Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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8. CHEISTIAN NATION <strong>Vol</strong>ume litT h e GhFistiao M mWEDNESDAY, APEIL 5, <strong>18</strong>95.P. O. Box 2633, Nkw Yobk.Star Notes*j„'' Mr. Wm. Milligan, of Sharon (Iowa) Congregation,died on March 16, in the 75th year of his age.'^, ' Samuel Longhbridge, one of the oldest membersof Eev. Isaiah Faris' congregation, died, after along illness, on March 9th.*^* J. M. Faris writes from Bloomington, Indiana,that Mr. McCaughan, their senior elder, fell asleep onMarch 28. Farther notice will appear again.*„,* The officers of the Pennsylvania <strong>Christian</strong> Associatiou(anti-secrecy) for the ensuing year are : Pres.,Samuel Collins, D.D., Vice-Pres., Eev. W. J. Ooleman,Sec, Rev. J. S. T. Milligan, Treas., Rev. R. O.Wylie.*^* Married, on March 16, <strong>18</strong>03, at the home of thebride's father, Mr. James Kenedy, Linton, Iowa,by th« Eev. T. P. Eobb, assisted by the Eev. O. D.Trumbull, D. D.: Mr. Alteria F. Hays and MissMattie J. Kenedy.''^"^ Miss Edith M. Hice has been elected to the responsibleposition of Treasurer of Sterrett Union, W.0, T. U., Allegheny, and of the Day Nursery. A largeand splendid work is carried on, and the duties of theTreasurer are heavy and exacting.*^* Mrs. Eev. A. J. McFarland, like many anotherhard-working white ribboner from time to time, hasbeen, in love, by the Lord laid aside to rest. He didnot by miracle prevent tha fever the over-wroughtworker was compelled to suffer, but He restrained itthat it might not be unto death ; and so, though stillvery weak, her recovery is hopefully looked for.*^* The iDrospects of the Bellefontaine (Ohio) congregationare brightening, several new families havesettled there, taliing the places made vacant by thoaewho moved away. The Big Fonr E. E. is makingBellefontaine the division point, thereby making extensivecar-yards, round-houses, machine-shops etc.The Eev. P. P. Boyd is giving part of his time to thecongregation.*^*Dr. E. J. Ge<strong>org</strong>e has been suffering a great dealwith a return of his throat trouble, since the close ofSeminary. His daughter Grace has been conflned toher room, the result of too much exertion, we fear, inconnection with mission work and boys' night school.On this account our columns miss her bright lessonarticle, and her host of delighted readers will joinwith us in praying for speedy recovery.*** Eev. T. H, Aoheson left Hopkinton on March28th for Kansas to assist at communiou in Hebronand Tabor congregations, and to conduct one atOlathe. These occur on the flrstthree Sabbaths ofAp il. Mr. Glasgow is to conduct the firstat Hebron;Mr. S. M. Stevenson the second, at Tabor ; and Mr.Acheson is to conduct the third at Olathe, with Prof.Jas. Martin of Geneva College to assist. Eev. Wm.Littlejohn is to preach at Hopkinton on April 2ndSabbath.*,/' The Visitor, the monthly paper of the Second' ohurch, Philadelphia, for April, is on our table. Itifl B bandsome four-page paper. We learn from itthat Dr. E. J. Ge<strong>org</strong>e is to assist Eev. J. 0. McFeeterson April 9th. The sermons are announced : Thursdayevening, "Irresistible Grace." Friday evening,"Called to be Saints." Sabbath evening, "TheMarriage of tha Lamb." Monday evening, "TrueChiistian Endeavor."'*^*The eighth •nnual meeting of tha Woman'sMissioaary Sooiety of Pittsburgh Presbytery wiil beheld in the Allegheny (Pa.) E. P. ehurch Thursdayand Friday, April 27 and 28. Mrs. S. M. Blackwoodof New Oastle, Pa., is President. The programme inpart is as follows : address by Lillie Joseph, and apaper by Mrs. Rev. W. J. Coleman on "What Constitutesa Thank-offering ?" Devotional services willbe led by Mrs. Rev. J. E. Wylie, of New Galilee^Mrs. L, M. Henry ot Central Allegheny, congregation,and the President.*,^*Rev. J. 0. K. Faris moderated in a call atBloomington, Indiana, on March 22d, which resultedin the election of Rev. M. A. Gault for pastor.—Mrs.Margaret Latimer, the mother of Rev. J. R. Latimer,fell asleep in Jesus, Monday evening, March 20, inthe 74th year of her age. She was one of the earlysettlers of the neighborhood, and has been a memberof Bloomington congregation from the first. She hadmore than ordinary ability, was very devout aud loved•the church of her choice. Just six months beforethe day of her burial, her husband, Samuel Latimer,had been laid to rest.*^.'* The Ladies'Missionary Society of the ReformedPresbyterian church at Sterling, Kansas, desires,through the medium of the <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Nation</strong>, iopublicly thank all tbose societies and individuals thatso generously responded to our appeal for help. MayGod's richest blessings be upon you all. Up to datethe amount received through the solicitation of ourrepresentative. Miss Mary Benn, has been, 371.00;gift of " A friend," $50.00; raised by the Society here,$72.50; total, $493.50. Expended for repairing,refurnishing and general work, $400.12 ; balanceonhand, March 1st, $93.38. Said balance is to be usedfor pews for the church, which are now being made.Eespectfully submitted,Mrs. Wm. Davis, President.Miss Nbitie Connery, Treasurer.We reoognize with mach pleasure that the" <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Nation</strong>," New Tork, has formally acceptedand is faithfully upholding^ the true historioposition ofthe Covenanter Chnrch; and Synod, realizingthe urg:ent need at this time of a live TreeMjchnrch paper, heartily commends the " Ghristian<strong>Nation</strong> '* to the patronag:e and support of the membersof the chnrch.—.lc( of M. P. Synod in PiUsburgh,Pa., June 10,<strong>18</strong>91.*^*Last Sabbath week ago, at the request of thedeacons of his church, Eev. J. E. Wylie preached asermon on the subject of freewill offerings, choosingfor his text. Psalm 29 : 9. 1st. They are sanctionedby the scriptures. Must be given without compulsion,on account of some physical, temporal or spiritualgood, or for some special purpose as tha buildingof the Temple. 2nd. They ean only be given whenobligations of duty have been fulfilled, in act or sincerepurpose. We do owe God something and thisshould not be given as a freewill offering. 3rd. Whenthey are promised they beoome obligatory. 4th.They give great joy to the giver. This is the mainthought in the text. 5th. They lead us to a high andclear realization of God's ownership in all that wehave. This is beautifully expressed in the context.At the close of sermon, a freewill offering for thesupport of the ordinances was taken up amounting to$55.25. The financialaffairs of this congregation arein a satisfactory condition.—Coultersville Republican.**'''The Session of Church Hill congregation wouldrespectfully report the following program for conferenceat the meeting of the Hlinois Presbytery, to beheldat Coulterville, 111., April llth, <strong>18</strong>93. L Is apolitical party on the basis of the principles of the<strong>Nation</strong>al Eeform Association advisable ; and couldshould <strong>Christian</strong>s absent themselves from the Colniaibian Exposition if the gates are open on the 8abb»thor intoxicants are sold on the grounds ?' Elder from.Princeton, and Rev. D, S. Faris to open. IIL Shouldthe Sabbath Soaool interfere with the preaching otthe Word on any part of the Sabbath? Elder from.Oakdale and Bev. J. R. Wylie to open.J, R. Wyub, Moi.R. K. WiSELi,Cterfe*^* Statement of the outgrowth of nickles leftTfitli'Mansfield, Ohio, friends, by Eev. W. W. Carithenj,Indian Mission—W. H. Coverdale $.50, John Olwli1.00, Manford Hicks .25, Manson Hicks .25,. Frank,Becker .30, Mrs. S. H. Garrett 1.00, Estella Garrett1.00, Annie Clark 1.00, J. B. Jordan .50, H. B. Thomi(1.00, Julia Cromer .55, Edie O'Neil .50, Mary Oromei.30, E. B. Adams .55, Ella Coulter 4.25, Mary Patterson1.60, Libbie Stevenson .50, Mrs. Coverdale ,50;Mrs. Johnson 1.00, Mrs. J. B. Jordan 1.00, Mrs. MaryGe<strong>org</strong>e .55, Alice Garrett 1.00, Mrs. Eosana O'Neil.50, Geo. Patterson .35, Mrs. Reynolds 1.00, 8, H,Garrett 1.00, Miss Frank Ge<strong>org</strong>e 2.05, Nannie Garrerf.50, A. W. Patteron, Jas. A. Patterson, B. 8. B. Patterson,J, A. W. Patterson, J. L. Patterson, Mm,Maria Patterson, 1.00, Ida Beaumont .60, BessieKrebs .35, Mary Eeynolds 1.00, Edie Hemmerli 1,00,Lauretta Davis ,55, Mary and Helen Becker ,35,Total, $28.65. Southem Mission—W. H. Coverdale.50, E. J. Gault .50, Edie O'Neil .50, Mary Oromei.35, Mrs. Coverdale .60, Mrs. Eosana O'Neil .60,Lauretta Davis .60. Total, $3.35.{From Pittsburgh Commercial Oazette of March W.]RESIGNS AGAIN.The Rev. Mr. Milligan Wishes to Leave the TI, P.Denomination.The regular meetingof the Monongahela presbyterjof the United Presbyterian chnrch was held yesterdajin the Third church, Diamond street. There weretwo sessions, morning and afternoon. A letter of resignationfrom the Eev. O. B. MiUigan, pastor ot thjHighland Avenue chnrch, was the most impoitanimatter before the morning session.lThere was no signature to the letter, and on that fficount a general diecussion arose among the membenof the presbytery, and they were about to lay tbepaper on the table when the Eev. Mr. Milligan steppejlforward and attached his signature, claiming at Msame time that he had overlooked the matter before,;The letter was finallyplaced before the presbyteryand another discussion arose as to wliether the presbyteryshould defer action until the congregation hadbeen properly notified.Eev. Messrs. Bartley and Sands were of the opinionthat the congregation should not be entirely ignor^in the matter. Mr. Milligan said the congregaticilhad been notified verbally of his intention to resig^'^and he did not deer:! it necessary to have any of mimembers present to accept the resignation fromtheipresbytery or he would hava taken steps to that end.The Eev. J. A. Burnett of Wilkinsburg said wheiMr. Milligan was in trouble at Wilkinsburg witathfEeformed Presbyterian presbytery, be had come to thjUnited Presbyterian presbytery for advice and assietance, which was cheerfully given. "Ifhe wants kgo no r let him go," he added. A vote was finaUjtaken and carried to notify the congregation befontaking official action ou Mr. Milligan's resignation,Mr. Milligan has been in the United Presbyterianchureh less than two years. He was one of the comingdivines who defied the laws of the Eeformed Pieibyterianchurch in which they had been reared,through the promulgation of the famous East Endplatform, and late went over to the United Presbyteriandenomination.BEAVER FALLS CONGREGATIONS.Last week we briefly noted the fact that Rev. W.J-^Covenanters vote with snoh a party? Elder from Coleman had been called to sucoeed Rev. B, 3iBloomington and Rev. E. 0. Eeid to open. II. Why Ge<strong>org</strong>e, D. D., in Beaver Falls congregation. ^•Ge<strong>org</strong>e himself moderated in the call, whioh resultedin Mr. Coleman's election on firstballot.On Wednesday evening, March 29, Dr. B. ^hGe<strong>org</strong>e moderated in a call in Geneva congregati*whioh resulted in the choice on firstballot of Be*Dr. McAllister.

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