Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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June 21,<strong>18</strong>93.A FAMILY PAPEK.to request the children of the church to direot theirefforts during the ensuing Synodical year to the raisingqf funds for aiding in the erection of churches atiJenver, Kansas Oity and Seattle.A recess was taken for one hour.At one o'clock Synod reassembled, and Elder Wm.Toung led in prayer.On Export on Plan of -Federation the followingpaper was adopted: "The Oommittee to which wasreferred the Plan of Federation of the Eeformedcliurches, and the letter ol Rev. R. M. Patterson,Ohairman of sub-3ommittee transmitting the plan,would respectfullv report the following recommendations: 1. i'hat the Plan of Federation be publishedin the appendix to the minutes ol Synod. 2. Ihata committee of three ministers and two elders be appointedto report to next Synod, as to proposed Plan,their own conclusions after consideration, and aftercorrespondence with tbe chairman transmitting tbePlan. 3. That ihe Clerk of Syuod inform Rev. R.M. Patterson, chairman, of this action.Committee on Evangelistic work reported the followingrecommendatious,which wereadopted : 1. Thatthe Seminary Faculty be directed to secure, if possible,evangelistic work for the unlieensed studentsduiing the summer vacation. 2. That pastors beearnestly recommended to train the youi g people oftheir congregations in Bible Study for practical workin conducting Sabbath Schools, prayermeetings, etc.3. That pastors and members be recommended tokeep themselves familiar with the missionary work ofthe church at home and abroad, that they may comemore in touch with the missionaries, and that they rememberthem by name at the throne of grace.The committee on nominations would respectfullyrecommend the following :1. As delegates to the council of the Pan-PresbyterialAlliance to be held in Glasgow, Scotland, iu <strong>18</strong>96 ;Ministers— D. B. Willson, W. J. Coleman his alternate.Elders—Andrew Alexander of the 2d NewYork, W. O Starrett of Union congregation alternate.Wm. Anderson of 1st Philadelphia congregation ;Oliver Wylie of Wilkinsburg his alternate.As a committee to ccnfer with similar committeesof the Reformed Presbyterian chnrches of Scotlandand Ireland as to representative gathering of Covenanters,we nominate the following : Ministers—D.McAllister D. C. Martin, J. W. Sproull. Elders—M.G. Eower of Parnassus ; S. McNaugher of Pittsburgh.As delegates to the Convention of the <strong>Christian</strong> Associationopposed to Secret Societies to be held atChicago, June 20, <strong>18</strong>93, we recommend the following :Ministers—T. P. Eobb, T. H. Acheson, W. M. Glasgow,M. A. Gault and Isaiah Faris. Elders—ThomasMcClement of Sharon, J. B. Dodds of Rehoboth, Committee. G.Cunningham of Morning Sun, A. L. McConahy ofPrinceton.The committee reoommend that the delegates tothe anti-secret convention, and the committee of conferencehave power to flllvacancies or to add to theirnumber if found desirable.That D. B. Willson, W. J. Coleman, and E. C.Wylie, ministers, and S. M. Orr and James McAteer,elders, be the oommittee on conf ederation of churches.R. J. Ge<strong>org</strong>e,Col. IngersoU, in T. a recent P. Eobb, eulogy on President'Qo'y^ijrxtS,6^11 tt\e WorlA,Ssr\(^ pri^^o^cK tK^ ^o&p

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