Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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10. CHEISTIAN NATION. <strong>Vol</strong>ume <strong>18</strong>.Snooper I object to the term 'crank'for a man whose mind always runs in thesame groove and who is forever impressinghis opinions on you.Sumway: What's your objection?Snooper: Well, a mechanical crank canbe turned, but the animate crank can't.W. BAKER & CO.'Sllie Garrett Picket & Wire Fence SJachinij"Weaves to the posts. Best reakMGocoain the world. ThousandBin use. Saaranteed. Freiglitpaid. Agents are repor^ing big sales. Machinea.Wire, etc., at wholesaledirect to Farmars whereX have no agent. Cata­Teacher: How will you ever get alongin the world if you never learn to spell?Little Daisy (firmly); 1 shall not need toknow how to spell; 1 intend to be a typewriter.$100 Reward $100.Th* readers of thi8 paper will bepleased to learn that there is at least onodreaded disease that science haa beenable to cure in all its stages, and that isCatarrh. Hall's Oatarrh Cure is the onlypositive oure now known to the medicalfraternity. Catarrh being a constitutionaldisease, requires a constitutionaltreatment, HaH'u Catarrh Cure ia takeninternally, acting directly upon theblood and mucous sarfaces of the system,thereby destroying the foundationol the disease, and giviug the patientstrength, by building up the constitutionand asi^'isting nature in doing itswork. The proprietors have »o muchfaith in its curativs powers, that theyofl'er One Hundred Dollars for any casethat it fails to cure. Send for list of Tes­1 AN JDEAL FAMILY logue free. MEDIGINE Address tne= For ^^^^^^^^^^^^ IndJffestlon. Biliousness. manufacturer,I Headache, H. GARREITT. CoiiBtlpatlon, MANSFIELD. ISad OHIO.= Complexion, Offcnttlve ItreathjI and all disorders of ttie Stomach,I liver and Bowels.I RIPANS TABULESJ. i act T.Ta-ylor, gently yet proDiptly, Perfect M. Wilson,E digestion 240 W. follows 31$t St. their use, US 8th Avenue,ITAYLORMay be obiaine(;jpwelry,wiiichetttiblcwarc, kc. Plates theSncst of jowelry good unew, OD all kinds of metalvriib ^old, silver or uickel.Theological Books- exp'.'ricnce. Old&New.No capital,Immeiise stock—low Ev rv prices* llDusGhascoodnneed-Tibbars Book __^^^ . in^'pia'ini;. Company. Wholesale t»Catalogue. ** 26 3 Warren P^i^'i^iii'.JS. St., Write K for T. circu-• '.^ ^ lars. Bl. K. DELNO ACo.( CoiumbuBf O.WE AREANGE DESIGNH FOR ME­MORIAL WORK. «ECURIBG THKPOINTS WHICH ARE THEMOST IMPORTANT:DURABILITY, INDIVinUALITY,ARTISTIC GHARACTERWe Execute In tho B«9t Manner, workIn Metal, Wood, Marble, Stone,or Stained Gla«8.S>° Send lor Haud Books.J. & R. LAMB,Ko. S9'Cannine St., New Tork.

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