1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMtaining secondary threats. Simultaneuos coun-terattacks by elements of the reserve dividecombat power and should be avoided.is applied to contain the other threats. It maybe necessary to detach part of the reserve andattach it to the fixing force to assist in con-Section IV. AREA DEFENSE244. General rain, route of communication, concealment, anda. The area defense requires the retention security. The characteristics of a good reserveof terrain for a period of time. In this type of position includedefense,forward positions are strongly held (1) Accessibility. It should have goodand emphasis is placed on stopping the enemyroutes for rapid movement to the anforwardof the FEBA. The bulk of the combatticipated sectors of employment.power is committed to this task. It may not be (2) Concealment. It should not be underpossible or advisable to physically occupy allenemy ground observation, and shouldkey terrain in the defended area, but sufficientoffer the best possible concealmentcombat power must be available to dominatefrom air observation.the area. If the enemy penetrates the defense (3) Dispersion. It must permit dispersionhe is destroyed or ejected by counterattack ofof units and vehicles.the reserves with the principal objective of re- (4) Firm standing. It must offer standinggaining control of the forward defense area.that permits free movement of all ve-Reserves are also employed to block enemy ad-hides in the reserve force.vances and to reinforce threatened areas.b. Although armor units normally prefer to 247. Organization and Function of theemploy the techniques of the mobile defense Security Forcefor defensive operations, they may establish The size and composition of the securityan area defense when the terrain or the missionrequire it.forces depend upon the time required for thedefending forces to prepare defensive positions,the terrain, and the troops available.245. Distribution of Forces in theArea Defense248. Organization and Functions of ForcesIn the area defense, forces are distributed to in the Forward Defense Areaaccomplish three functions-to provide secu- The commander selects the terrain that mustrity and prevent surprise attacks; to stop and be held to accomplish the defense mission andrepel the enemy's attack; and to destroy or determines the enemy avenues of approacheject penetrations of the forward defensive leading to them. Based on this, he then desigarea.To accomplish these functions, three tac- nates defensive sectors to subordinate units,tical groupings are organized-the security assuming where possible, that responsibilityforce, forces in the forward defense area, and for avenues of approach or key terrain feathereserve.tures is not divided. Boundaries and coordinatingpoints are established between battalion246. Selection of the Forward Defensive task forces and company teams. BoundariesArea and Reserve Positionsare extended forward of the FEBA to the limita. The Forward Defense Area. Higher head- of the range of supporting weapons, and to thequarters will normally designate the forward rear to include the subordinate reserve locaedgeof the battle area (FEBA) by establish- tion. The gaps between defensive areas areing boundaries and coordinating points. covered by fire and movement, obstacles, andb. The Reserve Position. The reserve should surveillance. Fires are coordinated between adbelocated where it can best execute prepared jacent units. For a discussion of the armoredplans for its employment, considering the prob- brigade, tank battalion and tank company, seeable direction of the enemy's main effort, ter- FM 17-30 and FM 17-15.AGO 9139A 125

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