Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org

Christian Nation Vol. 18 1893 - Rparchives.org


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DEPAETMENT OF MISSIONS - - - •The Two Olive Trees.—Intsi national Evangelioal Assocation.CONTRIBUTIONSSocial Coven«nting.RELIGIOUS AND DEVOTIONAL - - - -Satbath School Lesson, No. VIIL, May 21, <strong>18</strong>93: " Against Intemperance."Prov. 23:29-35. Comment by Eev. T. P. Kobb. PrimaryLesson by Grace Hamilton Ge<strong>org</strong>e.Prayer Meeting Topic for Wednesday, May 10, <strong>18</strong>93: "Walking bythe Spirit." Gai. 5:25. Comment by Eev. T. H. Acheson.<strong>Christian</strong> Endeavor Department: Authorized Topic for week beginningMay 14, <strong>18</strong>93: "Winning Souls." Prov. 3:13-<strong>18</strong>. Comment by Eev.T. Holmes Walker.EDITORIAL PAGESVI, VIIEditorial Notf s.—Cliristianitj in the Constitution.—The Week—Eeyiewof the 'Wec'k.AMONG THE CHURCHESVIIIStar Notes—Letters—Beayer Falls' Calls Not To Be Presented.AROUND THE OLD ARM CHAIR - - - - IXSunrise on the Hudson.—How to Live Long.—Helpful Ccrner.—Children's Corner.Why You Should UseCleveland's Baking PowderIt is beyond question perfectly wholesome, beingcomposed only of pure cream of tartar and soda, withenough flour added to keep the strength, no ammonia,alum, no adulteration whatever,A rounded teaspoonfurIt is the strongest.of Cleveland's Baking Powder does more and betterwork than a heaping teaspoonful v,>/"~^V of others.A large saving on a year's baking. ^^^^^Cake and other articles of food keep moist andfresh and do not dry up as when m^de with bakingpowders containing ammonia or alum.OF THENCREA5EOF HISGOVERN­MENTANDPEACETHElf^ESHALLBEN O ENDVOL <strong>18</strong>—WHOLE NO. 445. - MAYS, <strong>18</strong>93$L50PER YEAR.PUBLISHED BY 'CHRISTIAM MATION CO., NEW YORK CITY.P.O.BOX 2633.

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