Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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12. CHEISTIAN NATION.<strong>Vol</strong>ume <strong>18</strong>. Feb. 1,<strong>18</strong>93, The Manager of our Adv. Dp't, being fulli/ aware ofthe risks incurredlyy purchMsers in "shoppingby mail," has selected ihe adver-[ iisements on this page vnth a view to absolute relia.bUit.y.THE YEAR OF JUBILEE!1 heNew Orlears University singersare readyIor the entertainment field. AddressF. S. THOMAS, 160 Fifth Avenue, N. Y.A positive, radicalR U P T U R E ^ I Cure at home. (Sealed)Book giving lull~ " •^ •" •" '^^ — — ^^particulars Sent FreeDr. W. S. Rice, Box 322, Smithville, Jeff, Co., N. Y,Theological Books. Old&New.Immense stock—low prices.TilDlDars Book Company.Catalogue. 26 Warren St., N. Y.MACRAY & BRO.,GRANITE WORKS,558 & 560 West 43d Street,B«t. 10th St llth ATM., NKW TOBK.Uth Ave. and 42d St Cars within one block•fWorka. Allkind>ofBiiildlng,MoniimeiitalUld Cemetery Work. Monumbhtal & Cbmb-TBBT<strong>Nation</strong>.'Wom. A SpmCIiLTT.J. T.Taylor,• Befer 6j/ permissionM.to fheWilson,"CTinsttan'24DW. 21st St.i48 Sth Avenue.TAYLOR & WILSON,dealersineven a larger success than at any timeNEWTORgOFFIfE. ai Para Itow ftrnniKifl. berore proposed, notwithstanding itsI08 and IIOW. 25th St.,THIS $11 TO $17 ERCemisfortune.NEW TOEK.SEWING IMACHINE rnccper weelCfrS25toS50Ordera by mail promptly attanded to. Estimatestoexandneinany lioine. Sent aiiy-toAsentArjjiven on Large Orders.Tphere without one cen In advance.**01d BeUable .^^_ Plater." Xdialeft Oolr orGOOD NEWSWarranted the best sewins machineGentlemen, practical waj to uslnr replat« or nuty Minnp and igent Liberal inducements. AddressTO LADlES.evBT mado. Our terms, aonditions and OTcrjthingwora knirefl, -- forks, -^fa- Bpoons, -~ etc; • ' J. E. JEWETT, Publisher & Bookseller,'""^^atest Inducements ever offered.Now's your time to getFor for full partleulaiB, ete., out this adrertifle*metal. No experience, polisbiafft Sample Copy aent postpaid for 1.60.far more liberal thaa bn7 other heuae ever offered.qcickly done bj dipping in melted77 Bible Hoxibe, Kew YarlcGENUrN OIL PAINTINGSup orders for our celeljratedmeat out and send to us to-dav. Addressor macfalnerj. Tlilolc plate at one MONTGOMERY ACADEMYalmost GIVJKN AWAT. 1Tens and Coffees, and seenreAIrahMrs.Oa.,DpU G16!> OMcaccIlloperation; laata fito 10 jeaTB; flna will open its lOSd year Sept. 6,<strong>18</strong>9!i.$»6.00 FOR S7.S0a beautiful Gold Baitd or Mosa As an iMention Advonisement <strong>Christian</strong> we Natvm. will send to |We flnish are when in receipt taken ffom of the plater. an interesting, Its aim is to important, tlioroughlT fit and men and womvmTha Garrett Picket & Wire Fence Machinrj• BoseChlnaTeaSet, Dinner Bet, in^ any I Fl addre'siprof Rn ^«—|KlfBPAaaver onr genuine Oilpaiiit f^ilfl; sood us your generous Brerj family letter, has from plating to ihe do. Sabbath for college, Schoolof buaineu, one and ofour tesohlng. Tt IS undiiri"*— Weaves lo the posts. Befit_ Rose ToHet Set, Watch, Brass Lamp, I ings. Landscapes Size of Pain ingn, 22 Jcongregations, riater aellB readllj. earnestly Prnfitfl large. requesting tlie best of religions us to begin influence, ihe and Ita grown: in the world. ThousandsDictionary. Tor full parUcnlars address •> inches in real Gilt Frames, 6 inches jpublication W. P. HarriHW of A Co* a GolulnbiUaO. Sabbaih is School steady and Lesson remarlrable. Quarterly, For oatalognea Mp„ in uae. Guaranteed. FreiglJt,BAT AMBBICA^ TBA tlO.. I wide at $7 60 1 ev pair. Send $2 and we!and accompanying ii is a dress paper KBUBENFRAZliR, giving names and Principal, or HON.paid. Agents aro reponinabig sales. MacluiKs,31 aod 3S Ve«OT 8t_ New York. will seijd both Paiuiing bi eipressanalamounts pledged, to aid us F. in BODINE, such a work. Seeretary. We willcol'ect - alance C. O.)):, and ?l\e youlgive this matter more atiention at another Montgomery, time. Just Orange Co., N. T.Wire, etc., at wbolcsaU.ADVICE theprivilegeofEx-xiutnaticn TO DYSPEPTICS.before pay- jnow we wish to urge thai as a first neeessity to securingthe end desired, viz.. ihe instruction of our child­direct to Farmars wbcri-..„ 3 to IO DAYS. ingBallance Alf. Crbangky & Co.,I have no agent. Vo..)pONTENTS: Dyspepsia and its causes. Exper-VgSSSm^ Psrapfrinx I Tender, Scalded andlogue 164 Fulton St.,frfe. Addressii.;.^ienceot a sufferer. Liver complaintat\vindisorren in the distinctive principles of the church, thevery_ ^..-JUS Feet Does not close FrameMa,vufactwfrs NewYork.manntacturer,der. Constipation a result of dyspepsia. Foodtobewisest thing is to give a strong support to the meansUis pores. Wot a powder By mail 80 etSj-SiBRe'ti" MANSFIELD, CHI'talcen. Food to be avoided. Maiied tree to address.already provided for that purpose. When the SabbathSchool literature provided in the pages of thisDon'tseBdstamps. 2o stampforTreatlse THT? JNOH. 'i(.'ixciJ,'NATT, McALVlN, Lowell O.. BoiomakcrB Mass 14 oft.io yrs City •'Biyuycr' TreasWILSON DRUG CO., GRBBLEY. COL. Plea! e Ohui^lt, S«liool .ind Fire AEarm l^ciis.paper receives a measure of support that will warrantmMition the Christtan <strong>Nation</strong> when writing.Catalogue yriib over S200 testimoiiials.us in undertaking the further expense of a Lessonmajor:s C I M E N TMajor's Bubber Cement.Maior's Leather Cement.Major's Best IJquld G ne.A. MA.JOB CEMENT CO., N.Y, city;'for OVER FIFTY YEARS.An OID and WELI-TRIED REMEDYMRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUPharbeenused for over fifty years by millionsSfMOTHERS for their children while teething,^th PERFECT SUCCESS, It SOOTHES the CHILD,MNENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all FAIN; CUR^S WINDMrV wSsloWS snOTHING SYRUP""^* AND TAKE NO OTHER KINDTwenty-Five Cents a Bottle.H I S T O B YOP THECHURCH in AMESICA,89B pages; 53 full page portraits.The only liistory written, and wUl soon he ontof print. Secure a copy hefore they aore aUsold.The romatning copies will be disposed of at$2.S0 eaeh, post paid. Addreas at onoe,J. W. PBITCHABD,J EAITH BETTIR THAN WEALTH-VaiuaWeNew York.ormacion sent to all wearers of ArtifloialTeeth npon the reoeipt of postage. Db. W^.DUSS, 331 Lextngton Ave., Cor. 39th (t.ADYEETISINO New Tork. IN ENGLAND,EUROPJSAN CONTINENT, ETC.SSI^Za'SADVERTISING AGENOY, LIMITED.Capital. $360,000HENRY S< LL, Managbe,(Edltorand Fonnderof S kll's World's Prkss.)Fall pardotdarsiegmrdlng British or EuropeanAdTertlsing. Sample Pitpcir". Ratea, ete., atthe London OtBos. 167 198 Fleet Street, or atThree oonr&es open, Classical, Soientifieand Literary. Best instututions in the coiiatryrepresented in its Faoanlty of Ten Professors. Musio, Klocntion and Atbletics nowsecured. Kxpenses rednoed to lowest possiblerate. FALL TER.VI begins August 31st,<strong>18</strong>92. Address,W. P. JOHNSTON, Precident,rOLBKHTor Fall* Pa;kasb^THE WORLD'S FAIR TEMPER­Going South?ANCE HEADaUARTERS,Consider your oomfort and travel' by theWhich hasbeen BO widely noticed, andluxariouB steamers of thein which orer 80,000 temperance peopleCLYDE LIME.have beoome deeply interested, with theThe only Line of Steamships bellintention of^ making their home at thattween New York and Jacksonville,the World's Pair, is noFla., without chang?.le evening of the 9ta theAffording a delightful sail among the .great hotel stood oomplete. At 9 o'clockSea Islands Along the Southernon that evening a fire broke out in theCoast Calling at Charleston S.C.portion of the building -where the painter'ssupplies were stored. The wind was MOSDASS, WMDyESDAYS, FBlDA7S,iPMSailing from Pier 29, East Eiver, New YoA,blowing a genuine western blizzard, and Tables are supplied with ihe best the NoHhernand Southern Markets aSord.it was on oneof the coldest nights of thewinter. It was found impossible to extinguishthe flames and the building wasTHE CLYDE SHIPSare of modern coustructioD, and pTo\ edcompletely reduced to ashes. In thiswith every appliance for safety, oomfort,and speed.experience, however, the nature ofChicago enterprise and the metal of our M. H. Cltde, a. T. M. Thbo. G. Eoeb, T. Mtemperanoe people have both at once W. P. CLYDE & CO., Gen'l Agents,^been given a full illustratlor.Scowling Green, N.T. 12 S Delaware Av. PnilWithin sixteen hours after the flameswere out, lumber was already beingplaced upon the site ami plans were onfoot for rebuilding. The loss is largelycovered by insurance. The buildingwill be rebuilt on plans submitted to andapproved by the insurance authorities,and will be made th^ safest building ofits sort in the world. The office of theHeadquarters at 161 La Salle Street,Ohicago, has been flooded with lettersfrom the guests who have engaged lodgingsin advance, and without exceptionit is the declared purpose of the patrons,as well as the plaqs of its promoters,to stand by the enterprise and make itTRUMPET PEAL&A Collection of Timely and Eloquent^ExtractsFROM THD SERMONS OF THEREV.T.DE WITT TALMAGE,D.D.Collected and classified by Rev.C. L. Lockwood,.'with the sonsent ot the authpr. 478 pages, beBidcB,very copious indexes for reference to the best ari«tmost striking of the Doctor's writing's. .Containing also a snperbPOKTBAIT OF DK, TALMAGE,AN ELEGAKT VIEW OF THENEW BKOOKLYN TABEKNACLE.Also the.Doctor's letter from Syria, wiih accountof the baptism in; the river Jordan, and uther par-'ticiilars. ~Large Octavo, handsome cloth binding, one' ^tyle only. Price, $2,00.Sold by Subscription, or will be sent by marl,postage paid, on receipt of price, A lady or gentlemanwanted in every city or town tb act asQuarterly, we will be ready to take that step. Thereis no better time in the year to form Sabbath Sehoolclubs for the <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Nation</strong> than just'jiow. Willthe Superintendent or other prominent worker in everysehool where there is no such club carefully examinethe very attraclive rates offered to Sabbath Schoolclubs onpage eleven of this issue, and get up such aclub f Of the one-third of our Sabbath Schools receivingthe paper in this way during the past y'ear,all but one have indicated their purpose to renew for<strong>18</strong>93. Sabbath Schools in which all the teachers andolder scholars receive and study the Lesson articles ofthe <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Nation</strong>, derive such benefit therefromthat they are not willing to be without the paper.

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