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Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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8. CHEISTIAN NATION<strong>Vol</strong>ume <strong>18</strong>.A m o D Q tbe G h a r e h e sSTAR NOTES.*^* Rev. James Patton assisted Rev. S. G. Conneron Sabbath last.*.i,*New York Presbjtery will meet ou the lastTuesday of Ootober, 10 o'clock A. M., in the ThirdChurch, New York.*^,* Rev. P. p. Boyd has been preaching for theOakdale congregation. The call for Piof, Martin, welearn from the Oakdale correspondent of an exchange,was unanimous, and the salary named, $850.*** Inquiry has been made as to what has becomeof the persons who composed the Boulevard Mission—where are they worshipping? We answer that theSibbath school has been transferred to Rev. Mr.Kerr's congregation of another denomination. Thiswas done rather than to allow the school to disband.*if,* Prof. J. M. Littlejohn receives next week thedegree of D. D. from Chicago. He has been electedan Honarary Fellow of the University. He was tohave received the degree of Ph. D. from Columbia atits commencement in June, but at his own request ithas been deferred until the Fall aa he wishes to spendsome time in Europe for the purpose of visiting thetjuiversily Librarif s to complete a work on PoliticalPhilosophy ha is preparing to present as his Doctor'sDissertation. He will sail for Europe on his returnfrom the West.*^* A correction from Mrs. McKee:New Bkiguton, PA., May 22, <strong>18</strong>93. Mb. J. W.Pbitohard: I fludia the Foreign Mission accountin the thaak-offeriag that I made a mistake and creditBeaver Falls with $16, which should be credited toLittle Beaver; and nothing for Foreign Missions fromBeaver Falls, excepting the $34 they gave to theAdana buildirg. Then I received $25 additional fromMr. and Mrs. J. R. McBurney to be applied to travelingexpenses of the visitor to the Indian Mission^I gtt that after I sent the report. Respectfully,Mbs. Jas. R. MoKee.*,^*The communion was held at Old Bethel, 111., on—Sahbath, May:_21. It was a time of encouragement.The church was newly papered. It was finishedtheday before communion services began. Flowers ornamentedthe pulpit. The people were in the best ofspirits. Rev. James Patton assisted. His preachingwas excellent. He delivered a very interesting sermonon Monday to the children. There wore threebaptisms. There was an accession of ten new mem^bers, all but one by profession of faith in Christ.On Monday the congregation gave the pastor a vacationof one month. Taken all in all, it was a seasonof rare encouragement, interest, and profit. Thereare now 150 members in the congregs.tion.*^* Our little band in Mahoning Branch, Bear Bunand Mationing cangregation, has been visited again bydeath. Our oldest member, Mrs. Robert Pollock,quietly and peacefully passed away on Thursday, Mayle, in her 73d year. She was born in Scotland in <strong>18</strong>20,emigrated with her father's family to this country in<strong>18</strong>27,'^ emoved to Westmoreland Co , Pa., in <strong>18</strong>32, andGod sustained her through all. Blessed are the deadwho die in the Lord.R. MoIsaao.*^* All of our readers who contemplate a visit toChicago, are specially invited to read very carefullythe announcement, on our second cover page, of theCumberland Hotel. It is a hotel for <strong>Christian</strong> people; Covenanters are making it a Covenanter headquarters—thereare always some of our brethren there,and this paper is on filein the reading room. It is arare good fortune to be able to meet, mornings andevenings, when in that city, with those of our religiousconvictions, and enjoy their companionship instrolls sbout the city. We have had a letter very recentlyfrom Bro. W. H. Garrett, the proprietor, andseveral of our church folks were there then, and otherswera expected. Let us all bear it in mind, and meetone another there when we visit Chicago.*-,^* Elder David Boyd published the following cardin a recent issue of the Bellefontaine, Ohio, Examiner:Kansas Citv, Mo., April 9, <strong>18</strong>93.Mr. Editor: In your issue of the 5th inst., you ask,"What will the Covenanters of Kansas City do now?It is either vote or pay a tax of $2 50?''Allow me to answer; they will keep on in the eventenor of their way, and will pay the $2.50 rather thanvote. As an evidence that the flnedon't scare us, wehave had an addition of nine (9) the last week, at thetime of our communion, to our little congregation.People who can bear the reproach and scorn as Covenantershave done so long on account of their principles,are not likely to sell them for $2.50. Whatevermay be thought of them for not voting, there are nobetter friends to their country than they. Duringthe " late unpleasantness" there wasnot one Covenanterfound in the rebel army, though many of themin the Union army, and should the occasion occuragain you will flnd them ready to risk their lives andshea their blood for their country, but their flrstdutyis to Christ their King.The Examiner is so frank and geuerous, I have nodoubt you will give place to this answer, though youmay iy///////////.v////^c:'/.c:::that only the Psalms be sung in the meetings of thediffer widely from us in our views of these things.Pan-Presbyterian Council. The psalms were sang^ We recognize Respectfully -with, mncli Yours, pleaBare David that Bovd the . ^that year, again in <strong>18</strong>88, and again in <strong>18</strong>92.—Ed.]j^ " ChTistian <strong>Nation</strong>," New York, has formally ac- |f^ cept«d and ia faithfully npholdingf the true historic | INSTALLATION.^ position ofthe Covenantor Church; and Synod, real- ^EyANS, Con., May 15, <strong>18</strong>93.I Izing; the urgent need at this time of a live lyeelcly | John W. Pritohabd : Dear Brother—I supposed^ chnrch paper, heartily commends the ** <strong>Christian</strong> i^ some of the brethren would send au account of the0 <strong>Nation</strong>'' to the patronage and support of the mem- |^ proceedings of the Installation of Rev. Jas. PattonI bersof thechurch.—.Acio/ S, P. Synodt7i PiUsburgh ^ ^ here ; but the friendly noti^Jn the Evans CouHer isP Pa., J«ne 10, <strong>18</strong>91. III*^* Miss Jennie Emma Dague, a dearly belovedmember of Topeka R. P. congregation, entered intorest, April 16. On that sweet Sabbath evening hourshe entered upon the joys of the Sabbath that knowsno night. Appropriate resolutions were adopted bythe young people, as follows :Resolutions of the Y. P. S. C. E. of Topeka Ref.Pres. congregation, on the death of Miss J. EqamaDague. Whereas it hatb pleased our Heavenly Father, ances, viz : " My prayer is for grace to know how toon Sabbath, April 16th, 5-15 P. M., to remove from our comfort the brokenhearted." Rev. J. M. Wylie, whoranks by death our dear sister. Miss J. Emma Dague. has been like a father to us since our beloved Rev. A1. Resolved that while we bow submisively to the 0. Todd was called from us, appeared quite happy atto Indiana Oounty in <strong>18</strong>43. Sbe was married to Mr. sovereign will of our Lord who doeth all things well, having the pleasure of telling us what to do and howRobert Pollock in <strong>18</strong>49. She had been from youth a we desire to record our sense of the great loss we sustainin the removal of a member of our society so loyal contribute to the schemes of the church every Sab­to do it. One suggestion was to pay our pastor andniember in the Associate Churcb, but in <strong>18</strong>75 unittdwith tie Covenanter Society of this place. Her husbandis still living, and was an elder in the Assooiate quiet and consistent Ohristian life, to her character of the plan, and I am fully persuaded it is the thingand faithful. 2. We bear testimony to her humble, bath as we went along. I will say : We have adoptedtoReformed Church, but hss bei n an invalid for over pure integrity, as loving and beloved in her home, dilligentin all of life's duties. 3. In her loyality to Christ and a prayer. So full of good advice and heavenlydo. Then came some remarks from Rev. D. McKee,iwenty years. The oldest son, H M. Pollock, is anesteemed member of our Session. Aoother son and and fldelityto His chnrch, her delight in the services aspiration we longed to get better acquainted withdaughter eurvive, but have wiih Irawn from our connection.Mrs. Pollock was an eminently pious, hum­she loved the halitation of God's house bya lifeot the Sanctuarv by which she manifested how dearly this silver haired father in Israel. I will just sayinconclusion—-It we as a people will only do our duty,ble, Ohristian, woman. Her works ot fait?* and loveadorned by the graces of the Holy Spirit, by her patientendurance of afllication, by her cheerful submis-I see no reason why we as a Oovenanter congregationwill long be remembered by those who knew her best.should not be a standard bearer. With best wishes,She had many sufferings and trials, but her covenantS. M. MOBBISON.I sion to God's will to call her home ; in all this we recognizea noble example for us to be imitations of heras she also was of Christ. 4. What we recognize inthis a call from the Master to work while itis day andto watch and be ready for his ooming. 5. That weconvey our sympathy to the bereaved family andfriends and commend them to the gracious care of ourblessed Redeemer who hath promised "I will not leareyou comfortless, I will come to you." 6. That theseresolutions be spread on the minutes of the society.Also that a copy be given to the family, and one sentto the Cheistian <strong>Nation</strong>. J. W. Dill, Belle Mcllvaine,Jennie McGee, Committee.PRAYER MEETING TOPICS.Rev. T. H. Acheson will soon prepare topics forprayermeetings for the last half of the year. He willalso continue his suggestive notes on the topics weekby week in the <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Nation</strong>. Folderscontainingthe topics will be printed about the middle of June,and will be furnished to all desiring them at one andone-half cents per copy.The name of the congregation uring the topics andany brief announcement desired willbe printed on theback of each folder for 35c. additional with each order.Address, 0. D. Trumbull, Morning Sun, Iowa.STOOD BY THEIR COLORS.Denison, Kan., May 17,<strong>18</strong>93.Editob Chbistian <strong>Nation</strong> : Dear Friend—I noticedin your paper some time ago a few words from the Y.P. S. 0. E, of Denison, Kansas. It may be of interestto state that their influence in regard to psalmsinging, secured the privilege to use the " BiblSongs" U. P. Version without <strong>org</strong>an, in congregationalsinging during a County 0. E. Rally to be heldin Denison. Of the nine C. E. Societies in the Countythree are in Denison ; two of these are psalm singers,the other one is a United Society of <strong>Christian</strong>s andMethodists. I wish you would state the position Covenanterstake in regard to belonging to <strong>Christian</strong> EndeavorCounty and State Unions. Would it have beenbetter for us to have allowed the hymns to be usedwhen we hold the Rally in the Methodist ohurch ?A Perplexed Endbavobbb.[You need not be perplexed. In <strong>18</strong>84 the Psalmsingingchurches of Amerioa joined in petition to allthe other Presbyterian ehurches of the world, urgingall I have seen. It was a time of real thanksgivingto our people, and as Bro. Patton preached from Luke4 : <strong>18</strong>, " The Spirit of the Lord is upon me becausehe hath anointed me to preach," etc., it occurred tothe writer that our oase was somewhat similar to thedescription given of Saul. "There was not amongthe children of Israel a goodlier person than he." ThatJas. Patton felt the responsibility of the work of theMaster, and had an earnest desire for the necessaryanointing, was evident. I will use but one of his utter­

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