Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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June 21,<strong>18</strong>93. A FAMILY PAPEE. 11I K E E P C O O Linside, outside, and all the way through,by drinking --^ .HIRES' KThis great Temperance drink; •-'*'^' •is as healthful, as it is pleasant. Cry it.Chicago, Rock Island k Pacific RyB E S TLINECHICAGO AND ST LOUISS T P A U LM I N N E A P O L I STHE TWIN BALLOTS.Along in November, when chill was theweather,Two ballots were cast in a box together.They nestled up close like brother tobrother;You couldn't tell oue of the votes fromthe other.The Sunday-school man—no man oonldbe truer—Kept busy all summer denouncing thebrewer;But his fervor cooled off with the changeof the weather,And late in the autumn they voted together.The Sunday-sohocl man had always beennotedFor fighting saloons—except when hevoted;He piled up his prayers with a holy pt r-fection.Then knocked them all down on the dayof election.The foxy old brewer was cheerful andmellow:Said he: "I admire that Sunday-schoolfellow ;He's true to his church—to his party he'sFOR truer; NERVOUS PROSTRATIONVariableHe talks Use for Horsford's the Lord, Acid but Phosphate. he votes forFROM CHICAGO.Route 'Dr. a. the Trau, brewer." Philade'phia, Pa., says; "I haveAll meals servedTourist ticketsextensively usedit in nervous prostration and kindredaffections, and invariably obtained very goodBeit Dining Car Service In The World.taking in allin Dining Cars.A very popular train on the Chicago, Rock Island results "English " as she is spoke" gets numerousillu8tratioui< from lhe numberof points of inter­Room Sleeping Carsthe principal Palace Drawing-& Pacific Eailway leaves Ohicago daily at 10 p. m.It is called "THE BIG FlVii," is only one day out foreigners in our city. One of these est, and allowingprivileges are run through toand Tourist Sleepersand passengers arrive at Denver, Pueblo or ColoradoSprings early the second morning.and his advertisement, now before us, never beforeopened a restaurant in Fiftieth street,San FranciscoThe RocE Island has become a popular Colorado assures its readers that " they shall find accorded, rtinfine and the train abjve referred to is vestibuled the best elections for table use " at his be obtainedwithout change,i and carries the Rock Is'and's excellent dining car place. Among its recommendations are with full information,up­daily via theleaving Chicagoservice."cleaning, order^"flrst-class supplies,"L For full General particulars Manager as to Chicago, tickets, maps, 111. rates ap- which "are a sufficient guarantee to on application[ply to any coupon ticket office in the United States meet the favor of the most fastidious to North-Westernany TicketLineICanada or Mexico, or addresstoo." Further we are told; "ThatEestanrantmakes weekly boards, and at­Agent, CHICAGO or to & NOttTH-WESTERN RT.JNO. SEBASTIAN,Gen'l Ticketi& Pass. Agent, Chicago, 111 tends promptly atevery order received."B.J8T. JOHN, B i J i i l nFinally, the paper says: "A good specialtyis Italian Maccaroni, and StickBread (Grissini)." It is to be hopedthat the tbings furnished by the restaurantare better than the English iuwhich they are set forth.Mother—"I wish you would go to thestore and get me a bar of soap." LittleJohnny ; " I've got an awful toothache."" Does it really ache much? " " AwfullI can't let a thing touch it!" "Thenyou may also oring a pound of raisins."Eobert—Mamma, my stomach says itis dinner time. Mamma—You'd bettergo and see what time it is. Eobert, afteran inspection ot the clock,—Well, mamma,my stomach's three minutes fast.Making any money these days ? askedicks of the mill owner.MiiOiS^iftlENTII!Hardly any, said the otber. We are:5S?iENCffEVEfn'THiNG. r beginning to realize the truth of the old, 15 and 25 cents. At All Druggists or by Mail. saying that it takes ten mills to make ai'Ki^ot'8 Leather Cement mends everything m cent.Jleather. 10, 15 and 20 cents. Major's Bubber . Farmer A—How much did you get fer;Geinpnt repairs everything in rubber, 15 cents. yer 'taters? Parmer B—Wal, I didn'tMAJOR'S CliMKMT CO.. 232 William St.. N.Y. get as mucli as I expected, and I didn'tLaliesor Gents. Best seller UDOWD. Needv,>ryhouse, placeof buainess or farm • Piso's Eemedy for Catarrh Is theexpect I would.T< ar round. "Hone" Eleetrle Holer Best, Easiest to TJse, and Cheapest.MrillkindBofUgblmachinery. Cheap.C A T A R R H^tjti"jwiroil earth. ConneitedinstantljtoSold by Druggista or eent by mall.wa^li ur tuTClng michlne. corn Bheller,50c. E. T. Hazeltlne, "VVarren, Pa.punipi. fans, lathes, jewelers' or dentiats*KKf hinery, Ac. Clean, noiselesa, lastsa I lie-time. No experience needed. Toshow In operation means a sale. Guar.anteed. Profits Immense. Circulars Tree,W.P. H » nitran^ a fill., v.T, r^inmbn., n.'WOBTH A GUINEA A BOX." |! TASTELESS-EFFECTUALFOS AI Taken as directed theee famous Fills willgrove marrellouB restorativea to all enfeebledy the above or kindred dieeases.S5 Cents a Box,but generally reooenized in England and, Infact throuehout the world to be "worth acainea a box." for the reaBon that theyV9\TaTa oure a Wide rainffe of complalnta*and that they have saved to many1!.sii^erers not merely «ne but many guineas, mlioctorB* bills.Covered with a Tasteless & Soluble Coafing.oe all drufrglstfl. Price 2S cents a box.New York DpiDot, 36r> Canal Si.\ S ^ D a y sW. A.Thrall,Gen'l Pass, andTicket Agent,CHICAGO.AS A CLAMIs the man who for years perhapshas been suffering from weak stomach,indigestion, dyspepsia and general debility,when he discovers the curativeproperties of Burnham's ClamBouillon. There is no case whereitwill not be retained by the stomach andprove grateful and comforting. In allgastric troubles it affords Immediaterelief. Phosphorus, lime and sodium arethe tonic constituents of clams..i.„ilI[Jjl!Hw m m mN'PIH^'IHNever buy ClamBouillon for thesick, except inGlass Bottles.Grocers & Druggista2oc.,60c and fl.OOsize 3.C O O K PreeFree B O O Kcontaining over 2600 praoti alrecipt s—320 paeeshound In oloth. Don't tall to get the 'WATCH.CLOCK. The greatest novelty of the age.For full partlealare addressGreat Amer. Tea Co.,64-66 Church St., New York City.C a n Y o u S e l lB I C Y C L E S ?R E M I N G T O NBicycle.Second to none, best matebial, best design,BEST WORKMANSHIP BEST FINISH. SEND FORCATALOGUE. Responsible agents wanted in allunoccupied territory.Remington U r m s Go313, 315 Broadway, New Tork City.240 W. 21st St.M. Wilson,U3 Sth Avenue.TAYLOR & WILSON,DEALSRS INIO8 and IIO W. 25th St.,NEW TORK.Orders by mail promptly attended to. Estimatet.

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