Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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12. CHRISTIAN NATIOIS. VUlUmu xu, m.m.. iiSijjA HEART REFEAIN.By Mrs. 0. D. H. Thompson.How can we mourn?How dare we wear aud tret so sore.When those we love touch other shore,.And weep foi lorn—How can we mourn?If we could knowThe loves they've gained up there, ourloveSo true would bid us rise aboveSuch bitter woe—If we could know.II we could hearThe songs they sing, our own sad heartWould catch the strain, and lose thesmartOf sob and tear—If we oould hear.If we could knowTheir joy in hopes at last fulfilled.And peace that comes from heart-aehesstilled.We'd fret not sc—If we could know.And if we knewTo go away meant sweet releaseFrom cross and care, meant joy andpeace—How should we do—If we but knew?— Union Signal.B. & O.'S NEW THROUGH IINE.Pfeparing for the Immense Traffic Incidentto the World's Fair.The management of the Baltimoreand Ohio Eailroad is preparingfor an imtnense business in<strong>18</strong>93 while the World's Fair is openin Chicago. The terminals at Chicagoare capable of accommodatinga much heavier *raffic than is nowbeing done, and important changesare being arranged for the handlingof very heavy freight and passengerbusiness to the West from NewYork, Philadelphia and Baltimore.New equipment for largely increasedpassenger business and anextensive stock of freight cars havebeen ordered. The various roadsof the system will be improved bystraightened lines, reduced grades,extra side tracks, and interlockingswitches. The new line betweenChicago Junction and Akron hasshortened the distance betweenChicago and tide water twenty-fiveby all Druggists in every part of the world WThe only history written, and will soon be outqniiklj done by dipping in meltedmiles, and between Pittsburgh andsure iv^^ and ask GUIDES for T.jof print. Secure a oopy before they are all HEALTH BET'ER TMAB metal. WEAITH.-ValuableNo experience, poUsbing,Chicago fifty-eightmiles.Mrs- WINSLOW'S SnOTHING SYRUPisold.iniormailon aent to all or macbinery* wearers Tbick of Artlttcialplate at onoAND TAKE NO OTHER KINDThe distance between Chicago The romaining copies will be disposed of at Teeth upon the re^ eipt operation; nf postatre lasts 5 to 10 Dk. yeara; W flnaTvtrentv-Fii I i iil i II Illi J|||and Pittsburgh and Chicago and 12.60 eaoh, post paid. Address at once, E.U'USS. 331 Lexington Qnieb Ave., wben taken i'or. ftom 39th tbe plater. BtCleveland by the construction of^ OIL J. PAINTINGSW. PKITCHARD,Every family bas plating to do.ADVICE TO in DYSPEPTICSj3 to XoTwSkiNew Tork.NRIVALED^i^ew Yorkthe Akron line and the acquisitionalmost GIVEN AWAT.Plater bcUb readily. Prnflts larire.pONTENTS: Dyspepsia Tender, and its causes. HcaMnlflli EjP"m m m w SYRIANtas.oo FOR $7.50 IVT. P. UorriBoa is Co. Colimibiu, 0>'-^ience ot a sufferer. ._ _iK Liver Peet complaint Doss a twin not^H i»|of the Pittsburgh and Western lineOINTMENT tke der. pores. Constipation Not a result p. wder of dyspepsia.;,F",'?By mail SOWJI As an Ad>er isimeut we will send to Iand the Valley Eailroad of Ohio,For any Eruption Sore, Swelling or Disease Qon'tsend taken. Food stamps. to be avoided. 2c stainpforTreaiHe Mailedfreeioaaarei M1 any address 1 prof our genuine Oilpaiut 1 the Skin and parlioularly f or a i y form oi^ 1 „ „is about the same as via the LakeJNO iLBON H. McALVlN, DRUG CO.. Lowell GKKELEY, Mass. 140 p»ir. Send %'i and we IJj will send both Palniing b\ express ana IPittsburgh to Chicago. The align­believ.3 R U us. P TAddressU R Bll eol ect alance O. O. D., and give you IMUNN'S MANOLA CO., New York City, N.Y.I theprivilegoof Excminafion before pay A positive, radicalI ing BaUanoe Alf. Urbansky A Co.,ment is to be chanreduced to a maxilsix feet. It is exptwelve months the*6^Baltimore &Ohio through line between Ohicagoand the Atlantic Ocean will havepassed away and the new line viaPittsburgh be established, with nogreater era Jes or curvature thanon any of the trunk lines.Work has already begun east ofPittsburgh to meet improvemenrsmaking west of Pittsburgh. Theseimprovements will consist of additionalsecond and third tracks, ageneral correction of the alignment,and complfition oi the doubletrack on the Metropolitan Branch.It is expected that the uew throughline will be ready simultaneouslywith the completion of the BeltLine through the City

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