Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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Jane U, <strong>18</strong>93. A FAMILY PAPEE. 11ONE DOLUR•nd twenty-two otakB bujB m ngalMiIO11I7 ft lisit«d number will b« Kid atOut oi: the dearth aud the famine|1.93. If 70U wutt one order ImmedUtoly.BTRANOfi U U mtkj ttm thlf !• * Up Irom the strife and the battleIuto the fulluess divine.pnulne gold SUed item wind hunUns (Oft with the shameful defeat),o»M,eltherKentaorU(lle4sii«,b«tutlftiUj Up to th« palm and the laurelenKTATed bj hkod knd guftTtnteed to Oh 1 but the rest will be sweet.ircKr for 90 jeaxa. The moTementIi •Tery flneitem wind, jeweled, nlokel'lAmerloui, wuruited ftn kceurftte timakeeper. WK DON'T WANT A CENT" ^TUioe. Cut this adTcrtisemcDt outjd send to Ul if jou wuit tbe Wfttohmt to youi neeieat ezprewofflee 0.0.'. lubjiwt to exunloktiOB. If fbnnd[ntlafWctorj pkj the ftgent91.99, Other'wiae DON'T PAT A CENT. To edter.tise—wesell more wfttohei knd oheftpex/than mny other bouse on euth. Xbllwktohtetftlli for |30.00 the worla OTor.There in the fairest of lands!Sin evermore left behind us,ire *re now eet oiMj Kl our mort woa- Pain nevermore to distress;, offer. Orderto-dftj.Coita&othlnKto Ohanging the moan for the musio.order,aothlnc to ezunlne-Wktob eoitill.SS. Living the Saviour to bless.sears, Boebuck & Co., (pm Why should we care for the dyingeepH»l,t75,000.) Hlnneftpolk, lUnn.• MoA Dluno&d «t Wttab mtelogu VBUBeat Dining Car Service In The World.Mentiou A very tUe popular Oliciadt train on i X.tti the Chicago, 'U. Rock Island& Hhicago, Pacific Rock Kailway Island leaves Sl Chicago Pacific daily Ry at 10 p. m.It is caUed -'THE BIG FIVE," is only one day outand passengers arrive at Denver, Pueblo or ColoradoSprings early the-second morning.The Rock Island has become a popular Coloradoline and the train abive referred to is vestibuledand carries the Rock Is'and s excellent dining carservice.For fuLl particulars as to tickets, maps, rates applyto any coupon ticket office in the United StatesCanada or Mexico, or addressJNO. SEBASTIAN,Gen'l Ticket.& Pass. Agent, Chicago, IU.E.5ST. JOHN, luiliiiiiGeneral Manager Chicago, 111.B E S TLINECHICAGO AND ST LOUISTOKANSAS CITYTWO TRAINS DAILY^SiiliiiETOHiNGv15 and 25 cents. At All Druggists or by Mail.Minor's Ijeather Cement mends everything inleather. 10. 15 and 20 cents. Majorca BnbberCement repairs everything in rubber, 15 cents.MAJ )K'S CiiMii-MT CO., 233 William St.. N.Y.Iok • M ^S* ^k W table RemedicK. Have curedIM hLm B ag H many thousand cases called• d ^^ B "^ H hopeless. From first dose to his wife about the necessity of economy.syijiptomq rapidly disappear, and in ten days at least two-thirdsofall svmptnms are removed. $ 0 BOOK lO CPID of testimonials home, selling of miraculousa.res sent FREE. 10 DAYS LIGHTNING TREATMENT PLATER FREE by Christ the devil will walk home with you.If you go to churoh without meetingmail. Dr. H. H. Green & Sons, and Specialists. pi ating jewelry, Atlanta, watches GA.' bleware, &c. Plates the :r>;:m5&i^mM3i&m^^lestof jewelry good asCURtS WHtRE ALL ELSE FAILS-•w, on all kinds of metal I Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Useth gold, silver or nickel. ;:Ci la tima N- S/U Sold by M; druggists. PT'tO N :• ;'^I experience. No capital,h 'erj house has goods needingplatinc;. Wholesale to*• agents $5. Write for circu-•" Co>j lara. ColumbuB, H. E. DELNO O* &GOING HOME.Oat of the chill and the shadowiniii ttis thrill and the ahina :Leaviug the olond and the tempest,Beactiing the Daim and the cheer,Fiuding the end of our sorrow.Finding the end of our fear.^teing the face of tha MasterYearned for in " distance and dream,"Oh! for that rapture of gladness IOh, for that vision supreme 1Meeting the dear ones departed.Knowing them, claspiDg their hands,All the beloved and true hearted.That is but springing to life,Why should we shrink from the struggle.Pale at the swift-closing strife.Since it is only beyond us,Scarcely a step, and a breath,All that dear home of the living,Guarded by what we call death!There we shall learn the sweet meaningsHidden today from our eyes ;There we shall waken like childrenJoyous at gift and surprise.Come, then, dear Lord, in the gloaming.Or when the dawning is gray!Take ns to dwell in thy prest nee—Only thyself lead the way.Out of the chill and the shadowInto the thrill and the shine!Out of the dearth and the famineInto the fullness divine.Out of the sigh and the silenceInto the deep swelling song!TIRED P.:OFESS ONAL MENOut ofTJsetheHorsford'sexile andAcidbondagePhosphate.TheIutotiredtheprofessionalhome gaiheredand iterarythrong.men will find—Margaretnothing so soothihgH. Sangsterand refreshinginasCongregationalist.HorsfordsA cid Phosphate This is the testiraony of thousandsWISDOM of these classes FEOM of men. THE RAM'SHORN."When faith goes to chureh to pray forrain, it always takes an umbrella.As soon as Christ has a place m theheart the life begins to bear good fruit.The devil's mud cannot be made to•tick to a man whose face is toward God.The devil never knows exactly what todo with the man he cannot diseourage.No man can ever travel away from Godwithout doirig it at his own expense.The man who wants to work for Goddoes not stop to ask what the pay is to be.The only people who complain of hardtimes are those who do not give enough.The most effective preachers are notalways those who wear lo'ng-tailed coats.An extravagant man is always talking" WOBTH A GUINEA A BOK."CURESICKHEADACHE,iDlsordertd Uver, tte.They Act Like Magic on the Vital Orcans,Kegulatine the Secretions, restoring longlost Complexion, brioging back the KeenEdge of Appetite, and arousing with th^i!OSEBUD OF HEALTH the whole physicalenergy of the human frame. These Factsivre admitted by thousands, in all classes of-Society. Largest Sale in the World.Oovered with a Tasteless & Soluble Ooatiig.C)f all druggists. Price 2» cents a Bo:c.^'New Vofic Depot, 3'^; Canal Rt. *'>,r.'.'aA. CUKTIB fcCO..ADVERTISING 4SWUT IN ENGLAND,QDIHCT BT.,0HlGAaO, ILL.KUROPEAN CONTINENT, ETC*ADVERTISING AGENOY, LIMITED.Capital. $360,000HENBT SrLL, Makiqbk,(Editor and Fonnder of 8»ll'» Wobld's Pbbss.)Full partioBlara lefardlosBntlsli or BnropeanAdvertliljig. Siunple P»p»«. lUtM. ate, attb* LoBdon onee. <strong>18</strong>7 1633 Plut to Street, IO DAYS. or atNKW TORK OFJTTBE, Tender, 11 Park Bow. Scalded aronad uidl Fli(Ve«i Does notoloseftB pores. Not "a powder. By mal <strong>18</strong>8 cts.—Oeii'teaBdstamps. So stampforTreatlse. XHEWILBON DEUG CO.. GSHELEY, COL. Pleasemention the <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Nation</strong> when writbxt.

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