druggists.nIw system of bee-keepsngTGreat Profit keeping Bees on myplan. Bees can be kept on everyFarm and Garden. Every womanwho has a country home can keepBees. It will cost but little to commence,and require butlittle time totake care of theta. If nol desiredto keep Bees for Money, keep a fewto produce Fine Honey for familyuse. Try Bee-Keeping on my Plan..Little Address book West Mrs. ofinfortnation Gokuam, Lizzie E. MAiNb Cotton FREE.Husbandyou't- strengthin housework. Pearline willsave half the labor of it. Itwill wash your clothes inpeace, without washing themto pieces; it will clean yourhouse or your laces withouthurting them. Pearline hasmore than soap's raerits —none of soap's defects. Youcan do anything with it; youcan do nothing without it. 'Never peddled.JAMES PYLB, N.Y.the basis for extended trips HaHTHERNt) see the sights,scenes and rcources of our vast conntry.In this connection remember PACIFIC that theRAILROADtraverses the Wonderland of America. Theplains, lake and mountain scenery fonnaalong its line is unsurpassed. It is the onlyUne rnnning to thn borders of theTEttOWSTONE PAKK.Keep this line in mind in yonr plans »H"write for tourist matter, maps, folders, timetables,eto., to_CHAS. 8. FEE,Gen. Paas. & Ticket Agent,St Paul, Minn.

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