Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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CHEISTIAN NATION. <strong>Vol</strong>nme <strong>18</strong>.probable that " j^Uy fish<strong>Christian</strong>s,'" a type inthe ascendency just now, will waive aside hiswarning, saying : Oh, he's from 'way back,'"and will proceed to throw their arms aroundthe pollutions of idolatry. But after all, theproposed congress is but in keeping with theNew Theology which proposes to save theheathen without Christ.Anent the Parliament of Beiigions to beheld in connection with the World's Fair, theDepartment of Missions, several months ago,said: "We live in strange times. Brotherlylove has so taken hold of people that theymust almost apologize to Satan when they areforced to antagonize his plans and oppose hiswork. The tremendous sweep of brotherlylove is now throwing its arms around Confucianismand Brahmanism. Let us all me tunder one roof. Tou have much good inyour religion. We wish to strengthen it.Let us talk over our differences and gee if wecannot all agree to live evermore in peace.That is the way some are expecting to win theworld to Christ—by surrendering to it,"If <strong>Christian</strong>ity should agree to sit on anequality with heathenism, throw her powerfulinfluence to protect those systems, she dishonorsher Head and destroys her vantageground for the prosecution of mission work.She puts herself in the position of seekingonly (o reform those systems, recognizingtheir right to exist. What would we think ifwe had seen the Apostles go to Babylon andcall a conference of the religions of the world,that they might strengthen each other s hands!Yet that is what this Parliament proposes todo."The above is recalled to bring about an opportunityto lay before the readers of Departmentof Missions a letter, addressed to ChairmanGeneral Committee on Keligious Congresses,from a devoted missionary in China.His words, coming as they do from a man onthe field, one who is thoroughly acquaintedwith what a Eeligious Congress with heathenismmeans, are of special importance and valuein helping to right opinions on the subject.The letter is a followe:Hong Kong, Aug. 20, <strong>18</strong>92.—TAe Rev.John Henry Barrows, D. D., Chairman GeneralCornmittee on Religious Congresses, Chicago,U. S. A. Dear Sir: I write in reply toyour letter of Sth of May last, nominating mea member of the advisory council of the proposedParliament of Eeligions, and requestingme to read before that assembly a paper onBuddhism in China, and its relations to <strong>Christian</strong>ity.I fully recognize the kind feeling whichprompted you in this matter, nnd thank youfor the courtesy of the invitation.So far as I have been taught of God, itisclear to me that the objects of the proposedparliament as detailed in the printed programmeyou enclose, contravene the teachingof scripture in several respects."To promote brotherhood among religiousmen of divers faiths, one would have in the firstmtance to assume that there is anotherbrotherhood besides that of Christ, and thatthere is more than one faith, whereas scripturegives the desigration brethren to those onlyhat are sons o^ God in Ohrist Jesus, andrecognizes but one faith, calling every one anunbeliever that holds not the faith of the Loi'dJesus Ohrist, Aud in the second instance oneivould have to set at defiance also, the posi'iveinjunction of scripture, "Be not untquallyyoked together with unbelievers," and "comeye, out from among them and be ye separate "Again, to seek for a "full and accurate statementof the spiritual and other efEect8"ofBrahmanism, Buddhism,* Confucianism, Zoroastrianism,and other false religions, onewould have to assume that the scriptual distinctionsof what is pneumatic and wbat merelypsychic are all wrong; one would have to denythe truth of the scripture stafement that thethings which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrificeto demons and not to God; and one wouldhave to refuse to recognize that it is the powerof darkness and not the Holy Spirit that worksand has its effects, in those sons of disobedience—forthat is what they are—whether theybe Brahmins, or Buddhists, Confucians orShintoists, or Parsees, or Mohammedans.Finally, to inquire what light each religionEven society, bad as it is, still hap some respecthas afforded, or may afford, to the other relig­foions of the world, one would have to assume, as ndia.itself. Mr. Webb had better remain inthat programme charity does, that the faith we<strong>Christian</strong>s hold dear is the religion of theStill another strange thing: the Eev. Dr. E. L.world; that Christ is not the exclusive light of Clark, an eminent Presbyterian minister of Newthat world; that all outside of Chriat are not, York City, sent a communication to the Presby.as scripture implies, in darkness; that the infinitesimalcrumbs of living bread which these " I desire to know whether it is your wishtery of New York, Jan, 9, asking the Presbytery:thatfalse religions have picked up or stolen, are as my name be dropped from the rolls, or thesatisfying, or at all to be compared with, theusual letter of dismissal be given me? I cannotconsent to certiiin doctrines considered es­bread of life itself, on which <strong>Christian</strong> feeds inChrist and in Christ only.You will see from the aoove that it is utterly sential by the great ma j ority of the Presbyterianimpossible for me to recognize any alliance or church, viz :even juxtaposition of the faith I hold with those First, the inspired word as it came from God,socalled religions of the world.is without error.I do not judge you. You bear titles whichindply that you claim to be a ipinister of Christ :your own Master will deal with you. I wouldfain believe that you are simply misled by themodern spirit of false liberality and the moderndesire for international unity of thought. Butlet me remind you that, unless Christ is thecommon object, there is no coalescing powerwhatever ; that the only possible source ofunity of thought is the indwelling Holy Spirit;and that the only available power and centreof unity is Christ, the glorious Heai of theone Body. And let me warn you, if you arebut misguided, not to deny the sovereignty ofyour Lord by any further agitation in favor ofa Parliament which has not the sanction of Hisword. If misled yourself, at least do not misleadothers nor jeopardize, I pray you, the preciouslife of your own soul by playing fast andloose with the truth, and coquetting with falsereligions. I give you credit for the best intentions,but let me warn you that you are unconsciouslyplanning treason against the LordJesus Christ. Tours faithfully,E. j. ElTEL.Although Mr. Eitel has written thus clearlyand forcibly, and from a thorough acquaintancewith the heathenism, yet it is more thanThe reader will note a correction in the letterfrom Bro. Dodds, printed last week. Thebuilding at Adana is offered for twice theamount of money the church in Cyprus cost,and ifc has nine times the room.Strange tbings have not ceased ; and one ofthese is this : A man sent abroad by the UnitedStates has become a Mohammedan. The dailypress terms him, "An extraordinary pervert."Mr. Alexander Eussel Webb, who recently resignedas United States Consul at Manilla, isnow^ seeking contributions to send Islamitemissionaries to the United States. He is raisingthis money in India, aud it is said, is meetingwith success. Mr. Webb expects to devotethe remainder of his life to preaching lemalismto the people of the United States.The newspapers of the day say that the gentlemanis looking for notoriety. It is probablehe will find it, but in a way he little suspects.Second, the Scriptures are false and Christis untruthful unless Moses wrote all the Pentateuchand Isaiah tho entire book which bearshis uame.Third, the omniscience and unchangeable.ness of God depend upon the fulfillment ofevery detail and figureof predicted prophesy.Fourth, A knowledge of the history ofChrist and written Scriptures is necessary inthe sense that all other light which God maybe pleased to give, is insufficient for salvation."The communication goes on to some length,stating the false position in which he standsbefore the community, since the above doctZZ ^""^^.^'fJ^ affirmed by the General As-IZrl' ^""^ °-^Z ^^^^''^ °^ *^« Presbyterianchurch " It IS his duty," he says, " to seek al^r/ ^'^'u'f *^\*^;? Presbyterian chu chYnrV f K- . ^^^.^ Episcopal church inNew£l iRQo'^*^'^ ^'Sh Mass onthe last Sabl„riL.VK '/?, PT.^,s«me that church has "thelarger hberty " which Dr. Clark seeks.lhe Presbytery, before acting on the commnnicat^oD,appointed a committee to waiton Dr.

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