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Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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8. CHEISTIAN NATION Y UIUIUO <strong>18</strong>.A m o n g tbe G h a r e h e sSTAR NOTES.*,„''" The Ladies' Missionary Sooiety, of the R. P.church, Coultersville, 111., will give their "AnnualMay Festival" on Tuesday evening, May 23d.,*,^'* Mrs. Elizabeth McOonachie, of Spurta, III.,died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wilson Moore,of Swanwick, HI., ou Thursday evening, April 20.heart-felt sympathy to the husband, who will more''':j*Prof. J. S.Martin, we nnderstand, has decided to thau any one else miss his life-long companion. Heaccept the pastorate of McKeesport, Pa., congregation.It is a splendid location in whioh to do mission work.*** For the Indian Mission, from the ChatterboxIlission Band of Beulah Congregation, Bostwick,Neb., $9.40. Reported by Treasurer John T. Morton.*** Miss Tillie Armstrong, of thi« oity, who hasbeen doing missionary work for the Third and Fourthcongregations of New York, will shortly go to Chicagofor the summer.*^* Some weeks ago we reported in brief Rev. J. E.Wylie's sermon on free will offerings, but gave thewrong text. The type should have said 1 Chronicles89:9, not Psalms 29:9.*j^* Dr. James Kennedy's congregation, the Fourthof this city, will celebrate his jubilee on Thursday,evening. May 14. Mr. Kennedy was ordained a ministerMay 14, <strong>18</strong>43. The congregation is entirely freefrom debt.*^* Report of the Ladies' Missionary Society of theThird Ref. Pres. congregation of Philadelphia:During the year we held eleven meetings, all ofwhich were well attended. The number of membera enrolledat the beginning of the year was 52. Numberof decrease by request 2. Number of new members,1. Leaving enrolled for the year <strong>18</strong>93, 51. Amonntof money in the treasury, $104.38. The followingdisbursements were made: To the Foreign Mission,$40.00; Domestic Mission, $20.00; Ohinese Mission,$14.50; Southern Mission, $14.50; Indian Mission,$14.50; Total $103.50; leaving a balance of 83ots. inthe treasury for the year <strong>18</strong>93.Ruth A. MoKnight. Sec.*** Bobert Kennedy Toaz died April 6, <strong>18</strong>93, at thehome ofhis son-in law, Joseph B. Eobinson, of Rochester,in the 79th year of his age. Ho was born inoounty Derry, Ireland. His father was a Presbyterianminister but dying when his son was quiteyoung he was brought up under the pastoral oare ofDr. Barnard of Monnymore. At an early age he unitedwith the ohurch and was made ruling elder in his 24thyear. Severel years later he married Ellen Davidson.Being an extensive reader on religions subjects heeariy determined for himself, that the doctrines heldby the Oovenanter Church were nearest the truth. He,with his family, came to this oountry in <strong>18</strong>56, and settledin Maine where he haa relatives; but found heoould not conscientiously unite with any churoh there.He opened up a correspondence with Rev. DavidSoott of Rochester, whioh ended iu his coming toRhchester and waiting with the Covenanti>r Ohnrohhere. He was ordained ruling elder in that congregationabout <strong>18</strong>72. After a short illness he fell asleepin Christ, having an assurance of a glorious ressurrsction.*** Minute of the L. M. S. of Clarinda, Iowa, congregation,on the death of Mrs. Catharine Oaskey, inher 87th year:We are called to mourn the death of one of ournumber, Mrs. Catharine Oaskey, who departed thislife on Dec. 23, <strong>18</strong>92. Mrs. Caskey united with oursociety shortly after its <strong>org</strong>anization. She was deeplyinterested in the woik of the sooiety, and the oauseof missions. Though not able to attend all its meetings,she requested it to meet as often as convenientat her own house. Death to the believer is a dooropening into one of the mansions that Christ has goneto prepare for his people. When we stand by thedeath bed of friends, and see life ebbing slowly away,and the breath getting shorter and shorter, we rerlizeour own weakness and the heart turns to our kindter give Heavenly led the should consistent Father be an for <strong>Christian</strong>; incentive that consolation to the life to which he be more alone our dili­can sis­gent in the Master's work, knowing that here we haveDO abiding place. While we will miss her from our circle,we donot mourn as those who have no hope, forwe know the Master makes no mistakes in removinghis people from us, he is only fulfilling his promise%o receive them to himself, that where he is they may bealso.Our dear sister was spared to a gocfd old age; her longJife was spent in the service of Christ and his churoh.She was one who oould truly say " the habitation ofthy house. Lord, I have loved well." Death to herwas simply falling asleep in Jesus. We extend ourfeels God will comfort him in this sad trial. "Allthings work together for good to those who put theirtrust in God." To the ohildren we would say, followin the footsteps of the one gone before. We deeplyfeel for you and commit you all to the care of a kindFather, who doeth all things well.Mrs. M. E. McKee.Mrs. M. PoiiiiOOK.I We reaogrnlie irltli nutob pletMnre tbat tbeI " <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Nation</strong>," New Tork, ba* formaUy ae-I cepted and Ig faltbfoUy npboldlng the trne blstorloI position of tbe Covenanter Chareh; and Synod, real-I Izlng tbe urgent need at this time of a Uve weeMyI chnrcb paper, heartily commends tbe " GhristianI <strong>Nation</strong> *' to tbe patronage and support of the mem-I bersof tbe churoh.—.ilet of vmf»yjKtUiiii*^/Mi%iyMW/.K».JJ. P. Synod in Piltatmrgh,I Pa., June 10, ian.CONTRIBUTIONS FOR NATIONAL REFORM.Previously acknowledged, $4314.08.Allegheny, Pa., Central E. P. cong., per Theo.Sproull, • 9.22.Clay sville, Pa., Rev. Alex. McLachlan, 10.00.Eden, Ills., Joseph Patton, per Rev. JohnHarper, 8.00.Lake Reno, Minn., E. P. oong., per J. J. Torrns and Walter T. Miller, 8.50.Lisbon, N. Y., R. P. oong., per. Rev. Wm.McFarland, 11.00.Cedarville, O., R. P. cong., per. D. S. Ervin, 25.00.Total to April 29, $4385.80.David McinLisTKB, Treas.,13 Union Ave., Allegheny, Pa.A DAY AT GENEVA.It was my privilege quite recently to spend aday atGeneva College, visiting the claKses, and an eveningwith the literary societies; and the impression receivedwas very favorable as to the work being done.I am sure thae if the friends, patrons and benefactorsof the college, and the parents of the students, couldonly drop in and spend a day with the professo s andstudents, they would be highly gratified and led totake a still deeper interest in the institution. Thework done in the literary societies was specially commendable.Both have elegantly fittedand well appointedhalls. The exercises in one of the halls wereinterspersed from time to time during the eveningwith music from an oiehestra composed of the studentsthemselves. The reading room, which is a veryvaluable department of the institution, might have itaefficiency greatly Increased by a more liberal supplyof many leading magazines and jounrals of the day.The gymnasium furnishes an excellent opportunityfor the cultivation of muscular Covenanterism. Asall who are interested in the institution and especiallythe parents who have thoir loved children committedto its care, I am sure they will be pleased to be assuredthat their treasures are enjoying such good oareand facilities for improvement. *WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY.The eighth annual meeting of the Women's PresbyterialMissionary Society of Pittsburgh Presbyterywas held in the Allegheny churoh, Eev, W. J. Coleman,pastor, on April 2'7th and 28th. Forty-sevendelegates were present, representing thirty-one societies.The sessions were all very interesting, and atApril 7, Miller & Vangorder, circular letter blanksand programmes lor meet'g in Allegheny City, $5994our Thank-offering service over $800 were given forTotal expenditures.Eespectfully submitted*various schemes. $1000 was donated toward the IndianChapel Building Fund.Aew Brighton, AprU IB, <strong>18</strong>93.Balance,Mrs. Jas. K. McKee, Treat.Miss Joanna Speer was re-elected matron of the IndianMission.The following officers were elected for the oomingyear: President, Mrs. E. 0. Wylie, Wilkinsburg; 1stVice Pres.. Pres., Mrs. Mrs. "^ Jno. Coleman, T. Morton, Allegheny; Allegheny Reo. ; 2d Sec, ViceMargaret McCartney, Beaver Falla ; Oor. Sec, MaryHenning, Wilkinsburg ; Treas., Mrs. J. R. McKee,New Brighton.Altogether it was a most enjoyable convention, andwe are sure all our delegates will go home to stir theirlocal societies to more zealous work for the Master.Report of Mrs. Jas. S.. McKee, treasurer of the Women's MissionarySociety oi the Pittsburg Presbytery, from April <strong>18</strong>,<strong>18</strong>92, to April<strong>18</strong>,<strong>18</strong>93—both days inclusive. Xhe revenue from all sources duringthe year are as foUnws ;Receipts.Balance per last report, April <strong>18</strong>, <strong>18</strong>92 $653 94Apr. 28, Children's M. B. Beaver Falls, per Mrs. K. J. Ge<strong>org</strong>e 5.00L. M. 8 Kehoboth, Miss Wilkins, add. 28.00June 4, New Castle Mission Band, 11. Ellen Stewart. 3.00July U, L. M. S. Balem Belview Br. Mrs. M.J.McFarland, 5.05Oct. 20, L. M, S. McKeesport,- Minnie Blair, 16.00<strong>18</strong>93Jan. 9, L M. S. New Alexandria, Anna T. Patterson, 50.00Jan. 20, Mrs. E. E Gibson, Cen'l Allegh'y, Mrs J W. Sproull, 20.00Mar: 6, L. M. 8. Allegheny, Miss Nancy J. Ewing, lOt.OO11, L. M. S. Salem, Mrs M. J. Campbell, 10.00<strong>18</strong>. L. M. S. Union, 4i aggie SprouU, 10.00L. M.S. Springfield, M. J. Eodgers, 10.0021, L. M. S. lUillers Run, ElizaT. fccott, 58.0025, A. M. Milligan Band, Marg't Sloan, 15«29, L. M. S. Central Allegheny, Mrs J. W. Sproull, 55 0031, L. M. S. Parnassus, Lizzie Eeed, 30.00April 1, L. M. S. North Union, Mrs. D. B. Crowe, 27 507, L. M. S. Youngstown, Rachel Elliott, 5 COL. M. 8. Eighrh St., Pittsburgh. Mrs. T. H. Boyd. 200.00V. L.M. S Beaver Falls, Ella M. Pearce, 25.00L. M. 8. New Castle, 25 00April 8; L. M. S- Slippery Rock, Ella Wyhe, 25.00L. M. 8. Allegheny, Nancy J Ewing, 60.00(To be used as most needed)L. M. S. Brookland & Manch'r Mrs Mary Eeed, 20 00April 10, L- M. S. Beaver Falls, Miss Maude Ge<strong>org</strong>e, 115.0010, Children's Miss Band, of Beaver Total, Falls, »1, 762.19 5.00Children's Expeudituies. Band, Allegheny, Lizzie Q. Coleman 10.00(Ask the privilege to decide later to what part of the workMay 2, toPaidbe devotedMissto)Wisely salary in full to May 1. $15 00"31. 12, L.PaidM. S. Wilkinsburg,'• •• '• 'MissJuneM.1,Gibson, 100.00 15.00June 27, Int.Paidto Nov.. 1 <strong>18</strong>92."Jno.'-Julyl.T. ,. orton, Tr. 15.00 72.00., ,, L.PaidM. S. Rehoboth.*' " traveling expenses home.J.A. White, 29.10 15 OOAug. 15, Paid Miss Speer, acct. traveling to IndianSept. 30, Mission,Oct. 31, Paid Ajiss Speer, salary in full to Oct. 1,Dec. 1, Paid •' ' '• ' Nov. 1,<strong>18</strong>93.Paid •' ' ...... ., ' Jan. j)gc 1, j^Jan. 31, PaidFeb. 1,Feb, 28,Mar, 1,Mar. 27.Feb. 28,Apr. 12,PaidMar. 1.Paid Jno. T. Morton Tr. of Domestic April 1,Miss. Board on acct., salary of Rev,W. W. Carithers for year commencingFeb.l, <strong>18</strong>93.Paid Jno. T. Morton, Tr. of DomesticMission Board, bal. of Rev. W. W.Carithers' salary for year endingFeb. 1,1964,Total expenditures.Balance on hand Apr <strong>18</strong>, <strong>18</strong>93,Current Account.April <strong>18</strong>, Balance." 28, Collection at New Galilee Meeting,June 21, " Thank-offering, Beaver Falls,Total Receipts,Expenditures.<strong>18</strong>92May16, Miller& Vangorder, (Programmes) forNew Galilee MeetingMrs. M. b. Gibson. Cor ^ec. for postage,Laura M btevenson. typewriting letterordered by i x ComJune 27, Mrs R. J. Ge<strong>org</strong>e, Program for ThankofferingMeet g.Mrs. K. J. Ge<strong>org</strong>e, postage,30 0012.2517.5017-5017.5017.5017.C017.60400.00600.00$1,221.25541.2i$1,762.19« 12.1611146.04$59 94$2.501.101.595.001.20

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