Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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10. CHEISTIAN NATION. <strong>Vol</strong>ume <strong>18</strong>.TAD LINCOLN AND THE SOLDIER.'Of all the children who havelived in the White House none hasbeen the object of greater affectionfrom the American people thanTad, the favorite son of PresidentLincoln, whose early death was thegreatest sorrow of his father's life.Tad won the goodwill of everybodyby his ready sympathy with allclasses and conditions of people.DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CUREDby local applications, as they cannot > fu'Ij-isss,Sivel1inff afte^'mea1s,IHzziness,%reach the diseased portion of the ear. g /»rnwsinp.ss, Ot!d C/iills, JFIiishinfjs of?There is only oue way to cure deafness, %ll-'t, Shortn''.>t.; of lireath, Costivencss,iand that is by constitutional remedies.% B.oiciifH on. the Skin. Disturbed Slrep,^Deafness is oaused by an inflamed conditionof the mucous lining of the Eu­soldier,room ^aiid leading atl nervous the and crippled trrtnblinfl and srw.sw-l sickg'loiis areforrelievedwhombyMr.tisingLincolntheseimmediatelywrote out an honorableI'illst« Covered wrth a Tasteless and Soluble Coating fstachian Tube. Wheu this tube getsA Of nl! dr-itreists Price *.» cents a box. iinflamed you have a rumbling sound discharge. ^ New York Depot. 3"5 Canal St.or imperfect hearing, and when it is^ • ^entirely closed Deafness is the result,Consumption Cured.aud unless the inflammation can be'.taken An old physician, retired from practice,had placed iu his hands by an Eastout and this tube restored to its normacondition, hearing will be destroyed forever;nine oases out often are c usedIndia missionary the formula of a simplevegetable remedy for the speedy andby cartarrh, which is nothing but anpermanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis,Catarrh, Asthma and all Throatinflamed condition ot the mucous surfaces.and Lung Afi'ections, also a positive andWe will give One Hundred Dollars radical cure for Nervous Debility andfor any case of Deafness (oaused by all Nervous Complaints, Having testedcatarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's its wonderful curative powers in thousandsot cases, and desiring to relieveCatarrh Cure, Send for circulars, free.F. J CHENEY & 00 , Toledo, O. human suffering, I will send free ofJI^"Sold by Druggists, 75c.charge to all who wish ii, this recipe inOne story of him is to the effectthat he oncu noticed a woundedsoldier hanging about the gates oftbe Executive Mansion, hoping tosee the President, to whom accesswas denied, it having bef>n givenout that no soldiers were to be dischargedon auy account. Thisveteran believed that he would notrecover, and was anxious to see hisfamily before he died. Tad sawhim, aud on learning what was thematter, led him into tbe ExecutiveMansion. Tbey were stopped liya sentinel f.t the door of the President's(.ffioe, but Tad shouted iuhis loudest boyish voice:"Enther, let me and my friendin!"Mr. L'uco'n ufvf'r could denyTad anything eveu wheu he wasmost busy, aud the boy etiier'-d ti e? ,^«*\~ .d box of> PILLSconstitutes ifaniit.v medi-Jcine cliest.Siek Sead-? ^^^«»Mv pC^'i!^ I Stomaeh, .^ ' " lAtSS of .4rt-'jietiie, Wind\andPaininbiheStomach.^, .. - Giddinesff, uGerman, French or English, with fulldirections for preparing and using.Sent by mail, by addressing, with stamp,naming this paper, W. A. Notes, 8:d0Powers Block, Rochester, N. Y.Sick headache ?relieve.Beecham's Pills willAn Exclusively Vestibule Line.The Ohio & Mississippi Kailway runsthree solid vestibule trains each waydaily between Cincinnatti aud St. Louiswithout change ,permittiug ail classesof passengers to occupy the vestibuleoars witUont extra charge.It is the only line running apassengertrainbetween Cincinnatti and St.Louis, notwithstanding the advertisementsof competing lines.The running time is less than tenhours, easily made over its straighttrack and solid road bed. The Ohio &Mississippi is the best and quickest linebetween St. Louis and Louisville, andbetween Louisville and Cincinnatti.Pullman buffet sleeping cars are runeach way daily by this line between St.I NESS ftHEAD NOISES CURED 19 Louis and Washington, Baltimore, Phdadelphia,New York, and Bo.^ton, andD E A F ! Peck's INVISIBLE TUBUIAR EARCUSHIONS. Whlspersheard. Comfortableand self adjustinir. SuccessCnl where all Berne. Tickets via the Ohio & Mississippibetween Cincinnati and Louisville.dies faU. Sold by F. HISCOX, only, 853 Broad*ay,MewYork. ..Write for IUustrated Book of rsn Proofs FBBX. cEiiEBaAxza)PIAKOSPIMOSAfeatpresenttbetnost pop-aroa 149 xo 155 east tatb; stbkbt. jstew tobx.preferredliy tlieleadingArtista.Kailway are for sale at offices of connectinglines East, West. North and South.W. B. Shattuc, Oen'l Pass, Agt. J.F.BAB.SAm), Pres. andOen'lMan, Cincinnati,O.(From the Ham's Horn.)Sin is never repulsive at firstsight.The moment faith stops work itdies.Nothing a bad man owns can lastlong.No one can keep a sin withoutfirst rejecting Christ.Give a lie the right to live and itwill wreck the universe.Whether we go to heaven or hellwill be decided by what we love.No man can believe in his heartthat God is God and be a loafer.The dangerous thing about alittle sin is that it won't stay little.Whenever you pray ask God tobless some one vou don't likeHelped out— housework with Pearline.It helps the worker, and improvesthe work. You canuse it on anything in thehouse. The finest things arenot too delicate; the coarsestare not too difficult. Pearlinemeans safety in all that itdoes, and it does all that youwant.Beware of imitations. 251 .TAMES PVLE, N.Y.I ADIES! THIS IS an»—" O i l . Dressing. It preserves theleather and is eoonomioal. It malies shoeslook Dew aud natural, not varnished. Be­Y . P. S. C. E .Calendar for i8^3.Card 7x10 Incheg. Beantlfnlly embossed incolors.Very artistic. The pad contains the monthly calendar and the weekly prayer meeting topics.Price, 30 cents. Postage and packingfive cents extra.WHO KNOWS HIS BIBI-K?A threefold ganie tor Bible scholars. History,proverbs, letters. An interesting and instructivS;game in which knowledge of the Bible and skill*in word building are combined. Pronounced by^critics the best game of the kind on the marketPrice, fifty cents, postpaid,SPECIAL BIBLE OFFBK.Next week we shall be prepared to furnish circularsmikiug a special offer on 'Bagster" and "Oxford"Genuine S, S. Teacher's BibJesJatest editionwith all the helps. Send for circular: Justthe thing for a Christmas present. ' .CHBISTIAN ENDEAVOR BADGES.All styles and sizes, f the genuine badge. Wornby workers all over the world. You want one.Send for price list.DAILYgBIBLE HEADINGS.On the Uniform 'opics. Now r^ady for <strong>18</strong>93. Alittle book et of sixteen pages that can be carriedin the vest pocket. Jivery member of your soc'*ety ought to have a copy. It wilt greatly helj.your prayer-meetings. Price, $1 50 per 100, postpaid.A PROVIDENTIAI. MOVEMENT.Containing Dr. *) ark's New York address, SeoretaryBaers report, Platform of Princip es eti>Full of inspiration, information, and suggestionPrice, ?2 per.lOO,SUGGESTIONS TO THE GOOD-LITEBA.T0KB COMMITTEE.Just what its title implies, Eyery worker shouldread this leaflet. Price, »2 per 100.A BROADSIDE ON5THB PLEDGE.If this leaflet were generally distributed amongtheyoungpeop.e there would be fewer objectorsto the pledge. Price, $2 per 100.VERSE READER'S CLASS.How shall we secure graduates? A very helpfulleaflet for the Prayer-meetmg-Committee. Price,$2 per hundred.BELIEVE.A most helpftil tract for distribution among the"unsaved. The words of Scripture arranged so a^to produce conviction and lead to salvation. Price,Jl.ao per 100.SCRIPTURE ILLUSTRATED.Bible object lessons for Junior Leaders, "er?he'pful. lirice 5 cents each.OUTLINESTJ OFrTHE LIFE OF JE­Send for Price List, free. We do aU kinds ofSUS.Christi>-in Endeavor printing. Topic cards, ribbonFor itt'ebadges,learners.etc. SendArrangedfor estimates.in the torm of questionsand answers. Junior workers will eagerlywelcomethislitt . C E., eleafletwhich Publishing outlines Deparlment. so clearWware of other preparations r.presented toand yet 60 so Bromfield simply the St., lite Boston, of our Lord, Mass. Price, 5be "just BS good or better than RAVENcents each; $8 oer 100.(tLOSS." They are not, bnt are recommendJUNIOR CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR:ed beoanse of the greater rrofit. Insist unEaXABLISHED <strong>18</strong>57.ITS FIELD AND WORK.on having RAVEN GLO.SS.By Mrs. F.iv. (jlakk and M iss Kate H. HausBUTTON & THURSTON, Piice, 5 cents each; $3 per 100.IMAWUFACTUKI tw 1WE AERANGE DE81GXH FOR MB-MODEL CONSTITUTION FOR JUN­71 Barclay St., New York • ORIAL WORK. SKCURFNG THEIOR SOCIETIES.POINTS WHIOHPrice,ARE$1.25THEper lOo!T A C O M A , DON'T SMOKE. MO.ST IMPORTANT:$5 MONTHLY FOB LOTS. By Robert OURABILITV, J. Burdette. IHSIVIDUALITY, A bright, keen, article wntten in i urdette's ARTISTIC inimitable SHARACTEIt^ style, thatFuijct Sound Gentre. should We be Execute placed in In thei>ands«f Besf Manner, every bov wort PriceVAST RESOURCES STEADT RISE IN $1 per 100. In Metal, Wood, Marble, Stone,VALUESSOME OLD TRUTHS EMPHASIZEDk»>-rw>. Tacoma, W.saor Stained Glass.By Dr. |^° Clark. Send lor Price Hand $1 Books. per 100.J. & B. LAMB,No. 69 Carmine St,, New York,

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