Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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CHEISTIAN NATION, <strong>Vol</strong>nme i8.setting forth the position that should be Miss Ollie Cook, "The History of Onr*^,* Our St. Louis congregation has received$11,000 damages done to their denominations represented by the Asso­Allen led in devotional exercises. Eaohassumed by Chiistians of the various Society." Before the tea closed MiiaGivesproperty by the city, and has the groundQUIET NIGHTSciation in reference to the violation of one quoted her favorite passage of Scrip.and old church for sale. They hope soonGod's law by the Columbian Exposition, ture and all united in singing the <strong>18</strong>3d.nd HAPPY DAYS to have a new aud much more convenientand the duty of nou-participation and psalm. It was an evening not soon to beto the infant and growing child. It is plaee of worship. Eev. D. C. Martinnon-support of the same.f<strong>org</strong>otten, and the young ladies are to befor all conditions will preach for them during July.The Best Food*»* On Wednesday evening, June 14, congratulated-on the healthy growth ofof Child life *^* Mr. R, J. Mclsaac has been reelectedSuperintendent of the SelmaRev. Wm. Littlejohn with his wife and their society.Dyspeptics, Invalids, and Old Peopledaughter arrived at their new home infind it priceless. In cans, 35c, and up­Misaionwards. Interested Mothers send for Castle, Pa., on the flrst Thursday ofSYNOD'S LIST OF SUPPHES.He is to be ordained iu NewDenison, Kansas. The ladies of thecongregation had kindly fitted up thePamphlet to manufacturers. ' July, at the same time that Mr. Jos. S,house for their reception. Ou stepping New York Presbytery—Edgar, Jane;WOOLRICH & CO., PALMER, MASS. Martin is to be ordained and installedoff the train they were met by a deputationof the congregation and driven McCartney, July, Sept.; McNaugheriMcBurney, July ; McElwain, August;pastor of the New Castle congregation.STAE NOTES.'',^'' D. Chesnut, Esq., of Pittsburgh,straight to the house. On approaching June and July; IlcKnight, July andwho has been very ill for sorae time,Rtv. W. M. Glasgow has been calledthe house the situation revealed the surprisethat had been prepared for the Sept. and Oct. ; Easson, Jan. and Feb.Aug. ; Raitt, January till Synod ; Sharp,having undergone a very severe surgicalto Beaver Falls, Pa.operation, is now able to be about*,,,* Rev. S. G Shaw will preach again, forhome-coming of the new pastor. The Ohio—McElwain, Oct. ; Robb, Sept,;and the various church and otherthe 1st Boston people on Sabbatb; JuneYoung People's <strong>Christian</strong> Endeavor of Wylie, Sept.; March till Synod.interests at the head of which he stands,25 th.the congregation planned the welcome. N. B. &N. S.—Baird, June to Dec;will mittee have of the <strong>Nation</strong>al beneflt of Eeform his wise Associationheld a meeting in Pittsburgh, whenmanagement.*,^* Mr. I. T. E. McBurney has beenThe OD embers of the congregation and Stewart, Nov. till Synod.appointed to labor at Wahoo, Neb., fortheir friends in the neighborhood all Kansas—Armor, July, Aug., Sept.;Dr. H. H. Ge<strong>org</strong>e was elected a seoretaryof the Affsociation, his work to be­six months, to Jan. 1st, <strong>18</strong>94.turned out and manifested their hearty Buck, March to Synod ; Easson, July*,^* Irof. D. B. Willson will spend »rejoicing at the appearance among themgin early iu the Fall. It was determinedand Aug. ; Faris, Nov and Dec.; McElwain,Jan., March; McNaugher, Nov.few weeks iu Vermont, where he is engagedto assist in several communions.come was given to Mr. Littlejohn ou be­of their minister. An address of wel­to hold a <strong>Nation</strong>al Convention in November.and Deo.; McKnight, Nov., Dec, Jan.;*** Rev. S. G. Shaw, pastor of Waltoncongregation, received the degree ofhalf of the young people and the congregation,by Mr. Jos. Torrens, after*,,,* Eev. W. W. Carithers is spendingEobb, June aud July ; Sharp, April tilthe school vacation driving around amongSynod ; Thompson, whole time ; WjlieM. A. at the late commencement. ofwhich the welcome was beautifully renderedin soDg. After greetings werothe various Indian encampments in hisJune, Jul.y, Aug.; Stewart, June, JulyWooster University.neighborhood, accompanied by Mrs.Aug.*** Dr. D. H. Coulter and C. D.exchanged, the Y. P. S. 0. E. invited all Phil.—Armor, June ; Buck, July ; Edgar,July ; McBurney, Aug. ; McElwain,Trumbull held communion at Beaverpresent to partake of a magniflcent icecreamsupper which they served on the July; McCartney, Aug. ; McKnight,Falls, Pa., June 11. A call for pastorwas moderated ou the 23d.lawn in front of the minister's residence. June ; Sharp, Jan. Feb.; Wylie, Nov. and*,j* The Central Board of MissionsRev. Drs. H. P. McClurkm and Prof. Dec. ; Paris, March ; McNaugher, Aug,has appoinfed Mr. Ge<strong>org</strong>e A. Edgar toJ. M. Littlejohn were present during' Illinois—Buck, Nov. and Deo.; Easson,preacn for the First NewYork cangregationduring July and August.the evening We recogrnize and joined with much iu the pleasureAfter that the an " enjoyable <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Nation</strong>," time spent S^pt. and Ootober; McElwain, Nov. ; Mojubilations.June, Oct. ; Faris, Sept.; McBurney,*^* W. E. Montgomery, of the Secondin social New Tork. conversation, has formally the company accepted separated.and Is The falthfnlly installation upholding takes the place true in Oot. ; Sharp, March.Naugher, Sept. and Oct. ; McKnight,New liork congregation, will representthis paper at the lutetnational <strong>Christian</strong>Denii on oa June 27th.Iowa—Buck, Jan. and Feb. ; Easson,Endeavor Convention, Montreal.*,,,* McLeod M. Ge<strong>org</strong>e says: " I wouldSept. ; Faris, Oct. ; McBurney, Nov.;Eobb, Aug.be glad to see something that would stirEochester—Buck, June; McKnight,up the young men. The success of thechurch rests to a certain extent upon thecoming generation. '*^* Mrs. Isabel Pierce, a worthymember of Walton, sailed for Scotiaud,June 10th, on the Anchor line steamerFnrnessia. We wish her a pleasant visitin her native laud and a eafe return.*^* Miss Laura A Trunabull, of MorningSnn, Iowa, and D. Y. Graham, M.D., of Nortonville, Kansas, were marriedJune 14, <strong>18</strong>93, at the he me of the bride.Her father was the officiating minister.*^* Miss Ease McAteer, an activeworker in the Eighth St. Chinese Mission,Pitts-burgh, has been confined toher bed for some time past with typhoidfever. Her friends will be glad to learnthat she is now rapidly improving.*,^* Arrangements have been madefor the moderation of a cull in the lstBoston congregation on June 28th. Rev.J. O. Bayles has lieeu appointed to moderatethe call. Mr. Bayles will remainto preach for the people ou SabbathJuly 2d.*,^* Mr. James A. McAteer, alwayswilling to help in any good work, kindlyand promptly rendered efficient servicein the Chinese work, by taking chargeof the work among the Chinese in Pittsburghduring the recent illness of Supt-D. Chesnut.*,^* Eev. D. S. Faris assisted in thecommnnion service at Bloomington,Ind., June llth, and six were added tothe congregation. He remained for thecsmmencement exercises of the StateUniversity on June 14th, and was theoldest of the alumni preseut.Carithers, Mar.y, and by Miss JoannaSpeer. He seeks to become personallyacquainted with the Indians, studiestheir language, and uses every opportunityto preach the Gosptl.*,j*William Walter Atchison, of Olathe,Kansas, flnished his course, and fellasleep, at the home of his parents, (EM. and Sarah M. Atchison) on Saturdaymorning, May 27, <strong>18</strong>93, aged 24 years 10months and 15 days. He loved the LordJesus Christ and honored Him by confessingHim before men early, by testifyingin bi'half of Him m life ; and, bybearing affliction with <strong>Christian</strong> resignation.He never complained nor murmured.''h.* The East End, Pittsburgh, congregation, is making rapid progress. Ofcourse their num bers are still small. 1 heday the church was opened anew, somesix weeks ago, they had only about adozen scholars in the Sabbath School ;on Sabbath, the <strong>18</strong>th, there were fortypreaent, and there are prospects- of stillmore. These brave and faithful peopleshould have every encouragement whichthe church can give.*,,,* Miss Ella Hays, daughter of EobertHays, of Moruing Sun congregation,entered into rest June 8, <strong>18</strong>93. Htrdeath is mourntdby many to whom sh«had endeared herself by marked qu»lities of head and heart. She attainedthe confldent auturance that she bad inJesus a Friend and a Savionr. MinsHays had been in delicate health for fouror flveyears ; liut the immediate causeof her death was spiual meningitis.*,^* The A. M. MiUigan MisSion Bandof Pittsburgh have arranged for quite auextensive strawberry festival to be Ik Idin a few days at the residence of E d* rSamuel McNaugher, who generouslytenders, the use of bis handsome residenceand grounds for the occasifm. Asthe Chinese ohurch, proceeds Mission it are confldently work to be of expended the believed Eighth in that the St.this cause will be sufficient to insure alarge attendance and a pit asant time.*^* The <strong>Nation</strong>al Reform Association,at a recent meeting through its ExecutiveCommittee have instructed a Committee,consisting of Rev. D. S. Littell,Eev. W. J. Coleman, D. Chesnut andJames W. Houston to issue a rnanifestohistoric poaition of the CoTenanterChurch; and Synod, real izing the urgentneed at thig time of » Uveweekly church paper, heartily commendstlio " Chrigtian Mation " tothe patronage and support of themembers of the clxTircli.—Act of R.F. Synod in Fiitsburgh, Fa., June 10,<strong>18</strong>91.AMISSIONAEY TEA.On Tups.lay evening, June 13, a MissionaryTea WES given by the Y. L, M.S. of Beaver Falls at R. M. Downie'sresidence on Colh ge Hill. It is the customofthis society tohold quarterly meetiigs, taking some one of our missions asa lopic for discussion. At this tea howeverall missions were given a place.Abnut thirty gathered around the banquetboard, loaded with the delicaciesof the season. The inner woman beingsatisfled, the following toasts were proposed,Misa Mary MoKnight acting ebtoast mistress: "Woman's sphere," an­here," discussed ways and means ofin.creasing the membership of the society.Miss Nettie Ge<strong>org</strong>e responded to "QarSouthern Mission ;" Misa Mary McCart.ney. Our Chinese Mission ; Miss WillaDodds, Our Foreign Mission; MisBMaude Ge<strong>org</strong>e read a letter from Mrs.Carithers of the Indian Mission ; andSept.; Sharp, Aug.; Wylie, Jan. andFeb.Pittsburgh—Crowe, July and Aug.;Buck, Aug. and Sept. ; Easson, Oct.,Nov., Deo.; Edgar, Sept.; Faris, Juneand July ; Foster, June, July, Anjf.,Sept. : McBurney, June; McElwain,June ; McNaugher, Jan. to Synod; Mc­Knight, Feb. to Sjnod; Raitt, July toan. ; Sharp, June, July, Oct.Jre you left your room this morningDid you think to pray ?In the name of Christ, our Savior,Did you sue for loving favorAs a shield today?When yon met with great temptationB-Did you thiuk to pray?By his dying love and meritDid you claim his Holy SpiritAs your guide and stay?swered by Mr. Downie. He kicked thesphere over tbe arena of though likeWhen sore trials came npon yona college boy with a foot ball, but flnallylanded it back of the mtssionary j When your foul was bowed with Bonoft'Did you think to pi-ay?goal. Miss Grace Ge<strong>org</strong>e, in responding Bam of Gilead did yon borrow.to the toiHt, "People who ougat tobe At the gates of daV ?I—The Presbyierian-)

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