1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMof the brigade, with forward observ- c. <strong>Army</strong> Aviation. <strong>Army</strong> aviation is used toers being provided to each company- augment theground reconnaissanceandsecuritysize combat unit.effort. Initially, maximum air support is provided(3) Fres of general support artillery may to the security force. After the securityforce has withdrawn through the forward defensivedirect support artillery channels. area, air vehicles may provide surveildirectlance of the flanks and the areas between(4) Artillery elements are attached nor- strongpoints. They may assist the movementmally to the security force during the of forces in the defensive area and deliver criinitialconduct of the defense. When tical items of supply.the security force is forced to with- 236. Defensive Echelonsdraw, the artillery withdraws to pre- Defensive echelons include the security echeselectedpositions to support the de- lon, the forward defensive echelon and the refensiveaction.serve echelons. Each of these echelons is allob.Engineers. Engineer support during de- cated forces and fires as part of the overallfensive operations is discussed in paragraph plan of defense (Mobile Defense pars. 237-243284. and Area Defense pars. 244-253).Section III.MOBILE DEFENSE237. General other supporting fires, including nuclearclear weapons weapons when authorized, anda. The mobile defense employs a combinationof offensive, defensive, and delaying actions,with the ultimate success of the defense de- (2) The size and composition of the coverpendingupon the offensive action of the strik-ing force depends upon the front to being force. The primary objective of the mobilecovered and the amount of delay redefenseis the destruction of the attackingquired. The covering force for a divienemyforce.sion may be a brigade, the armoredcavalry squadron, or a battalion taskb. Although armor units on independent force. In some situations, the armoredmissions, or subordinate units of the armoredcavalry regiment may be attacheddivision, may employ some of the techniques offrom corps to perform this mission.the mobile defense, the division is normally theThe covering force is reinforced norsmallestunit to conduct such an operation.mally with combat and combat sup-<strong>Armor</strong> units participate normally in a mobileport units necessary to accomplish thedefense as the security force, the fixing force, mission (pars. 92-110).or the reserve.(3) When the armored division is execut-238. The Security Forces ing the mobile defense as a part ofthe corps, the covering force will coa.General. Security forces consist of the ordinate its actions with the securitycovering force, observation posts, listeningforces of adjacent divisions.posts, patrols, and rear area security forces.(4) When the armored division executesb. Covering Force. the mobile defense independently, the(1) The covering force detects and reports covering force may be located fromthe approach of the enemy; delays8 to 25 kilometers forward of theand disorganizes his advance; and de-FEBA.ceives him as to the location of the (5) When engaged heavily with the enemymain force. The division covering and the plan of defense does not perforceseeks to destroy the enemymit establishment of the forward dewithinits capabilities employing fensive echelon further to the rear, it120 AGO 9139A

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